Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
20:1 | When thou goest out to battel. agaynst thyne enemyes, & seyst horsses & charettes & people mo then thou, be not aferde of them, for the Lord thy God is wyth the which brought the out of the lande of Egypt. |
20:2 | And when ye are come nye vnto battel, let the preast come forth and speake vnto the peopl |
20:3 | & say vnto them: Heare Israel, ye are come vnto battel agaynst your enemyes, let not your hartes faynte, neither feare nor be amazed nor a dread of them. |
20:4 | For the lord thy god goeth with you to fight for you agaynst your enemyes & to saue you. |
20:5 | And let the offycers speake vnto the people sayinge: If any man haue buylt a new house and haue not dedicate it, let him go and returne to his house lest he dye in the battell, & another dedicate it. |
20:6 | And yf any man haue planted a vyneyarde & haue not made it comen let him go & returne agayn vnto hys house, lest he dye in the batell and another make it comen. |
20:7 | And yf any man be betrauthed vnto a wyfe and haue not taken her, let hym go and returne agayn vnto his house, lest he dye in the battel and another take her. |
20:8 | And let the officers speake further vnto the people and say. If any man feare & be fainte herted, let him go and returne vnto his house lest his brothers hert be made faynte as wel as his. |
20:9 | And when the offycers haue made an ende of speaking vnto the people, let them make captaynes of warre ouer them. |
20:10 | When thou comest nye vnto a citie to fight against it, offre them peace. |
20:11 | And yf they answere the agayne peasably, and open vnto the, then let all the people that is founde therin be tributaries vnto the and serue the. |
20:12 | But & yf they wyll make no peace wyth the, then make warre agaynst the citie and besyege it. |
20:13 | And when the Lord thy God hath deliuered it into thine handes, smyte al the males therof wyth the egde of the swerde, |
20:14 | saue the wemen and the chyldren and the catel and all that is in the cytie and al the spoyle therof take vnto thy selfe & eate the spoyle of thyne enemyes whych the Lord thy God geueth the. |
20:15 | Thus thou shalt do vnto al the cities whych are a greate waye of from the and not of the cities of these nacions. |
20:16 | But in the cities of these nacions which the Lorde thy God geueth the to enheret, thou shalt saue alyue nothyng that breatheth. |
20:17 | But shalt destroy them with out redempcion, both the Hethites, the Amorites, the Cananites, the Pherezites, the Heuites & the Iebusites, as the Lord thy God hath commaunded the, |
20:18 | that thei teach you not to do after al their abhominacions which they do vnto their goddes, & so should synne agaynst the Lord your God. |
20:19 | When thou hast besyeged a citie long time in making warre against it to take it, destroy not the trees therof, that thou woldest thrust an axe vnto them. For thou mayst eate of them, & therfore destroy them not. For the trees of the feldes are no men, that they might come against the to besyege the. |
20:20 | Neuerthelater those trees which thou knowest that men eate not of them thou mayst destroye & cutte them doune and make bulwerkes agaynst the citie that maketh warre with the, vntyl it be ouerthrowne. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.