Textus Receptus Bibles
Bishops Bible 1568
69:1 | Saue me O Lorde: for waters haue entred in vnto my soule |
69:2 | I am ouer the head in deepe myre where I feele no grounde: I plunge in deepe waters where the streame ouerwhelmeth me |
69:3 | I am weery of crying, my throte is drye: my syght fayleth me through the long attendaunce that I haue geuen vpon my Lorde |
69:4 | They that hate me without a cause are mo then the heeres of my head: they that are myne enemies and woulde destroy me giltlesse are mightie, I payde them the thynges that I neuer toke |
69:5 | God thou knowest my folly: and my faultes are not hyd from thee |
69:6 | Let not them that trust in thee O Lorde God of hoastes, be for my cause ashamed: let not those that seke thee, be through me confounded O Lorde of Israel |
69:7 | (69:7a) For thy sake haue I suffered reprofe, shame hath couered my face |
69:8 | (69:7b) I am become a straunger vnto my brethren, euen an aliaunt vnto my mothers children |
69:9 | (69:8) For the zeale of thine house hath euen eaten me: and the rebukes of them that rebuked thee, are fallen vpon me |
69:10 | (69:9) And I wept chastenyng my soule with fastyng: and that was turned to my reproofe |
69:11 | (69:10) Also I put on sackcloth for my garment: and they iested at me |
69:12 | (69:11) They that sit in the gate speake agaynst me: and they that drynke strong drynke make songes [vpon me. |
69:13 | (69:12) But I make my prayer vnto thee O God in an acceptable tyme: heare me O Lord in the multitude of thy mercie, according to the trueth of thy saluation |
69:14 | (69:13) Take me out of the myre, that I sincke not: oh let me be delyuered from them that hate me, & out of the deepe waters |
69:15 | (69:14) Let not the water fludde drowne me, neither let the deepe swalowe me vp: & let not the pyt shut her mouth vpon me |
69:16 | (69:15) Heare me O God, for thy louyng kindnesse is comfortable: turne thee vnto me accordyng vnto the multitude of thy mercies |
69:17 | (69:16) And hyde not thy face from thy seruaunt, for I am in trouble: O haste thee and heare me |
69:18 | (69:17) Draw nigh vnto my soule & redeeme it: for myne enemies sake oh redeeme me |
69:19 | (69:18) Thou hast knowen my reproofe, my shame, and my dishonour: myne aduersaries are all in thy syght |
69:20 | (69:19) Reproofe hath broke my heart a peeces, I am full of heauinesse: I loked for some to haue pitie on me, but there was none, and for some that shoulde comfort me, but I coulde fynde none |
69:21 | (69:20) They gaue me for meate, gall to eate: and when I was thirstie, they gaue me vineger to drynke |
69:22 | (69:21) Let their table be as a snare before them: and in steade of aboundaunce of peace, let it be a meanes of destruction |
69:23 | (69:22) Let their eyes be blynded that they see not: and euer bowe downe their loynes |
69:24 | (69:23) Powre out thine indignation vpon them: and let thy wrathfull displeasure take holde of them |
69:25 | (69:24) Let their habitation be desolate: and let no man dwell in their tabernacles |
69:26 | (69:25) For they persecute hym whom thou hast smitten: and they talke of the griefe of them whom thou hast wounded |
69:27 | (69:26) Let them fall from one wickednesse to another: and let them not enter into thy ryghteousnesse |
69:28 | (69:27) Let them be wyped out of the booke of the lyuyng: and not to be written among the ryghteous |
69:29 | (69:28) As for me I am afflicted and in heauinesse: thy sauing helpe O Lorde shal defende me |
69:30 | (69:29) I wyll prayse the name of the Lorde with a song: and magnifie hym with a solemne confession |
69:31 | (69:30) And it wyll please God: better then a bullocke that hath hornes and hoofes |
69:32 | (69:31) The humble wyll consider this and be glad, such as seke after God: and your soule shall lyue |
69:33 | (69:32) For God heareth the poore: & dispiseth not his prisoners |
69:34 | (69:33) Let heauen and earth prayse hym: the sea and all that moueth therin |
69:35 | (69:34) For the Lorde wyll saue Sion, and builde the cities of Iehuda: that men may dwel there and haue it in possession |
69:36 | (69:35) The posteritie also of his seruauntes shall inherite it: and they that loue his name shall dwell therin |
Bishops Bible 1568
The Bishops' Bible was produced under the authority of the established Church of England in 1568. It was substantially revised in 1572, and the 1602 edition was prescribed as the base text for the King James Bible completed in 1611. The thorough Calvinism of the Geneva Bible offended the Church of England, to which almost all of its bishops subscribed. They associated Calvinism with Presbyterianism, which sought to replace government of the church by bishops with government by lay elders. However, they were aware that the Great Bible of 1539 , which was the only version then legally authorized for use in Anglican worship, was severely deficient, in that much of the Old Testament and Apocrypha was translated from the Latin Vulgate, rather than from the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. In an attempt to replace the objectionable Geneva translation, they circulated one of their own, which became known as the Bishops' Bible.