
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


16:1And Corah the sonne of Iezehar the sonne of Cahath the sonne of Leui and Dathan & Abiram the sonnes of Eliab, and On, the sonne of Peleth, the sonne of Ruben:
16:2stode vp before Moses, wyth other of the chyldren of Israell .ij. hundred and fyftye heades of the congregation and councelours, and men of fame,
16:3and they gathered them selues togyther agaynst Moses and Aaron and sayed vnto them: ye haue done inough. For all the, multitude are holy euery one of them & the Lorde is amonge them. Why therefore heaue we our selues vp aboue the congregaon of the Lorde.
16:4When Moses hearde it, he fell vpon his face
16:5and spake vnto Corath and vnto al his company sayinge: to morow the Lorde wyll shewe who is hys and who is holy, and wil take theim vnto hym, and whom soeuer he hath chosen, he wyl cause to come to hym.
16:6Thys do: take firepannes, thou Corah and all thy company,
16:7& do fyre therin and putte cense therto before the Lorde to morrowe. And then whomsoeuer the Lorde hath chosen, the same is holy. Yea, make inough to do ye chyldren of Leuy.
16:8And Moses sayed vnto Corah: heare ye chyldren of Leui,
16:9Semeth it but a smal thinge vnto you, that the God of Israel hath seperated you from the multitude of Israel to brynge you to hym, to do the seruyce of the dwellynge place of the Lorde, and to stande before the people to minister vnto theim?
16:10he hath taken the to him, and al thy brethren the sonnes of Leui with the, & ye seke the offyce of the priest also.
16:11For which cause both thou and all thy companye are gathered togither agaynst the Lord: for what is Aaron, that ye shoul murmure agaynst him.
16:12And Moses sente to call Dathan & Abiram the sonnes of Eliab, and they answered we wyl not come.
16:13Semeth it a smale thynge vnto the, that thou hast brought vs out of a lande that floweth wyth mylke and hony, to kyl vs in the wyldernes. But that thou shouldest raygne ouer vs also?
16:14More ouer thou haste brought vs vnto no land that floweth wyth mylke and hony, neyther haste geuen vs possessions of feldes, or of vines. Eyther wilt thou pull out the eyes of these men? we wyl not come.
16:15And Moses waxed very angry and sayd vnto the Lord. Turne not vnto their offeringes, I haue not taken so much as an asse from them, neyther haue vexed any of them.
16:16Then Moses said vnto Corah: Be thou and all thy company before the Lord: both thou they, and Aaron to morowe.
16:17And take euery man his censer and putte cense in them, and come before the Lord euery man with his censer: two hundred and fiftye censers, and Aaron wyth hys censer.
16:18And they toke euerye man his censer and put fyre in them & layed cense thereon, and stode in the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse, and Moses and Aaron also.
16:19And Corah gathered all the congregation agaynste them vnto the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse. And the glory of the Lord appeared vnto all the congregation.
16:20And the Lorde spake vnto Moses and Aaron sayinge:
16:21seperate your selues from thys congregation, that I may consume them at once.
16:22And they fel vpon theyr faces and sayd O most myghty God of the spirites of al fleshe, one man hath sinned, and wilt thou be wroth with al the multitude?
16:23And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayinge,
16:24speake vnto the congregation and saye: Get you awaye from aboute the dwellynge of Corah, Dathan, and Abiram.
16:25And Moses rose and wente vnto Dathan and Abiram, & the elders of Israel folowed him.
16:26And he spake vnto the congregation saying: depart from the tentes of these wicked men & touche nothynge of theyrs: lest ye peryshe in al theyr synnes.
16:27And they gate them from the dwellynge of Corah, Dathan, and Abiram on euerye syde. And Dathan and Abiram came oute and stode in the dore of theyr tentes wyth theyr wyues, theyr sonne and theyr children.
16:28And Moses sayed hereby ye shall knowe that the Lorde hath sente me, to do all these worckes, & that I haue not done them of mine own mynd:
16:29If these men dye the commen death of all men, or if they be visited after the visitation of all men, then the Lorde hathe not sent me.
16:30But and if the Lorde make a newe thyng, and the earth open hyr mouth & swalowe theim, and all that pertayne vnto them, so that they go downe quicke vnto hel: then ye shal vnderstand, that these men haue rayled vpon the Lord.
16:31And assone as he hadde made an ende of speakyng al these wordes, the ground cloue a sunder that was vnder them,
16:32and the earth opened hyr mouth and swalowed them and theyr houses, and al menne that were wyth Corah and al theyr goodes.
16:33And they and all that pertained vnto them, went downe aliue vnto hell, and the earth closed vppon theim and they peryshed from amonge the congregation.
16:34Ad all Israel that were aboute them fledde at the cry of them. For they said: The earth myght haply swalow vs vp also.
16:35And there came out a fyre from the Lord and consumed the two hundred and fyftye men that offered cense.
16:36And the Lord spake vnto Moses saying:
16:37Speake vnto Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the prieste and lette hym take vp the censers oute of the burnynge & scatter the fyre here and there,
16:38for the censers of the synners are halowed in theyr deathes: and let them be beaten, into thyne plates and fastened vpon the alter. For they offered theim before the Lorde, and therfore they are holye and they shalbe a sygne vnto the children of Israel.
16:39And Eleazar the Prieste toke the brasen censers whych they that were burnt had offered, & beate them and fastened them vpon the alter,
16:40to be a remembraunce vnto the children of Israel, that no straunger which is not of the seed of Aaron, come nere to offer cense before the Lord, that he be not made lyke vnto Corah and hys companye: as the Lord sayd vnto hym by the hand of Moses.
16:41And on the morrowe all the multitude of the chyldren of Israell murmured agaynste Moses and Aaron sayinge: ye haue kylled the people of the Lorde.
16:42And when the multitude was gathered against Moses & Aaron thei loked toward the tabernacle of witnes. And beholde, the cloude had couered it and the glory of the Lord appeared.
16:43And Moses & Aaron went before the tabernacle of wytnesse.
16:44And the Lord spake vnto Moses saying:
16:45Get you from this congregation, that I may consume them quyckely. And they fel vpon theyr faces.
16:46And Moses sayd vnto Aaron: take a censer, and put fyre therein out of the alter, and poure on cense, and go quickely vnto the congregation and make an atonement for them For there is wrath gone out from the Lord and ther is a plage begone.
16:47And Aaron toke as Moses commaunded hym, and ran vnto the congregation, & beholde, the plage was begonne amonge the people, and he putt on cense, & made an atonemente for the people.
16:48And he stode betwene the deade, & them that were a lyue and the plage ceased.
16:49And the numbre of them that dyed in the plage, were .xiiij. thousand and seuen hundred: beside them that dyed about the busines of Corah.
16:50And Aaron wente againe vnto Moses vnto the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse, and the plage ceased.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.