
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


44:1This is the worde that was shewed to Ieremy concerninge all the Iewes, whyche dwelt in Egipte, at Magdall, at Thaphnis, at Memphis & in the lande of Patures.
44:2Thus saieth the Lorde of Hostes the God of Israel: ye haue sene al the mysery that I haue brought vpon Ierusalem, and vpon al the cities of Iuda, so that this day they are desolate, & no man dwellinge therin:
44:3and that because of the great blasphemyes, which they committed, to prouoke me vnto anger. In that they wente backe to do sacrifyce, and worshippe vnto straunge Goddes: whome neyther they, nor ye, nor youre fathers haue knowne.
44:4How be it, I sent vnto them my seruauntes al the prophetes: I rose vp earlye, I sent vnto them, and gaue them warninge: O do no such abhominable thinges, & thinges that I hate.
44:5But they woulde not folow nor herken, to turne from their wyckednes, and to do no more sacrifice vnto straung Goddes.
44:6Wherfore myne indignacion and wrathe was kyndled, and it brente vp the cytyes of Iuda, the feldes with the stretes of Ierusalem, so that they were made waste and desolate as it is come to passe thys day.
44:7Now therfore thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes the God of Israel. How happeneth it, that ye do so great euyl vnto your owne soules, thus to destroy the men and wemen, children and babes of Iuda? so that none of you is left,
44:8because ye prouoke me vnto wrath wyth the worckes of your owne handes: when ye offre vnto straung Goddes in the lande of Egipte, where as ye be gone to dwel. That ye myght vtterly peryshe, and that ye myght be reuyled and shamefully intreated of all nacyons.
44:9Or haue ye nowe forgotten the wyckednes of your forfathers, the wickednes of the kinges of Iuda & their wyues, the wickednes that ye your selues and youre wyues haue done in the lande of Iuda, in the cytye and in the lande of Ierusalem?
44:10Yet are ye not sory this daye, ye feare not neyther walke ye in my lawe, and in my commaundementes, that I haue geuen vnto you and youre forefathers.
44:11Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes the God of Israel: I am stedfastlye aduysed and determed, to punysh you, and to rote out al Iuda.
44:12As for the remnaunt of Iuda that purposly wente into Egipte, there to ease them of their mysery I wyll take them, and they shall al be destroyed. In the lande of Egipte shall they peryshe beynge consumed with the swerde, and with honger. For from the least vnto the mooste, they shall peryshe with the swerd and with honger. Moreouer they shal be reuyled, abhorred, shamed, and confounded.
44:13For I will vpset them that dwel in Egypte, as I haue visited Ierusalem: with the swerde, wyth honger and wyth pestilence:
44:14So that none of the remnaunt of Iuda, which are gone to dwell in Egypte, shalbe left to come agayn into the lande of Iuda al though they thincke to come thither againe & to dwel there. For none shall come agayne, but suche as are fled awaye.
44:15Then all the men whiche knewe that their wyues haue offered vnto straunge Goddes, and a greate sorte of wyues, that stode there, yea and al the people that dwelt there in Egipte in the cytye of Patures, answerde Ieremy, & sayd:
44:16As for the wordes that thou hast spoken vnto vs in the name of the Lorde, we will in no wyse heare them:
44:17but whatsoeuer goeth oute of oure owne mouth, that wyl we do. We wyl do sacryfice, and offre oblacions vnto the Quene of Heauen: lyke as we & our forefathers, our kinges and oure heades haue done in the cities of Iuda, & in the stretes, & feldes of Ierusalem. For then had we plenteousnesse of vytayles, then were we in prosperytie, and no mysfortune came vpon vs.
44:18But sence we left, to offre, and to do sacrifice vnto the Quene of Heauen, we haue had scarcenes of all thynges, and peryshe wyth the swerde and honger.
44:19Last of all, when we wemen dyd sacryfyce and offred vnto the Quene of heauen, dyd we make her cakes and poure vnto her drynckedofferynges, to do her seruice wythoute oure husbandes wylles.
44:20Then sayde Ieremy vnto all the people, to the men, to the wemen and to all the folcke which had geuen hym that answere:
44:21Did not the Lorde remembre the sacryfyces, that ye youre forefathers, youre kynges and rulers (wyth all the people) haue offred in the cities of Iuda, in the stretes and land of Ierusalem? and hath he not consydred this in his mynde?
44:22In so muche, that the Lorde myght no longer suffre the wickednes of youre inuencyons, and the abhominable thinges whiche he dyd? Is not youre lande desolate and voyde, yea & abhorred, so that no man dwelleth therin any more, as it is come to passe this day?
44:23Dyd not al this happen vnto you, because ye made suche sacryfyce, and sinned agaynste the Lorde? Ye haue not folowed his voyce, to walcke in his lawe, in hys ordynaunces and statutes. Yea, this is the cause, that all mysfortune happened vnto you, as it is come to passe this daye.
44:24Moreouer, Ieremye spake vnto all the people, and to al the wemen: Heare the worde of the Lorde all Iuda, ye that be in the lande of Egipte:
44:25Thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes the God of Israel: Ye & your wyues haue spoken with your own mouth, the thing that ye haue fulfylled in dede. Yea thus haue ye saide: We wyl not fayle but do the thynge that pleaseth vs: we will do sacrifice and poure not drinckofferynges to the Quene of heauen. Purposlye haue ye set vp your owne good meaninges, & hastely haue ye fulfilled youre owne intente.
44:26And therefore: heare the worde of the Lorde al Iuda, ye that dwel in the lande of Egipte. Beholde, I haue sworne by my greate name, sayeth the Lorde, that my name shall not be rehearsed thorow any mans mouth of Iuda, in al the lande of Egipte: to saye: The lord God lyueth,
44:27for I wil watch, to plage them, and not for their wealth. And al the men of Iuda that be in the lande of Egipte, shal perysh with the swerde and with honger, vntil they be vtterly destroyed.
44:28Neuertheles, those that fled away for the swerde, shal come agayne into the land of Iuda, but there shalbe verye fewe of them. And all the remnaunte of Iuda, that are gone into Egypte, there to dwel, shal knowe whose wordes shalbe founde true: theirs or myne.
44:29Take this for a token, that I wyll vyset you in this place, sayeth the Lorde, and that ye maye knowe, howe that I (wythoute doute) will perfourme my purpose vpon you, to punishe you.
44:30Beholde, sayeth the Lorde, I wyll delyuer Pharao Hophrea kynge of Egipte into the handes of his enemies, that seke after his life: euen as I gaue Zedekiah the kinge of Iuda into the handes of Nabuchodonozor king of Babylon, whiche sought after his lyfe.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.