
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


40:1This is the maner how the lord intreated Ieremy, when Nabuzaradan the chefe captaine had let him go fre from Ramah, whither he had led him bounde amonge all the presonners, that were caried from Ierusalem & Iuda vnto Babilon.
40:2The chefe captayn called for Ieremy, & said vnto him: The Lorde thy God spake myghtely before of the misery vpon this place.
40:3Now the Lorde hath sent it, & perfourmed it as he had promised: For ye haue sinned agaynst the Lorde, & haue not bene obedient vnto hys voyce, therefore commeth this plage vpon you.
40:4Beholde, I louse the boundes from thy handes this daye: yf thou wilt now go with me vnto Babilon, vp then: for I wyll se to the, and prouyde for the. But yf thou wilt not go wyth me to Babilon, then remayne here. Beholde all the lande is at thy wil, loke where thou thinkest conuenient and good for the to abyde, there dwell.
40:5Yf thou canst not be contente to dwell alone, then remayne with Godoliah the sonne of Ahicam, the sonne of Saphan: whom the king of Babilon hath made gouernoure ouer the cities of Iuda, & dwell with him among the people, or remayne wheresoeuer it pleaseth the. So the chefe captayne gaue him his expenses with a rewarde, and let him go.
40:6Then went Ieremy vnto Godoliah the sonne of Ahicam to Mazphah, & dwelt there with him among the people that were left in the lande.
40:7Now when the Captaynes of the hoste of Iuda (which with their felowes were scatred abroad on euery side in the lande) vnderstode that the king of Babilon had made Godoliah the sonne of Ahicam gouernoure in the land, & that man, wyfe & childe, yea & the pore men in the lande (that were not led captyue to Babilon) should be vnder his iurisdiccion.
40:8They came to Godoliah vnto Mazphah: Namely, Ismael the sonne of Nathaniah, Iohanan, & Ionathah the sonnes of Kareah, Sareah the sonne of Thanhometh, the sonnes of Ophai the Netophatite, Iesaniah the sonne of Maachati with their companions.
40:9And Godoliah the sonne of Ahicam, the sonne of Saphan, swore vnto them, and their felowes on thys maner: Be not afraied to serue the Caldees, dwell in the lande, and do the kinge of Babilon seruice, so shall ye prospere.
40:10Beholde, I dwell at Mazphah to be an officer in the Caldees behalfe, & to satisfye such as come to vs. Therfore gather you wine, corne and oyle, & kepe them in youre ware houses, & dwell in youre cities that ye haue in kepynge.
40:11Yea, al the Iewes also that dwelt in Moab vnder the Ammonites, in Idumea, and in all the countreyes, when they hearde, that the Kynge of Babilon had made Godoliah the sonne of Ahicam the sonne of Saphan, gouernoure vpon them that were left in Iuda.
40:12All the Iewes (I say) returned out of al places where they fled vnto: and came into the lande of Iuda to Godoliah vnto Mazphah, and gathered wine & other frutes, and that very much.
40:13Moreouer Iohanan the sonne of Careah and al the captaynes of the Hoste, that were scatred on euery side in the lande, came to Godoliah in Mazphah, & sayde vnto him:
40:14knowest thou not that Baalis kynge of the Ammonites hath sent Ismael the sonne of Nathaniah, to slaye the? But Godoliah the sonne of Ahicam beleued them not.
40:15Then sayd Iohanan the sonne of Careah vnto Godoliah in Mazphah these wordes secretely: Let me go, I pray the, and I wil slaye Ismael the sonne of Nathaniah, so that no bodye shall knowe the. Wherfore he will kyll the, that all the Iewes whiche resorte vnto the, myght be scatred, and the remnaunte in Iuda peryshe?
40:16Then sayde Godoliah the sonne of Ahicam to Iohanan the sonne of Careah: Thou shalt not do it, for they are but lyes, that men saye of Ismael.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.