
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


26:1When thou art come into the land whyche the Lord thy God geueth the to enheret and hast enioyed it and dwellest therin:
26:2take of the first of al the frute of the erthe, whych thou hast brought in out of the lande that the Lorde thy GOD geueth the and put it in a maunde and go vnto the place which the Lorde thy GOD shall chose to make hys name dwell there.
26:3And thou shalt come vnto the preast that shalbe in those dayes and saye vnto hym, I knowledge this daie vnto the Lord thy God, that I am come vnto the countre which the Lord sware vnto oure fathers for to geue vs.
26:4And the preast shall take the maunde out of thyne hande, and sett it doune before the aulter of the Lord thy God.
26:5And thou shalt answere and saye before the Lord thy God: The Syrians wolde haue destroied my father, and he went doune into Egypte and soiourned there with a fewe folcke and grewe there vnto a nacyon greate, mightie and ful of people.
26:6And the Egypcians vexed vs and troubled vs, & laded vs with cruel bondage.
26:7And we cryed vnto the Lorde God of oure fathers, and the Lord heard oure voyce and loked on oure aduersyte, laboure & oppressyon.
26:8And the Lord brought vs out of Egipt with a myghtye hand & a stretched out arme & wt great terreblenesse and with signes and wonders.
26:9And he hath brought vs in to thys place and hath geuen vs this land that floweth wyth mylke & honye.
26:10And nowe loo, I haue brought the fyrst frutes of the land whiche the Lorde hath geuen me. And set it before the Lorde thy God, & worshyp before the Lorde thy God
26:11& reioyse ouer al the good thynges which the Lord thy God hath geuen vnto the and vnto thyne house, bothe thou the Leuite and the straunger that is amonge you.
26:12When thou hast made an ende of tything all the tythes of thyne encrease the thyrde yere, the yere of tythyuge: and hast geuen it vnto the Leuyte, the straunger, the fatherlesse and the wydowe, and they haue eaten in thy gates and fylled them selues.
26:13Then saye before the Lord thy God: I haue brought the halowed thinges out of myne house, & haue geuen them vnto the Leuite, the straunger, the fatherlesse and the wydowe accordynge to al the commaundementes whych thou commaundest me: I haue not ouerskypped thy commaundementes, nor forgotten them.
26:14I haue not eaten therof in my mournynge nor taken awaye therof vnto any vnclennesse, nor spente therof aboute any dead corse: but haue herkened vnto the voyce of the Lorde my God, and haue done after al that he commaunded me,
26:15loke doune from thy holy habitacyon heauen, and blesse thy people Israell & the land which thou hast geuen vs (as thou swarest vnto oure fathers) a land that floweth with mylke and hony.
26:16This daye the Lorde thy God hath commaunded the to do these ordinaunces & lawes Kepe them therfore & do them with all thyne herte and all thy soule.
26:17Thou hast sett vp the Lorde thys daye to be thy God and to walke in his wayes & to kepe hys ordinaunces, his commaundementes and his lawes, and to herken vnto his voyce.
26:18And the Lord hath sett the vp thys daye, to be a seuerall people vnto him (as he hath promysed the) & that thou kepe his commaundementes,
26:19& to make the hye aboue al nacions which he hath made, in prayse, in name and honoure: that thou mayst be an holy people vnto the Lord thy God, as he hath sayde.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.