
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


118:1O geue thankes vnto the Lord, for he is gracyous, & hys mercy endureth for euer.
118:2Let Israel now confesse, that his mercy eudureth for euer.
118:3Let the house of Aaron now confesse, that his mercy endureth for euer.
118:4Yea let them now that feare the Lorde confesse, that his mercy endureth for euer.
118:5I called vpon the lord in trouble, and the lord heard me at large.
118:6The lord is my helper, I wyll not feare what man doeth vnto me.
118:7The lord is my helper, and I shall se my desyre vpon myne enemyes.
118:8It is better to trust in the lord, then to put any cofydence in man.
118:9It is better to trust in the lord then to put any confydence in prynces.
118:10All Heathen compassed me round about but in the name of the lorde wyll I destroye them.
118:11They kepe me in on euery side, but in the name of the lord, I wyll destroy them.
118:12They came aboute me lyke bees, and wer as hote as the fyre in the thornes, but in the name of the Lorde I wyll destroye them.
118:13They thrust at me, that I myght fall, but the lorde was my helpe.
118:14The lorde is my strength, and my songe and is become my saluation.
118:15The voice of ioy and meyth is in the dwellynges of the rightuous, for the ryght hand of the Lord hath gotten the victory.
118:16The ryght hande of the Lord hath the preemynence, the ryght hande of the Lorde hath gotten the victory.
118:17I wyll not dye, but lyue, and declare the workes of the lord.
118:18The Lorde hath chastened and correcte me, but he hath not geuen me ouer vnto deathe.
118:19Open me the gates of ryghtuousnes, that I maye go in there thorowe, and geue thanckes vnto the Lord.
118:20This is the dore of the Lorde, the rightuous shall enter in thorow it.
118:21I thancke, the that thou hast herd me, and are become my saluatyon.
118:22The same stone whych the builders refused, is become the heade stone in the corner
118:23Thys was the Lordes doynge, and it is maruelous in our eyes.
118:24This is the, daye whych the Lorde hath made, let vs reioyse and be glad in it.
118:25Helpe now O lord O, lord sende vs now prosperity.
118:26Blessed be he that commeth in the name of the Lorde, we wysh you good lucke, ye that be of the house of the Lord.
118:27God is the lord, and hath shewed vs light O garnysh the solempne feaste wyth grene braunches, euen vnto the hornes of the aulter.
118:28Thou art my God, and I wil thancke the: thou art my God, and I wyll prayse the.
118:29O geue thanckes vnto the lorde, for he is gracyous, and his mercy endureth for euer.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.