Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
35:1 | And the Lord spake vnto Moses in the feldes of Moab by Iordan ouer agaynst Ierycho sayinge: |
35:2 | commaunde the chyldren of Israell, that they geue vnto the Leuites of the enheritaunce of their possessyon: cytyes to dwell in. And ye shall geue also vnto the cytyes of the Leuites, suburbes rounde aboute them. |
35:3 | The cytyes shalbe for them to dwell in, & the suburbes for their catell, possession & all maner beastes of theirs. |
35:4 | And the suburbes of the cyties which ye shall geue vnto the Leuites, shall reache from the wall of the cytie outwarde, a thousande cubites rounde aboute. |
35:5 | And ye shall measure without the cytie, and make the vtmost border of the eastsyde: two thousande cubytes, And the vtmost border of the southside: two thousande cubites. And the vtmost border of the westsyde: two thousand cubites: & the vtmost border of the northside: two thousande cubytes also: & the cytie shalbe in the myddes. And these shall be the suburbes of their cyties. |
35:6 | And among the cyties which ye shal geue vnto the Leuites, there shall be syxe cytyes of fraunches which ye shall geue to that intent that he which kylleth, maye flye thyther And to them ye shall adde .xlij. cyties mo: |
35:7 | so that all the cyties whyche ye shall geue the Leuites shalbe .xlviij. wyth theyr suburbes. |
35:8 | And of the cyties whyche ye shall geue oute of the possessyons of the chyldren of Israel, ye shall geue many out of theyr possessyons that haue moche and fewe out of their possessyons that haue lytle: so that euery trybe shal geue of hys cityes vnto the Leuites, accordynge to the enheritaunce whyche he enhereteth. |
35:9 | And the Lord spake vnto Moses saying: |
35:10 | speake vnto the chyldren of Israell and saye vnto them: when ye be come ouer Iordan into the land of Canaan, |
35:11 | ye shall buylde cities which shalbe preuyleged townes for you: that he which sleeth a man vnwares may flye thither. |
35:12 | And the cities shalbe to flee from the executer of bloude, that he which kylled dye not, vntyll he stande before the congregacyon in iudgement. |
35:13 | And of these .vi. fre cyties which ye shall geue |
35:14 | .iij. ye shall geue on thys syde Iordan and .iij. in the lande of Canaan. |
35:15 | And these syxe free cytyes shalbe for the chyldren of Israell and for the straunger and for him that dwelleth among you, that al they whyche kyll any persone vnwares, maye flee thyther. |
35:16 | If any man smyte another with a wepon of yeron that he dye, then he is a mutherer, and shall dye for it. |
35:17 | If he smyte him with a throwynge stone that he dye therwyth, then he shall dye: For he is a murtherer and shalbe slayne therfore. |
35:18 | If he smyte him wyth a hand wepon of wood that he dye therwyth then he shall dye: for he is a murtherer & shal be slayne therfore. |
35:19 | The iustice of bloude shall slee the murtherer, assone as he findeth him: |
35:20 | If he thrust at him of hate, or hourle at him with lying of wayte that he dye or smyte hym with his hande of enuy that he dye, |
35:21 | he the smot him shal dye, for he is a murtherer. The iustyce of bloude shall slee hym as soone as he fyndeth hym. |
35:22 | But and yf he pushed hym by chaunce & not of hate or cast at hym with any maner of thynge and not of layinge of wayte: |
35:23 | or cast any maner of stone at him that he dye therwith, and sawe him not: And he cast it vpon hym and he dye, but was not hys enemye, nether sought him any harme: |
35:24 | Then the congregacion shall iudge betwene the sleer, and the executer of bloud in soche cases. |
35:25 | And the congregracion shal deliuer the sleer out of the hande of the iudge of bloude, & shall restore hym agayn vnto the franchesed cytye, whether he was flead. And he shall byde there vnto the deth of the hye preast whych was anoynted with holy oyle. |
35:26 | But and yf he came wythout the borders of hys preuileged citie whether he was fled, |
35:27 | yf the auenger of bloud fynde hym without the borders of his fre towne, he shall slee the murtherer and be gyltlesse, |
35:28 | because he should haue bydden in hys fre towne vntyll the death of the hye preaste, and after the deth of the hye preaste, he shall retourne agayn vnto the land of his possession. |
35:29 | And thys shalbe on ordinaunce and a law vnto you, among your chyldren after you in all youre habitacions. |
35:30 | Whosoeuer sleith, shalbe slayne at the mouth of wytnesses. For one witnesse shal not answere agaynst one persone to put him to death. |
35:31 | Moreouer ye shall take none amendes for the lyfe of the murtherer whyche is worthy to dye: But he shall be put to death. |
35:32 | Also ye shall take none attonement for hym that is fled to a fre cytie, that he shoulde come agayne and dwell in the lande before the death of the hye Preaste. |
35:33 | And se that ye polute not the lande whych ye are in, for bloud defyleth the lande. And the lande can none otherwyse be clensed of the bloude that is shed therin, but by the bloude of hym that shed it. |
35:34 | Defyle not therfore the land whyche ye inhabyte, and in the myddes of whych I also dwel among the chyldren of Israel. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.