Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
7:1 | And when Moyses had ful set vp the habytacyon and anoynted it and sanctified it and al the apparell thereof, and had anointed and sanctyfyed the alter also and all the vessels ther of: |
7:2 | then the prynces of Israell heades ouer the houses of their fathers whyche were the Lordes of the tribes that stode and numbred, |
7:3 | offered and broughte theyr gyftes before the Lorde sixe couered charettes & .xii. oxen: two and two a charette and an oxe euery manne, and they broughte them before the habytation, |
7:4 | And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge |
7:5 | take it of them & let them be to do the seruyce of the tabernacle of wytnesse, and geue them vnto the Leuites, euery man acordyng vnto his office |
7:6 | And Moses toke the charetes and the oxen, gaue them vnto the Leuytes |
7:7 | .ij. charettes and .iiij. oxen he gaue vnto the sonnes of Gerson acordynge vnto theyr office. |
7:8 | And .iiij. charetes and eyght oxen he gaue vnto the sonne of Merari accordynge vnto theyr offices, vnder the handes of Ithamar the sonne of Aaron the preaste. |
7:9 | But vnto the sonnes of Cahath he gaue none, for the offyce that perteyned to them was holy, & therfore they must beare vpon shoulders. |
7:10 | And the princes offered vnto the dedycatyng of the alter in the daye that it was anoynted, and brought their giftes before the alter. |
7:11 | And the Lord saye vnto Moses: let the princes brynge theyr offerynges, euery daye one prince, vnto the dedicatyng of the alter. |
7:12 | He that offered his offering the fyrst day, was Nahesson the sonne of Aminadab of the trybe of Iuda. |
7:13 | And hys offeryng was: a syluer charger, of an hundred and .xxx. sycles weyght: & a syluer boule of .lxx. sycles of the holy sicle, both of them ful of fyne wheten floure myngled wyth oyle for a meatofferynge: |
7:14 | & a spone of .x. sycles of golde ful of cens: |
7:15 | & a bullock, a ram and a lambe of a yere olde for burntofferynges, |
7:16 | & an he goote for a synofferynge: |
7:17 | and for peaceofferynges .ij. oxen .v. rammes .v. he gootes and .v. lambes of a yere olde: and this was the gyfte of Nahesson the sonne of Aminadab. |
7:18 | The seconde day, dyd Nathanael offer, the sonne of Zuar, captayne ouer Izachar. |
7:19 | And hys offeryng whych he broughte was a syluer charger of an hundred and .xxx. sycles weyght: and a siluer boule of .lxx. sycles of the holy sicle: & both full of fyne floure myngled wyth oyle for a meatofferynge: |
7:20 | and a golden spone of .x. sycles, full of cens. |
7:21 | And a bullock, a ram and a lambe of a yere olde for burntofferynges, |
7:22 | n/a |
7:23 | and for peaceofferynges .ij. oxen .v. rammes, fyue he gootes and fyue lambes of one yere olde. And thys was the offeryng of Nathanael the sonne of Zuar. |
7:24 | The thyrde daye, Eliab the sonne of Helon the chefest among the chyldren of Zabulon, brought hys offerynge. |
7:25 | And hys offerynge was, a siluer charger of an hundred and .xxx. sicles weyghte, and a syluer boule of .lxx. sycles of the holy sicle, & both ful of fine floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferyng: |
7:26 | and a golden spone of .x. sicles full of cens: |
7:27 | and an oxe and a ram and a lambe of a yere olde for burntofferynges, |
7:28 | and an he goote for a synofferyng: |
7:29 | and for peaceofferynges .ij. oxen .v. rammes .v. he gootes and .v. lambes of one yere olde. And this was the offeryng of Eliab the sonne of Helon. |
7:30 | The fourth day, Elizur the sonne of Sedeur, chefe Lord among the chyldren of Ruben broughte his offerynge. |
7:31 | And his gyfte was: a siluer charger of an hundred and .xxx. sycles weyght, and a syluer boule of .lxx. sycles of the holy sycle, & both ful of fyne flour myngled with oyle for a meatofferyng: |
7:32 | and a golden spone of .x. sycles full of cens: |
7:33 | and a bullock, a ram & a lambe of a yere olde for burntofferynges, |
7:34 | & an he goote for a synofferynge: |
7:35 | and for peaceofferynges .ij. oxen .v. rammes .v. he gootes and .v. lambes. of one yere olde. And thys was the offerynge of Elizur the sonne of Sedeur. |
7:36 | The fyfth day, Selumiel the sonne of Zuri Sadai, chefe Lord among the chyldren of Symeon, offred, |
7:37 | whose gyfte was: a syluer charger of an hundred & .xxx. sycles weyght: and a syluer boule of .lxx. sicles of the holy sycle: & both full of fyne floure myngled wyth oyle for a meatofferyng: |
7:38 | & a golden spone of .x. sycles ful of cens. |
7:39 | And a bullock, a ram & a lambe of a yere old for burntoffrynges, |
7:40 | & an he goote for a synofferyng: |
7:41 | and for peaceofferynges .ij. oxen .v. rammes .v. he gootes & .v. lambes of a yere old. And this was the offeryng of Selumiel the sonne of Suri Saday. |
7:42 | The sixte day, Eliasaph the sonne of Deguel the chefe Lord amonge the chyldren of Gad, offered: |
7:43 | whose gifte was, a syluer charger of an hundred and .xxx. sycles weyghte: and a syluer boule of .lxx. sycles of the holye sycle: & both ful of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferyng: |
7:44 | and a golden spone of .x. sycles ful of cens. |
7:45 | And an oxe, a ram & a lambe of a yere olde for burntofferinges, |
7:46 | & an he goote for a synoffering. |
