
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


28:1And thys was done in the same yeare: euen in the begynnynge of the raygne of Zedekiah kynge of Iuda. Bvt in the fourthe yeare of the raygne of Zedekiah kyng of Iuda, in the fyfth moneth, It happened, that Hananiah the sonne of Assur the Prophet of Gabaon, spake to me in the house of the Lord, in the presence of the priestes & of al the people, & sayd.
28:2Thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes the God of Israel: I haue broken the yocke of the kynge of Babilon,
28:3and after two yeare wyll I bryng againe into thys place, all the ornamentes of the Lordes house, that Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babylon caryed awaye from thys place vnto Babylon.
28:4Yea, I wyll brynge agayne Iechoniah the sonne of Iehoakim the kynge of Iuda hym selfe, with all the prysonners of Iuda (that are caryed vnto Babylon) euen into this place sayeth the Lorde, for I wyll breake the yoeke of the kynge of Babylon.
28:5Then the Prophet Ieremye gaue aunswere vnto the Prophete Hananiah, before the prestes and before all the people that were presente in the house of the Lorde.
28:6And the Prophet Ieremye sayd: Amen: the Lord do that, & graunt the thynge, whiche thou hast prophecyed: that he maye brynge agayne all the ornamentes of the Lordes house, and restore all the presonners from Babylon into the place.
28:7Neuertheles, herken thou also, what I wyll saye, that thou and all the people maye heare:
28:8The Prophetes that were before vs in tymes paste, whiche prophecyed of warre, or trouble, or pestilence,
28:9eyther of peace, vpon many nacyons and greate kyngedomes, were proued by this (yf God had sende them in very dede) when the thynge came to passe, whiche that Prophete tolde before.
28:10And Hananiah the Prophete toke the chaine from the Prophet Ieremies neck, and brake it
28:11and with that sayde Hananiah, that all the people myghte heare: Thus hath the Lorde spoken: Euen so wyll I breake the yocke of Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babylon, from the necke of all nacyons, yea & that within thys two yeare. And so the Prophete Ieremye went hys waye.
28:12Now after that Hananiah the prophet had taken the chayne from the Prophete Ieremyes necke, and broken it: The worde of the Lord came vnto the Prophete Ieremy saiynge:
28:13Go, and tell Hananiah these wordes: Thus sayeth the Lorde: Thou haste broken the chayne of wode, but in steade of woode thou shalte make chaynes of yron.
28:14For thus sayth the Lorde of hostes the God of Israel: I will put a yocke of yron vpon the necke of all thys people, that they maye serue Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babylon, yea & so shal they do. And I wyll geue him the beastes in the felde.
28:15Then sayde the Prophete Ieremye vnto the prophet Hananiah: Heare me (I praye the) Hananiah: The Lorde hath not sent the, but thou bringest this people into a false belefe.
28:16And therfore thus sayth the Lorde: beholde, I wyll sende the out of the land, & within a year thou shalte dye because thou haste falsely spoken agaynste the Lord.
28:17So Hananiah the Prophete dyed the same yeare in the seuenth moneth.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.