
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


29:1And the fyrst day of the .vij. moneth shalbe an holy feast vnto you and ye shall do no laboryous worke therin. It shalbe a day of trompet blowyng vnto you.
29:2And ye shal offer a burntofferyng of a swete sauour vnto the Lorde: one younge bullocke and one ram and .vij. lambes of a yere olde a peace that are pure.
29:3And their meatoffringes of floure myngled wyth oyle .iij. tenth deales vnto the bullocke, & two vnto the ram,
29:4& one tenth deale vnto one lambe thorow the .vij. lambes.
29:5And an he goote for a synoffryng to make an attonement for you,
29:6besyde the burntofferyng of the moneth and his meatofferynge & besyde the dayly burntofferyng & his meatofferyng, and the drynkofferynges of the same: accordynge vnto the maner of them for a sauoure of swetnesse in the sacryfice of the Lord.
29:7And the tenth daye of that same seuenth moneth shalbe an holy feast vnto you, & ye shall humble youre soules and shall doo no maner worke therin.
29:8And ye shall offer a burntofferyng vnto the Lorde of a swete sauour: one bullocke, and a ram, & .vij. lambes of a yere olde a pece, without faute
29:9and their meateoffringes of floure mingled with oyle .iij. tenthdeales to a bullocke, & .ij. to a ra
29:10& al waye a tenth deale vnto a lambe, thorowe out the .vij. lambes.
29:11And one he goote for a synofferynge, besyde the synneofferynge of attonement and the dayly burntofferynge, & the meate and drynkoffrynges that longe to the same.
29:12And the .xv. day of the .vij. moneth shalbe holy day & ye shall doo no laborious worcke therin, and ye shall kepe a feast vnto the Lord of .vij. dayes longe.
29:13And ye shal offer a burntoffrynge of a swete sauoure vnto the Lord .xiij. bullockes .ij. rammes and .xiiij. lambes which are yerelynges & pure,
29:14wyth oyle .iij. tenthdeales vnto euery one of the .xiij. bullockes .ij. tenthdeales to ether of the rammes
29:15& one tenthdeale vnto eche of the .xiiij. lambes.
29:16And one he goote vnto a synoffering, besyde the dayly burntoffrynge with his meate and drynckofferynges.
29:17And the seconde day .xij. young bullockes .ij. rammes & .xiiij. yerlynge lambes without spot:
29:18& their meatoffringes and drynkofferinges vnto the bullockes, rammes and lambes accordynge to the nombre of them and after the maner.
29:19And an he goote for a synofferynge, besyde the dayly burntoffryng and his meate and drynkofferynges.
29:20And the .iij. daye .xi. bullockes twoo rammes and .xiiij. yerelynge lambes without spot:
29:21& their meat and drynkofferynges vnto the bullockes, rammes and lambes, after the nombre of them and according to the maner.
29:22And an he goote for a synoffrynge, besyde the daylye burntoffrynge and hys meate and drynke offrynges.
29:23And the fourth daye .x. bullockes two rammes and .xiiij. lambes yerelynges pure,
29:24and their meate and drynkofferynges vnto the bullockes, rammes & lambes, according to the nombre of them and after the maner.
29:25And an he goote for a synneoffrynge, besyde the dayly burntofferynge and his meate and drynkofferynges.
29:26And the fyfte daye .ix. bullockes two rammes and .xiiij. lambes of one yere old a pece wtout spot.
29:27And their meate and drynckofferynges vnto the bullockes, rammes and lambes, accordynge to the nombre of them and after the maner.
29:28And an he goote for a synne offerynge, besyde the dayly burntofferynge and his meate and drynkoffrynges.
29:29And the syxte daye .viij. bullockes twoo rammes and .xiiij. yerelynge lambes without spot.
29:30And theyr meate & drynkofferynges vnto the bullockes, rammes and lambes, accordyng to the maner.
29:31And an he goote for a synneofferynge, besyde the dayly burntofferynge and hys meate and drynckofferynges.
29:32And the seuenth daye .vij. bullockes .ij. rammes and .xiij. lambes that are yerelynges & pure.
29:33And their meate and drinkofferinges vnto the bullockes, rammes and lambes, accordynge to their nombre and to the maner.
29:34And an he goote for a synoffering, besyde the dayly burntofferyng & his meate & drynkofferynges.
29:35And the eyght day shalbe the conclusyon of the feaste vnto you, and ye shall do no maner laborious worck therin.
29:36And ye shall offer a burntofferyng of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde: one bullocke, one ram and seuen yerelynge lambes wythout spott.
29:37And the meate & drynkofferynges vnto the bullocke, ram and lambes, accordynge to their nombres and accordyng to the maner.
29:38And an he goote for a synneofferynge besyde the dayly burntoffering and his meate and drynkofferynges.
29:39These thynges ye shal do vnto the Lorde in your feastes: besyde your vowes and frewyll offerynges, in youre burntofferynges meatofferynges, drynkofferynges and peace offrynges.
29:40And Moses tolde the chyldren of Israel, accordyng to all that the Lorde commaunded hym.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.