7:47 | And for peaceofferynges two oxen .v. rammes .v. he gootes & .v. lambes of one yere olde. And this was the offerynge of Eliasaph the sonne of Deguel. |
7:48 | The seuenth daye, Elisama the sonne of Amiud, the chefe Lord of the children of Ephraim, offered. |
7:49 | And his gifte was: a syluer charger of an hundred and .xxx. sycles weyght: & a syluer boule of .lxx. sicles of the holy sicle: & both ful of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferyng: |
7:50 | and a golden spone of .x. sicles, full of cens. |
7:51 | And a bullock, a ram & a lambe of a yere olde for burntofferynges, |
7:52 | & an he goote for a synofferyng: |
7:53 | and for peaceofferinges .ij. oxen .v. rammes .v. he gootes & .v. lambes of a yere olde. And this was the offeryng of Elisama the sonne of Amiud. |
7:54 | The .viij. daye, offered Gamaliel the sonne of Pedazur, the chefe Lord of the chyldren of Manasse. |
7:55 | And hys gyfte was: a syluer charger of an hundred & .xxx. sycles weyght: and a syluer boule of .lxx. sycles of the holy sicle: & both ful of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferyng: |
7:56 | and a golden spone of .x. sycles, full of cens. |
7:57 | And a bullock, a ram and a lambe of a yere olde for burntofferynges, |
7:58 | and an he goote for a synofferynge: |
7:59 | & for peaceofferynges two oxen .v. rammes, fyue he gootes and fyue lambes of a yere olde. And thys was the offeryng of Gamaliel the sonne of Pedazur. |
7:60 | The .ix. daye, Abidan the sonne of Gedeoni the chefe lord among the children of Beniamin offered. |
7:61 | And hys gyfte was: a siluer charger of an hundred and .xxx. sycles weyght: and a syluer boule of .lxx. sycles, of the holy sicle, & both full of fyne floure myngled wyth oyle for a meatofferyng: |
7:62 | and a golden spone of .x. sycles, full of cens: |
7:63 | and a bullock, a ram and a lambe of one yere olde for burntofferynges: |
7:64 | and an he goote for a synofferyng: |
7:65 | & for peaceofferynges two oxen .v. rammes .v. he gootes and .v. lambes of one yere olde. And thys was the offerynge of Abidan the sonne of Gedeoni. |
7:66 | The .x. daye, Ahiezer the sonne of Ammi, Sadai, chefe Lorde among that chyldren of Dan offered. |
7:67 | And hys gyfte was: a syluer charger of an hundred & .xxx. sycles weight: a syluer boule of seuentye sycles of the holy sycle: and both full of fyue floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge: |
7:68 | and a golden spone of .x. sycles ful of cens: |
7:69 | and a bullock, a rame and a lambe of a yere olde for burntofferynges, |
7:70 | & an he goote for a synofferynge: |
7:71 | and for peaceofferynges two oxen .v. rammes, fyue he gootes & fyue lambes of a yere olde. And thys was the offryng of Ahiezer the sonne of Ammi Sadai. |
7:72 | The .xi. daye, Pagiel the sonne of Ocran the chefe Lorde amonge the chyldren of Aser offered. |
7:73 | And hys gifte was: a siluer charger of an hundred and .xxx. sycles weyghte: a syluer boule of .lxx. sycles of the holye sycle and both full of fyne floure myngled wyth oyle for a meateofferynge: |
7:74 | and a golden spone of .x. sycles, ful of cens. |
7:75 | And a bullock, a ram and a lambe of one yere olde for burntofferynges |
7:76 | and an he goote for a synneoffering: |
7:77 | and for peaceofferinges: two oxen, fyue rammes .v. he gootes and .v. lambes of one yere olde. And thys was the offeryng of Pagiell the sonne of Ocran. |
7:78 | The .xij. daye, Ahira the sonne of Enan, chefe Lord among the chyldren of Nephthali offered. |
7:79 | And his gyfte was: a syluer charger of an hundred & .xxx. sycles weyght: a syluer boule of .lxx. sycles of the holye sycle, both full of fyne floure myngled wyth oyle for a meatofferynge: |
7:80 | & a golden spone of twentye sycles, ful of cens. |
7:81 | And a bullock, a ram and a lambe of one yere olde for burntofferinges |
7:82 | and an he goote for a synneofferyng: |
7:83 | and for peaceofferynges, two oxen .v. rammes .v. he gootes and .v. lambes of one yere olde. And thys was the offerynge of Ahira, the sonne of Enan. |
7:84 | Of thys maner was the dedicacyon of the alter, when it was anoynted: vnto the whyche was broughte of the prynces of Israell .xij. chargers of syluer .xij. syluer boules and .xij. spones of golde: |
7:85 | euery charger contaynynge an hundred and .xxx. sycles of syluer, & euery boule .lxx. so that al the syluer of all the vessels, was twoo thousande and .iiij. hundred sycles of the holy sycle. |
7:86 | And the .xij. golden spones whych were full of cens, contayned ten sycles a pece of the holy sycle: so that all the golde of the spones, was an hundred and .xx. sycles. |
7:87 | All the oxen that were broughte for the burntofferynges were .xij. and the rammes .xij. & the lambes .xij. of a yere old a pece, wyth the meateofferynges: wyth he gootes for synneofferynges. |
7:88 | And al the oxen of the peaceofferynges were .xxiiij. the rammes .lx. the gootes .lx. and lambes of a yere olde a pece .lx. & thys was the dedicacyon of the alter, after that it was anoynted. |
7:89 | And when Moses was gone in to the tabernacle of wytnesse to speke with hym, he harde the voyce of one speakyng vnto him from of the mercyseate that was vpon the arck of wytnesse: euen from betwene the two cherubyns he spake vnto hym. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.