
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


23:1And Balam sayed vnto Balac: buyld me here seuen alters and prouide here seuen bullockes and seuen rammes.
23:2And Balac dyd as Balam said. And Balac and Balam offered on euery alter a bullock and a ram.
23:3And Balam sayd vnto Balac: stande by the Sacrifyce whyle I go to wete whether the Lorde wil come and mete me, & whatsoeuer he sheweth me, I wyl tel the, & he went forthewyth.
23:4And God came vnto Balam, & Balam sayed vnto hym: I haue prepared .vij. alters & haue offered vpon euerye alter, a bullock and a ram.
23:5And the Lorde put a sayinge in Balams mouth and sayd: go agayne to Balac & say on thys wyse.
23:6And he went againe vnto hym and loo, he stode by hys sacrifice, both he and all the Lordes of Moab.
23:7And he began hys parable and said: Balac the king of Moab hath fette me from Mesopotamia out of the mountaynes of the east, sayinge: come and curse me Iacob, come & defye me Israel.
23:8How shal I curse whom God curseth not and howe shall I defy whome the Lord defieth not?
23:9from the toppes of the rockes I se hym, & from the hylles I behold him: loo, the people shal dwel by him selfe and shal not be rekened among other nations.
23:10Who can tell the dust of Iacob and the numbre of the fourth parte of Israell. I pray God that my soul may dye the death of the rightuous and that my laste ende may be lyke his.
23:11And Balac sayed vnto Balam, what haste thou done vnto me? I fette the to curse myne enemies: and behold, thou blessest them.
23:12And he answered and sayed: must I not kepe that & speake it, whyche the Lorde hath put in my mouthe?
23:13And Balac sayd vnto hym: Come I pray the with me to an other place whence thou shalt se them, and shalt se but the vtmoste parte of theim and shall not se theim all and curse me them there.
23:14And he brought hym into a playne felde where men myght se farre euen to the toppe of Phasgah, & built .vij. alters and offered a bullocke & a ram on euery alter.
23:15And he sayd vnto Balac: stand here by thy Sacrifyce whyle I go yonder.
23:16And the Lorde mette Balam and put wordes in hys mouth and sayd: go agayne vnto Balac and thus say.
23:17And when he came to him: behold, he stode by hys Sacrifice and the Lordes of Moab with him. And Balac said vnto hym: what sayth the Lord?
23:18And he toke vp hys parable and said: rise vp Balac and heare, & herken vnto me thou sonne of Ziphor.
23:19The Lorde is not a man, that he can lye, neither the sonne of man that he can repente: should he saye and not do, or shoulde he speake and not make it good?
23:20beholde, I haue begone to blesse and haue blessed, and can not goo backe therefro.
23:21He beheld no wyckednes in Iacob nor saw idolatry in Israel: The Lord hys God is wyth hym, and the triumphe of a kynge is among them.
23:22God hath brought them out of Egypt is as the strength of an vnicorne vnto them,
23:23for there is no sorcerer, in Iacob, nor sothsayer in Israell. When the tyme cometh, it wyll be sayed of Iacob and of Israell, what God hath wrought.
23:24Behold the people shall ryse vp as a lyonesse and heaue vp him selfe as a lyon, & shall not lye downe agayne, vntyl he haue eaten of the praye and dronke of the bloud of them that are slayne.
23:25And Balac saied vnto Balam: neither curse them nor blesse them.
23:26And Balam answered & sayd vnto Balac: tolde not I the sayinge: all that the Lorde byddeth me, that I muste doo?
23:27And Balac sayed vnto Balam: come I praye the, I wyl bryng the yet vnto an other place: so peraduenture it shall please God, that thou maist curse them there.
23:28And Balac broughte Balam vnto the toppe of Peor, that boweth towarde the wyldernesse.
23:29And Balam sayed vnto Balac: make me here .vij. altares, and prepare me here .vij. bullockes and .vij. rammes.
23:30And Balac dyd as Balam had sayed, and offered a bullocke and a ram on euery alter.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.