Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
20:1 | And the whole multitude of the chyldren of Israell, came into the deserte of Syn in the fyrste moneth, and the people dwelt at Cades. And ther dyed MirIam, and was buried ther. |
20:2 | Moreouer there was no water for the multitude, wherefore they gathered them selues togyther againste Moses and againste Aaron. |
20:3 | And the people chode wt Moses & spake saying: wolde God that we had perished when our brethren perished before the Lord. |
20:4 | Whi haue ye brought the congregation of the Lord vnto this wildernes that both we & our cattel should dye here? |
20:5 | Wherfore brought ye vs out of Egipt to bring vs into this vngratious place, whiche is no place of seed nor of figes nor vines nor of pomgranates, neyther is there anye water to drynke. |
20:6 | And Moses & Aaron went from the congregation vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witnes, and fel vpon their faces. And the glory of the Lord appered vnto them. |
20:7 | And the Lord spake vnto Moses, sayinge: |
20:8 | take thy staffe, & gather thou & thy brother Aaron the congregation togither, & say vnto the rocke before their eyes, that he geue forth his water. And thou shalt brynge them water oute of the rocke & shalt gyue the companye dryncke and theyr beastes also. |
20:9 | And Moses toke the staffe from before the Lord as he commaunded hym. |
20:10 | And Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation togither before the rocke, and he sayd vnto them here ye rebellious, muste we fette you water out of thys rocke? |
20:11 | And Moses lyfte vp hys handes wyth hys staffe, and smote the rocke two tymes, and the water came oute abundauntly, and the multitude dranke and the beastes also. |
20:12 | And the Lorde spake vnto Moses & Aaron: bicause ye beleued me not to sanctify me in the eyes of the chyldren of Israel, therfore ye shall not brynge thys congregation into the land which I haue geuen them. |
20:13 | This is the water of stryfe, bicause the children of Israel stroue wyth the Lord, and he was sanctified vpon them. |
20:14 | And Moses sente messengers from Cades vnto the kyng of Edom. Thus sayeth thy brother Israel. Thou knowest al the trauel that hath happened vs, |
20:15 | how our fathers went downe into Egypt, and how we haue dwelt in Egypt a longe tyme, and how the Egypcians vexed both vs and our fathers. |
20:16 | Then we cried vnto the Lorde and he hearde oure voyces, and sent an angell & hath fet vs oute of Egypte. And beholde, we are in Cades a city harde by the borders of thy contry |
20:17 | let vs go a good felowshype thorow thy contrey we wil not go thorow thi feldes nor thorow the viniyardes, neither wyl we drinke of the water of the fountaynes, but we wyll go vp the hye way, & neyther turne vnto the righte hand nor to the lift, vntyl we be past thy contrye. |
20:18 | And Edom answered him: Se thou come not by me, least I come out against the with the swerde. |
20:19 | And the chyldren of Israel sayed vnto him: we wyl go by the beaten way: and if eyther we or our cattell drynke of thy water, we wyll pay for it, we wyll do no more but passe thorow by fote onelye. |
20:20 | And he said ye shal not go thorow. And Edom came out against hym with much people and wyth a mighty power. |
20:21 | And thus Edom denied to giue Israel passage thorow his contrie. And Israel turned away from him. |
20:22 | And the children of Israel remoued from Cades & went vnto mount Hor wyth all the congregation. |
20:23 | And the Lord spake vnto Moses and Aaron in mounte Hor, sayinge: |
20:24 | lett Aaron be putt vnto hys people, for he shall not come into the lande whiche I haue geuen vnto the chyldren of Israel: bicause ye disobeied my mouth at the water of strife. |
20:25 | Take Aaron and Eliazar hys sonne, and brynge them vp into mount Hor, |
20:26 | and strippe Aaron out of hys vestimentes and putt them vpon Eliazar hys sonne, and let Aaron be put vnto hys people and dye there. |
20:27 | And Moses dyd as the Lord commaunded: and they went vp into mount Hor in the syght of all the multitude. |
20:28 | And Moses toke of Aarons clothes, and put them vpon Eleazar his sonne, & Aaron dyed there in the topp of the mount. |
20:29 | And Moses and Eleazar came downe out of the mounte. And all the house of Israell mourned for Aaron .xxx. dayes. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.