
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


25:1If there be strife betwene men let them com vnto the law, & let the iudges iustifie the righteous & condemne the trespaser.
25:2And yf the trespaser be worthy of stripes, then let the iudge cause to take him doune and to beate hym before his face accordynge to his trespace vnto a certayne nombr
25:3.xl. strypes he shall geue him & and not passe: lest yf he should exceade & beate him aboue that with many stripes, thi brother should appeare vngoodly before thyne eyes.
25:4Thou shalt not mosell the oxe that treadeth out the corne.
25:5When bethern dwel together and one of them dye and haue no childe, the wyfe of the deed shal not be geuen out vnto a straunger: but hir brother in lawe shal go in vnto her & take her to wife & marie her.
25:6And the eldeste sonne whych she beareth, shall stande vp in the name of his brother which is dead, that his name be not put out in Israel.
25:7But and if the man wyll not take hys sister in lawe, then let her go to the gate vnto the elders & saye: My brother in lawe refuseth to sterre vp vnto hys brother a name in Israel, he wyl not mary me.
25:8Then let the elders of his cyty call vnto hym and comen wt him. If he stande & saye: I wyll nat take her,
25:9then let his syster in lawe go vnto hym in the presence of the elders and loose his shoo of his fote & spit in his face & answere and saye. So shall it be done vnto that man that wyll not byld his brothers house.
25:10And his name shal be called in Israel, the vnshoed house.
25:11If when men stryue to gether, one wyth another, the wyfe of the one runne to, for to ryd her husband out of the handes of hym that smyteth him and put forth her hand & take hym by the secrettes:
25:12cut of her hand, and let not thyne eye pytie her.
25:13Thou shalbe not haue in thy bagge two maner of weyghtes, a great & a smal,
25:14nether shalt thou haue in thine house dyuerse measures, a great & a small.
25:15But thou shalt haue a perfect and a iust measure: that thy dayes may be lenghthed in the land which the Lord thy God geueth the.
25:16For all that do suche thynges & all that do vnryght, are abhomynacion vnto the Lord thy God.
25:17Remembre what Amalech dyd vnto the by the waye after thou camest out of Egypte,
25:18he mett the by the waye and smote the hyndmost of you, all that were ouer laboured and dragged by hynde, when thou wast faynted & werye, & he feared not God.
25:19Therfore when the Lord thy God hath geuen the reast from al thyne euemyes rounde aboute, in the lande whych the Lord thy God geueth the to enheret and possesse: se that thou put oute the name of Amalech from vnder heauen, and forget not.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.