
Textus Receptus Bibles

Bishops Bible 1568


105:1Confesse you it vnto God, call vppon his name: cause the people to vnderstande his deuises
105:2Sing vnto hym, sing psalmes vnto him: talke you of all his wonderous workes
105:3Glary ye in his holy name: let the heart of them reioyce that do seeke God
105:4Seeke God and his strength: seeke his face euermore
105:5Remember the meruaylous workes that he hath done: his wonders, and the iudgementes of his mouth
105:6(105:6a) O ye seede of Abraham his seruaunt, ye his chosen chyldren of Iacob
105:7(105:6b) he is God our Lord, his iudgementes are in all the earth
105:8(105:7a) He hath ben mindfull alwayes of his couenaunt (for he promised a worde to a thousande generations:
105:9(105:7b) euen of his couenaunt that he made with Abraham, and of his othe vnto Isaac
105:10(105:8) And he appointed the same vnto Iacob for a law: and to Israel for an euerlasting couenaunt
105:11(105:9) Saying, vnto thee I wyll geue the lande of Chanaan: the lot of your inheritaunce
105:12(105:10a) When they were a fewe men in number, and had ben straungers but a litle whyle in it
105:13(105:10b) and when they went from one nation to another, from one kingdome to another people
105:14(105:11) He suffred no man to do them wrong: yea he reproued euen kynges for their sakes
105:15(105:12) Touche not mine annoynted: and triumph not ouer my prophetes
105:16(105:13) Moreouer he called for a famine vpon the lande: and he made all maner of foode to fayle
105:17(105:14) But he had sent a man before them: euen Ioseph, who was solde to be a bonde seruaunt
105:18(105:15) Whose feete they dyd hurt in the stockes: the iron entred into his soule
105:19(105:16) Vntill the tyme came that his cause was knowen: the worde of the Lorde tryed hym
105:20(105:17) The king sent and caused hym to be let go: yea the prince of the people opened a way foorth for hym
105:21(105:18) He made him Lorde of his house: and ruler of all his substaunce
105:22(105:19) That he might enfourme his princes according to his minde: and teache his senatours wysdome
105:23(105:20) Israel also came into Egypt: & Iacob was a straunger in the lande of Cham
105:24(105:21) And he encreased his people exceedinglye: and made them stronger then their enemies
105:25(105:22) Whose heart so turned that they hated his people: and dealt subtilly with his seruauntes
105:26(105:23a) Then he sent Moyses his seruaunt, and Aaron whom he had chosen
105:27(105:23b) they did their message, workyng his signes among them, and wonders in the lande of Cham
105:28(105:24) He sent darknes, & it was darke: and they went not from his wordes
105:29(105:25) He turned their waters into blood: and slue their fishe
105:30(105:26) Their lande brought foorth frogges: yea euen in their kinges chaumbers
105:31(105:27) He spake the worde, and there came a swarme of all maner of flyes: and of lyce in all their quarters
105:32(105:28) He gaue them haylestones for rayne: and flambes of fire in their lande
105:33(105:29) He smote their vines also & figge trees: and he destroyed the trees that were in their coastes
105:34(105:30) He spake the worde, and the grashoppers came: & caterpillers innumerable
105:35(105:31) And they did eate vp all the grasse in their lande: and deuoured the fruite of their grounde
105:36(105:32) He smote al the first borne in their land: euen the first fruites of all their concupiscence
105:37(105:33) He also brought them foorth with siluer and golde: there was not one feeble person in their tribes
105:38(105:34) Egypt was glad at their departing: for they were smytten with dread of them
105:39(105:35) He spred out a cloude to be a couering: and fire to geue light in the night season
105:40(105:36) The people required and he brought quayles: and he filled them with the bread of heauen
105:41(105:37) He opened the rocke of stone and the waters flowed out: so that streames ranne in drye places
105:42(105:38) For he remembred his holy worde: spoken vnto Abraham his seruaunt
105:43(105:39) And he brought foorth his people with gladnes: and his chosen with a ioyfull noyse
105:44(105:40) And he gaue them the landes of the Heathen, and they toke to inheritaunce the labours of the people
105:45(105:41) To the intent that they shoulde kepe his statutes: and obserue his lawes. Prayse ye the Lorde
Bishops Bible 1568

Bishops Bible 1568

The Bishops' Bible was produced under the authority of the established Church of England in 1568. It was substantially revised in 1572, and the 1602 edition was prescribed as the base text for the King James Bible completed in 1611. The thorough Calvinism of the Geneva Bible offended the Church of England, to which almost all of its bishops subscribed. They associated Calvinism with Presbyterianism, which sought to replace government of the church by bishops with government by lay elders. However, they were aware that the Great Bible of 1539 , which was the only version then legally authorized for use in Anglican worship, was severely deficient, in that much of the Old Testament and Apocrypha was translated from the Latin Vulgate, rather than from the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. In an attempt to replace the objectionable Geneva translation, they circulated one of their own, which became known as the Bishops' Bible.