
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


14:1The worde of the Lorde shewed vnto Ieremye, concernynge the derth of the fruites.
14:2Iuda shal mourne, men shall not go moch more thorow hys gates: the lande shalbe no more had in reputacyon, and the crie of Ierusalem shall breake out.
14:3The Lordes shall sende their seruauntes to fetch water, and when they come to the welles, they shall fynde no water, but shall carye their vessels home emptye. They shall be ashamed and confounded, & shall couer their heades.
14:4For the grounde shalbe dried vp, because there commeth no rayne vpon it. The plowmen also shalbe a shamed, & shall couer their heades.
14:5The Hynde shall forsake the yonge fawne, that he bringeth forth in the felde because there shalbe no grasse.
14:6The wylde Asses shall stande in the Mosse, and drawe in their wynde lyke the Dragons, their eyes shall fayle for want of grasse.
14:7Doutles oure owne wickednesse rewarde vs: But Lorde do thou accordinge to thy name, though oure transgressyons and synnes be many.
14:8For thou art the comforte & helpe of Israel in the tyme of trouble. Why wilt thou be as a straunger in the Lande, and as one that goeth ouer the felde, and commeth in onely to remayne for a night?
14:9Why wilt thou make thy self a cowarde, and as it were a gyaunte that yet maye not helpe? For thou art ours (O Lorde) and we beare thy name, therfore forsake vs not.
14:10Then spake the Lorde, concernynge this people that haue pleasure to go so nymblye with their fete, and leaue not of, and therfore displease the Lorde: in so much, that he wyll now bringe agayne to remembraunce al their mysdedes, and punysh all their synnes.
14:11Yee euen thus sayde the Lorde vnto me: Thou shalt not praye to do this people good.
14:12For though they fast, I wyll not heare theyr prayers. And though they offre burntoffringes & sacrifices, yet wyll not I accepte them. For I will destroye them with the swearde, honger and pestilence.
14:13Then answerede I: O Lorde God, the prophetes saye vnto them: Tush, ye shal se no swearde, and no honger shall come vpon you, but the Lorde shall geue you continuall rest in this place.
14:14And the Lorde sayde vnto me: The prophetes preach lyes vnto them in my name. I haue not spoken wyth them, nether gaue I them eny charge, nether dyd I sende them: yet they preach vnto you false visions, charming vanite, & disceytfulnesse of their owne herte.
14:15Therfore thus saieth the Lorde: As for those prophetes that preache in my name (whom I neuertheles haue not sent) and that saye: Tush, there shall nether batell ner honger be in this lande: Wyth swearde and with honger shall those prophetes perysh,
14:16and the people to whom they haue preached shalbe cast out of Ierusalem, dye of honger, and be slayne wyth the swearde (and there shallbe no man to burye them) buth they and their wyues, their sonnes and their daughters. For thus wyll I poure their wyckednes vpon them.
14:17This shalt thou saye also vnto them: Myne eyes shall wepe without ceassynge daye and night. For my people shalbe destroyed wyth great harme, and shall perysh wyth a great plage.
14:18For yf I go in to the felde, lo, it lyeth all full of slayne men. If I come in to the cytye, lo, they be all fameshed of honger. Yee their prophetes also and prestes shall be led in to an vnknowne lande.
14:19Haste thou then vtterlye forsaken Iuda? (sayde I) Doest thou so abhorre Syon? Or hast thou so plaged vs, that we can be healed nomore? We loked for peace, and there commeth no good: for the tyme of health, and lo, here is nothynge but trouble:
14:20We knowlege (O Lorde) all oure mysdedes, & the synnes of oure fathers, that we haue offended the.
14:21Be not dyspleased (O Lorde) for thy names sake, forgett not thy louynge kyndnes: Remembre the trone of thyne honoure, breake not the couenaunt, that thou hast made with vs.
14:22Are there eny amonge the goddes of the Gentiles that sende rayne or geue the showers of heauen? Doest not thou it O Lorde oure God, in whom we trust? Yee Lorde, thou doest all these thinges.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.