
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


30:1These are the wordes, that the Lorde shewed vnto Ieremye, sayenge:
30:2Thus saith the Lorde God of Israell: Wryte vp dylygentlye al the wordes, that I haue spoken vnto the, in a boke.
30:3For lo, the time commeth (sayth the Lorde) that I wyl brynge agayne the presonners of my people of Israel and Iuda, sayeth the Lord: For I wyl restore them vnto the lande, that I gaue to theyr fathers, and they shall haue it in possessyon.
30:4Agayne, these wordes spake the Lorde, concernynge Israell and Iuda:
30:5Thus sayeth the Lord: We heare a terryble crye, fear & disquietnesse.
30:6For what els doth thys sygnyfye, that I se? Namely, that al strong men smyte, euerye man hys hande vpon hys loynes, as a woman in the payne of her trauayle. Who euer sawe a man trauayle wyth chylde? Enquere thereafter, and se. Yea al theyr faces are maruelous pale:
30:7Alas for this daye, whiche is so dredefull, that none maye be lykened vnto it: and alas for the tyme of Iacobs trouble, from the whiche he shall yet be delyuered.
30:8For in that daye, sayeth the Lorde, I wyll take his yocke from of thy rocke, & breake thy bondes. They shall no more serue straunge Goddes vnder hym,
30:9but they shall do seruyce vnto God their Lorde, and to Dauid theyr Kynge, whome I wyll rayse vp vnto them.
30:10And as for the, O my seruaunt Iacob, feare not (sayth the Lord) and be not afrayed, O Israell. For lo, I wyll helpe the also from farre, and thy sede from the lande of theyre captiuite. And Iacob shall turne agayne, he shalbe in rest, and haue a prosperous lyfe, and no man shal make hym afrayed.
30:11For I am wyth the, to helpe the, sayeth the Lorde. And thoughe I shall destroye all the people, amonge whome I haue scatred the, yet wyll I not destroy the but correcte the, and that with dyscrecion. For I knowe, that thou arte in no wyse wythoute faute.
30:12Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde: I am sory for thy hurte and woundes.
30:13There is no man to medle with thy cause, or to bynde vp thy woundes: there maye no man helpe the.
30:14All thy louers haue forgotten the, and care nothynge for the. For I haue geuen the a cruell stroke, and chastened the roughly: and that for the multitude of thy mysdedes, for thy synnes haue had the ouer hande.
30:15Why makest thou moue for thy harme? I my selfe haue pyte of thy sorowe, but for the multytude of thy mysdedes and synnes, I haue done this vnto the.
30:16And therfore all they that deuoure the, shalbe deuoured, and all thyne enemyes shall be led into captiuite. All they that make the wast, shalbe wasted them selues: and al those that robbe the, wyl I make also to be robbed.
30:17For I wyll geue the thy healthe agayne, and make thy woundes whole, sayeth the Lorde, because they reuyled the, as one caste awaye, and despysed, O Syon.
30:18For thus sayth the Lorde: Beholde, I will set vp Iacobs tentes agayne, and defende his dwellynge place. The cytye shalbe buylded in her olde estate, and the houses shall haue theyr ryghte foundacyon.
30:19And oute of them shall go thankesgeuynge, and the voyce of ioye. I wyll multyplye them, and they shall not mynishe: I shall endue them wyth honoure, and no man shall subdue them.
30:20Theyr chyldren shalbe as a fore tyme, and theyr congregacyon shall continue in my syghte. And all those that vexe them, wyll I vyset.
30:21A captayne also shall come of them, and a prince shall sprynge oute from the myddest of them: hym wyll I chalenge to my self, and he shall come vnto me. For what is he, that geueth ouer hys herte to come vnto me, sayth the Lorde.
30:22Ye shalbe my people also, and I wylbe youre GOD.
30:23Beholde, on the other syde shall the wrathe of the Lorde breake oute as a stormye water, as a myghtye whyrle wynde: and shall fall vpon the heades of the vngodly.
30:24The terryble dyspleasure of the Lorde shall not leaue of, vntyll he haue done, and perfourmed the intente of hys herte, whiche in the latter dayes ye shal vnderstande.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.