Textus Receptus Bibles
Bishops Bible 1568
51:1 | Haue mercie on me O Lorde accordyng to thy louyng kindnesse: accordyng vnto the multitudes of thy mercies wype out my wickednesse |
51:2 | Washe me throughly from myne iniquitie: and clense me from my sinne |
51:3 | For I do acknowledge my wickednesse: and my sinne is euer before me |
51:4 | Agaynst thee, only agaynst thee I haue sinned and done this euyll in thy sight: that thou mightest be iustified in thy saying, and founde pure when thou art iudged |
51:5 | Beholde, I was ingendred in iniquitie: and in sinne my mother conceaued me |
51:6 | Neuerthelesse, lo thou requirest trueth in the inwarde partes of me: & therfore thou wylt make me learne wisdome in the secrete [part of myne heart. |
51:7 | Purge thou me with hyssop and I shalbe cleane: washe thou me, and I shalbe whyter then snowe |
51:8 | Make thou me to heare some ioy and gladnesse: let the bones reioyce which thou hast broken |
51:9 | Turne thy face from my sinnes: and wype out all my misdeedes |
51:10 | Make thou vnto me a cleane heart O Lorde: and renue thou a ryght spirite within me |
51:11 | Cast me not away from thy presence: and take not thy holy spirite from me |
51:12 | Geue me agayne the comfort of thy saluation: and confirme me with a free wyllyng spirite |
51:13 | Then wyll I teache thy wayes vnto the wicked: and sinners shalbe conuerted vnto thee |
51:14 | Deliuer me from blood O Lorde, the Lorde of my saluation: and my tongue shall sing with a ioyfull noyse of thy iustice |
51:15 | O Lorde open thou my lippes: and my mouth shall set foorth thy prayse |
51:16 | For thou desirest no sacrifice, els I would geue it thee: thou delightest not in a burnt offering |
51:17 | Sacrifices for God is a mortified spirite: O Lorde thou wylt not despise a mortified and an humble heart |
51:18 | Be thou beneficiall vnto Sion, according to thy gracious good wyll: buylde thou the walles of Hierusalem |
51:19 | Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousnes, with burnt offeringes and oblations: then wyll they offer young bullockes vpon thyne aulter |
Bishops Bible 1568
The Bishops' Bible was produced under the authority of the established Church of England in 1568. It was substantially revised in 1572, and the 1602 edition was prescribed as the base text for the King James Bible completed in 1611. The thorough Calvinism of the Geneva Bible offended the Church of England, to which almost all of its bishops subscribed. They associated Calvinism with Presbyterianism, which sought to replace government of the church by bishops with government by lay elders. However, they were aware that the Great Bible of 1539 , which was the only version then legally authorized for use in Anglican worship, was severely deficient, in that much of the Old Testament and Apocrypha was translated from the Latin Vulgate, rather than from the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. In an attempt to replace the objectionable Geneva translation, they circulated one of their own, which became known as the Bishops' Bible.