
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


5:1Loke thorow Ierusalem, beholde and se: Seke thorow the her stretes also wythin, yf ye can fynde one man, that doth equall and right, or that laboureth to be faythfull: and I shall spare hym (sayeth the Lorde.)
5:2For though they can saye: the Lorde liueth, yet do they sweare to disceyue:
5:3Where as thou (O Lorde) lokest only vpon faythe and truthe. Thou hast scourged them, but they toke no repentaunce: thou hast correcte them for amendement, but they refused thy correccion. They made their faces harder then a stone, and woulde not amende.
5:4Therfore I thought in my selfe: peraduenture they are so symple and folish, that they vnderstande nothinge of the Lordes waye, and iudgementes of our God.
5:5Therfore wil I go vnto their heades and rulers, and talke with them: yf they knowe the waie of the lord and the iudgementes of oure God. But these (in like maner) haue broken the yocke, and burste the bandes in sonder.
5:6Wherfore a lyon out of the wood shall hurte them, and a wolfe in the euenyng shall destroy them. The cat of the mountayne shal lye lurking by their cities, to teare in peces al them, that come thereoute. For theyr offences are manye, and theyr departynge awaye is greate.
5:7Shulde I then for al thys haue mercy vpon the? Thy chyldren haue forsaken me, & sworne by them that are no Goddes. And albe it they were bounde to me in maryage, yet they fell to aduoutrye, and haunted harlottes houses.
5:8In the desyre of vnclenly luste they are become lyke the stoned horse, euery man neyeth at hys neyghbours wyfe:
5:9Shulde I not correcte thys, sayeth the Lorde. Shulde I not be auenged of euerye people that is lyke vnto this?
5:10Clymme vp vpon theyr walles, beate them doune, but destroye them not vtterlye cut of theyr braunches, because they are not the Lordes.
5:11For vnfaythfully hath the house of Israell and Iuda forsaken me, (sayth the Lorde).
5:12They haue denyed the Lord, & sayde: it is not he. Tush, there shall no mysfortune come vpon vs, we shall se nether swerd nor hunger.
5:13As for the warnynge of the Prophetes, they take it but for wynde, yea there is none of these, which wyll tell them, that suche thynges shall happen vnto them.
5:14Wherfore thus sayth the Lord thy God of Hostes: because ye speake suche wordes, beholde: The wordes that are in thy mouth wyl I turne to fyre, & make the people to be wood, that it maye consume them.
5:15Lo, I wyll bryng a people vpon you from farre, O house of Israel (sayeth the Lorde) a myghtye people, and olde people, a people whose speache thou knowest not, neyther vnderstandest what they saye.
5:16Theyr arowes are sodane death, yea they them selues be very gyauntes.
5:17Thys people shall eate vp thy frute & thy meate, yea they shall deuoure thy sonnes and thy doughters, thy shepe and thy bullockes. They shall eate vp thy grapes & fygges. As for thy stronge and well fensed cyties, wherein thou dyddest trust, they shal destroy them with the swerde.
5:18Neuerthelesse I wyll not then haue done with you, saith the Lorde.
5:19But yf they saye: wherfore doeth the Lord our God all this vnto vs? Then answere them: because, that lyke as ye haue forsaken me, & serued straunge goddes in your owne lande, euen so shall ye serue other Goddes also in a straunge lande.
5:20Preach this vnto the house of Iacob, and crye it oute in Iuda, and saye thus:
5:21Heare thys (thou folyshe and vndiscrete people) ye haue eyes, but ye se not: eares haue ye, but ye heare not.
5:22Feare ye not me, sayeth the Lorde? Are ye not ashamed, to loke me in the face? which bynde the sea wyth the sande, so that it can not passe hys boundes: For thoughe it rage, yet can it do nothynge, and thoughe the waues thereof do swell, yet maye they not go ouer.
5:23But thys people hath a false and an obstinate herte, they are departed & gone awaye fro me.
5:24They thincke not in theyr hertes: O let vs feare the Lorde oure God, that geueth vs rayne early and late, when nede is, which kepeth euer styll the harueste for vs yearlye.
5:25Neuertheles youre mysdedes haue turned these from you, and your synnes haue robbed you hereof.
5:26For amonge my people are founde wicked personnes, that pryuelye laye snares & wayte for men, to take them & destroye them.
5:27And lyke as a net is ful of byrdes, so are their houses full of that which they haue gotten wt falshed and disceyte. Hereof commeth theyr greate substaunce and ryches,
5:28hereof are they fat and welthy, and are runne awaye fro me wyth shameful blasphemyes. They mynistre not the lawe, they make no ende of the fatherlesses cause, they iudge not the poore according to equite.
5:29Shulde I not punyshe these thynges, saith the Lorde? shulde I not be auenged of al suche people, as these be?
5:30Horryble and greuous thinges are done in the lande.
5:31The Prophetes teache falsely, and the priestes folowe them, and my people hath pleasure therein. What wyll come thereof at the laste.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.