Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
12:1 | These are the ordinaunces & lawes which ye shal obserue to do in the lande whyche the Lorde God of thy fathers geueth the to possesse it, as longe as ye lyue vpon the earth. |
12:2 | Se that ye destroy all places where the nations whyche ye conquere serue theyr Goddes, vpon hye mountaynes, and on hye hylles, & vnder euery grene tre. |
12:3 | Ouerthrow theyr alters and breake theyr pyllers, & burne theyr groues wyth fyre & hew downe the ymages of theyr Goddes, and brynge the names of them to naught out of that place. |
12:4 | Se ye do not so vnto the Lorde youre God |
12:5 | but ye shal enquere the place which the Lord your God shal haue chosen out of all youre trybes to putte hys name there, and there to dwell. |
12:6 | And thyther thou shalte come, and thyther ye shall brynge youre burnte sacryfyces, and your offeringes, your tythes and heaueofferynges of your handes, youre vowes and frewylofferynges & the fyrst borne of your oxen and of your shepe. |
12:7 | And there ye shall eate before the Lord your God, and ye shal reioyce in al that you lay your handes on, boeth ye and your housholdes, bicause the Lord thy God hath blessed the. |
12:8 | Ye shall do after nothynge that we do here thys day, euery man what semeth hym good in hys owne eyes. |
12:9 | For ye are not yet come to rest nor vnto the enheritaunce which the Lorde your God geueth you. |
12:10 | But ye shall go ouer Iordan and dwell in the lande which the Lord your God geueth you to enheret, & he shal giue you rest from al your enemies round about, & ye shal dwel in safetye. |
12:11 | Therfore when the Lord your God hath chosen a place to make hys name dwel there thyther ye shall brynge all that I commaunde you, your burnt sacrifices and your offerynges, your tythes, & the heaueofferynges of your handes and all your Godlye vowes which ye vowe vnto the Lord. |
12:12 | And ye shall reioyce before the Lord your God, boeth ye youre sonnes & youre daughters, youre seruauntes and youre maydes, and the Leuite that is within in your gates for he hath neither part nor enheritaunce with you. |
12:13 | Take hede that thou offer not thy burntofferynges in whatsoeuer place thou seyste: |
12:14 | but in the place whych the Lorde shall haue chosen amonge one of thy trybes, there thou shalt offer thy burntofferynges & there thou shalt do al that I commaund the. |
12:15 | Notwithstandynge thou mayest kyl and eate flesh in all thy cytyes, whatsoeuer thy soule lusteth after, accordyng to the blessyng of the Lord thy God whych he hath geuen the, both the vncleane and the cleane mayste thou eate, euen as the roo and the hert: |
12:16 | onely eat not the bloud, but poure it vpon the earth as water. |
12:17 | Thou maiste not eate wythin thy gates the tythe of thy corne, of thy wine & of thy oyle, eyther the fyrstborne of thyne oxen or of thy shepe, neither any of thy vowes which thou vowest, nor thy frewil offeringes or heueofferynges thyne handes: |
12:18 | but thou muste eate them before the Lorde thy God, in the place whych the Lorde thy God hath chosen: both thou, thy sonne, & thy daughter, thy seruaunt & thy mayde, & the Leuite that is wythin thy gates: & thou shalte reioyce before the Lorde thy God, in al that thou puttest thine hande to. |
12:19 | And beware that thou forsake not the Leuite as longe as thou lyuest vpon the earth. |
12:20 | If (when the Lord thy God hath enlarged thy costes as he hath promised the) thou saye I wyl eate flesh, bicause thy soule longeth to eate flesh: then thou shalt eate flesh, what soeuer thy soule lusteth. |
12:21 | If the place which the Lorde thy God hath chosen to put his name there be farre from the, then thou maiste kyll of thy oxen and of thy shepe which the Lord hath geuen the as I haue commaunded the & thou maiste eate in thyne owne citye whatsoeuer thy soule lusteth. |
12:22 | Neuerthelater, as the roo and the hart is eaten, euen so thou shalt eate it: the vncleane & the cleane indifferently thou shalt eate. |
12:23 | But be strong that thou eate not the bloude. For the bloud that is the life & thou mayst not eate the life with the flesh: |
12:24 | thou mayst not eate it: but must poure it vpon the erth as water. |
12:25 | Se thou eate it not therfore that it may go well wt the & with thy children after the, when thou shalt haue done that which is ryght in the syght of the Lord. |
12:26 | But thy holy thynges which thou hast & thy vowes, thou shalt take & go vnto the place which the Lord hath chosen, |
12:27 | & thou shalt offer thy burnt offerynges, both flesh & bloud vpon the alter of the Lord thy God, and the bloude of thyne offeringes thou shalt poure out vpon the alter of the Lord thy God, and shalt eat the flesh. |
12:28 | Take hede & hear all these wordes which I commaund the that it may go wel wyth the & with thy children after the for euer, when thou doest that whiche is good & ryght in the syght of the Lord thy God. |
12:29 | When the Lord thy God hath destroyed the nacions before the, whether thou goest to conquere them, & when thou hast conquered them, and dwelt in theyr landes: |
12:30 | Beware that thou be not taken in a snare after them, after that they be destroyed before the, & that thou aske not after theyr Gods sayinge: how dyd these nations serue theyr Goddes. that I maye do so lykewyse: |
12:31 | Naye, thou shalt not do so vnto the Lorde thy God: for all abhominacions whyche the Lorde hated dyd they vnto theyr Goddes. For they burnt both their sonnes and their daughters with fire vnto their Goddes. |
12:32 | But whatsoeuer I commaunde you that take hede ye do: & put nought thereto nor take therfrom. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.