
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


36:1In the fourth year of Iehoakim the sonne of Iosiah King of Iuda, came the worde of the Lorde vnto Ieremye sayinge:
36:2Take a boke, & wryte therin all the wordes, that I haue spoken vnto the, to Israel, to Iuda, and to all the people, from the tyme that I beganne for to speake vnto the (in the raygne of Iosiah) vnto thys daye.
36:3That when the house of Iuda heareth of the plage whych I haue deuised for them, they may peraduenture turne, euery man from his wicked waye, that I maye forgeue their offences and synnes.
36:4Then dyd Ieremy call Baruch the sonne of Neriah, and Baruch wrote in the boke at the mouth of Ieremye, al the wordes of the Lorde, whiche he had spoken vnto him.
36:5And Ieremye commaunded Baruch, sayinge: I am in preson, so that I maye not come into the house of the Lorde:
36:6therfore go you thyther, and reade the boke, that thou hast written at my mouth: Namely, the wordes of the Lorde, and reade them in the Lordes house vpon the fastynge day: that the people, whole Iuda, and al they that come out of the cyties, maye heare.
36:7Peraduenture they will praye mekely before the face of the Lord, and turne euery one from his wicked waie. For greate is the wrath and displeasure, that the Lorde hath taken agaynst this people.
36:8So Baruch the sonne of Neriah dyd, accordynge vnto all that Ieremy the Prophete commaunded him, readynge the wordes of the Lorde oute of the boke in the Lordes house.
36:9And this was done in the fyfth yeare of Iehoakim, the sonne of Iosiah Kynge of Iuda, in the .ix. moneth when it was commaunded that all the people of Ierusalem shoulde fast before the Lorde, and they also that were come from the cytyes of Iuda vnto Ierusalem.
36:10Then read Baruch the wordes of Ieremye oute of the boke within the house of the lorde, out of the treasury of Gamariah the sonne of Saphan the Scrybe, whiche is besyde the hyer lofte of the new dore of the lordes house: that al the people myght heare.
36:11Nowe when Micheah the sonne of Gamariah the sonne of Saphan had hearde all the wordes of the Lorde out of the boke,
36:12he wente doune to the Kinges palace into the Scrybes chambre, for there al the Prynces were set: Elisama the Scrybe, Dalaiah the sonne of Semei, Eluathan the sonne of Acabor, Gamariah the sonne of Saphan, Zedekiah the sonne of Hananiah, wyth all the Princes.
36:13And Micheah tolde them all the wordes, that he hearde Baruch reade out of the boke before the people.
36:14Then all the Prynces sent Iehudi the sonne of Nathaniah, the sonne of Selamiah, the sonne of Chusi, vnto Baruch, sayinge: Take in thyne hande the boke, wherout thou haste read before all the people, and come. So Baruch the sonne of Neriah toke the boke in his hande, & came vnto them.
36:15And they sayde vnto him: Syt doune, and read the boke that we may heare also. So Baruch reade, that they might heare.
36:16Now when they had heard all the wordes, they were abashed one vpon another, and sayde vnto Baruch: we wyl certifie the kynge of all these wordes.
36:17And they examyned Baruch, saying: tell vs, howe diddest thou wrytte all these wordes out of hys mouth.
36:18Then Baruch answered them: He spake all these wordes vnto me wt hys mouth and I alone was with him, and wrote them in the boke.
36:19Then sayde the Princes vnto Baruch: Go thy waye, and hyd the with Ieremye, so that no man knowe where ye be.
36:20And they went in to the Kinge to the courte. But they kepte the boke in the chambre of Elisama the scribe and tolde the Kynge all the wordes that he myghte heare.
36:21So the Kynge sent Iehudi to fetch hym the boke, whiche he brought out of Elisama the Scribes chambre. And Iehudi read it, that the King & al the Princes, whiche were about hym, might heare.
36:22Now the king sat in the winter house, for it was in the ninth Moneth, and there was a good fyre before him.
36:23And when Iehudi had read thre or foure leaues thereof, he cut the boke in peces with a penne knyfe, and cast it into the fyre vpon the herth, vntill the boke was al brente in the fyre vpon the herth.
36:24Yet no man was abashed thereof, or rente his clothes: neyther the kinge him selfe, nor his seruauntes, though they hearde all these wordes.
36:25Neuerthelesse Elnathan, Dalaiah, and Gamariah besought the Kynge, that he woulde not burne the boke: notwithstanding the kinge woulde not heare them,
36:26but commaunded Ierahmeel the sonne of Amalech, Saraiah the sonne of Ezriel and Selamiah the sonne of Abdiel, to laye handes vpon Baruch the Scrybe, and vpon Ieremy the Prophete: but the lord kepte them out of the sight.
36:27After now that the Kyng hath brent the boke and the sermons whiche Baruch wrote at the mouthe of Ieremye: The worde of the Lord came vnto Ieremye, sayinge:
36:28Take another boke, and wryte in it al the forsayde sermons, that were wrytten in the fyrste boke, whiche Iehoakim the kinge of Iuda hath brente.
36:29And tell Iehoakim the kinge of Iuda: thus sayeth the Lorde: thou hast brente the boke, and thoughtest within thy selfe: Why haste thou written therin, that the kynge of Babilon shall come, and make this land waste, so that he shall make bothe people and catell to be oute of it.
36:30Therfore thus the Lord sayeth of Iehoakim the king of Iuda. There shal none of hys generacyon syt vpon the throne of Dauid. His dead corse shalbe cast oute, that the heate of the daye, and the frost of the nyghte may come vpon him.
36:31And I wil vyset the wickednes of him, of his sede, and of his seruauntes. Moreouer all the euyll that I haue promysed them (thoughe they hearde me not) wil I bringe vpon them, vpon the inhabytoures of Ierusalem, and vpon al Iuda.
36:32Then toke Ieremye another boke, and gaue it Baruch the Scrybe, the sonne of Neriah, which wrote therin out of the mouth of Ieremy: all the sermons that were in the fyrst boke, whiche Iehoakim the kynge of Iuda dyd burne. And there were added vnto them many mo sermons, then before.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.