Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
8:1 | All the commaundementes which I commaunde the thys day ye shall kepe for to do them, that ye may lyue & multiplye, & go & possesse the lande which the lord sware vnto youre fathers. |
8:2 | And thinke on all the waye whych the lord thy God ledde the this .xl. yere in the wildernesse, for to humble the and to proue the, to wete what was in in thyne herte, whether thou wouldest kepe his commaundements or no, |
8:3 | He humbled the and made the hongry and fedde the with Manna, whych neyther thou nor thy father knew of to make the know that a man must not lyue by breade onely: but by all that proceadeth out of the mouth of the Lord must a man liue. |
8:4 | Thy raiment waxed not old vpon the neither did thy fete swell this .xl. yere. |
8:5 | Vnderstand therefore in thyne herte that as a man nourtereth hys sonne, euen so the Lord thy god nourtereth the. |
8:6 | Kepe therfore the commaundementes of the Lord thy god that thou walke in hys wayes & that thou fear him. |
8:7 | For the Lorde thy God bryngeth the into a good Lande, a lande of ryuers of water, of fountaynes & of springes that spring out boeth in valeies and hylles: |
8:8 | a land of wheate & of barley, of vynes, fyggetrees & pomgranates, a land of olyue trees wyth oyle & of honye: |
8:9 | a lande wherein thou shalt not eate bread in scharsenesse, and where thou shalt lacke nothynge, a lande whose stones are yron, & out of whose hyls thou shalt digge brasse. |
8:10 | When thou haste eaten thereof and fylled thy selfe, then blesse the Lord for the good land which he hath geuen the. |
8:11 | But beware that thou forget not the Lord thy god, that thou wouldest not kepe his commaundementes, lawes & ordinaunces which I commaund the thys daye: |
8:12 | yea, & when thou hast eaten and fylled thy selfe and hast built goodly houses and dwelt therein, |
8:13 | & when thy beasse and thy shepe are waxed manye & thy syluer and golde is multiplied & al that thou hast encreased, |
8:14 | then beware lest thyne herte ryse & thou forget the Lorde thy God which brought the out of the land of Egypt the house of bondage, |
8:15 | & which ledde the in the wildernesse boeth great and terrible wyth fyry serpentes and scorpions and drought where was no water which brought the water oute of the rocke of flint: |
8:16 | which fed the in the wildernes with Manna whereof thy fathers knewe not for to humble the and to proue the, that he myght do the good at thy later ende. |
8:17 | And beware that thou saye not in thyne herte, my power & the myght of mine owne hande hath done me all these actes: |
8:18 | But remembre the Lord thy God, how that it is he which gaue the power to do manfullye, for to make good the promises whiche he sware to thy fathers, as it is come to passe this day. |
8:19 | For if thou shalt forget the Lord thy god and shalt walke after straung Gods & serue them and worshyppe them, I testifye vnto you thys day, that ye shal surely perysh. |
8:20 | As the nations whych the Lorde destroyeth before the, euen so, ye shall peryshe, bycause ye woulde not herken vnto the voyce of the Lorde your God. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.