Textus Receptus Bibles
Bishops Bible 1568
20:1 | And the children of Israel came with the whole multitude into the desert of Zin in the first moneth, and the people abode at Cades: And there died Miriam, and was buryed there |
20:2 | But there was no water for the multitude: and they gathered them selues together agaynst Moyses and Aaron |
20:3 | And the people chode with Moyses, and spake, saying: Woulde God that we had perished when our brethren dyed before the Lorde |
20:4 | Why haue ye brought the congregation of the Lorde into this wildernesse, that both we and our cattell shoulde dye in it |
20:5 | Wherfore haue ye made vs to come vp out of Egypt, to bryng vs into this euyll place, which is no place of seede, nor of fygges, nor vines, nor pomgranates, neither is there any water to drynke |
20:6 | And Moyses and Aaron went from the presence of the congregation, vnto the doore of the tabernacle of the congregation, and fel vpon their faces, and the glorie of the Lorde appeared vnto them |
20:7 | And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, saying |
20:8 | Take the rodde, and gather thou and thy brother Aaron the congregation together, and speake vnto the rocke before their eyes, and it shall geue foorth his water: And thou shalt bryng them water out of the rocke, to geue the companie drynke, and their beastes also |
20:9 | And Moyses toke the rodde from before the Lord, as he commaunded hym |
20:10 | And Moyses and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the rocke, and Moyses sayde vnto them: Heare ye rebelles, must we fetch you water out of this rocke |
20:11 | And Moyses lyft vp his hande, and with his rodde he smote the rocke two tymes, and the water came out aboundauntly, and the multitude dranke, and their beastes also |
20:12 | And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses and Aaron: Because ye beleued me not, to sanctifie me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therfore ye shall not bryng this congregation into the lande which I haue geuen them |
20:13 | This is the water of strife, because the children of Israel stroue with ye Lorde, and he was sanctified in them |
20:14 | And Moyses sent messengers from Cades vnto the kyng of Edom, thus sayeth thy brother Israel: Thou knowest all the trauayle that we haue had |
20:15 | Our fathers went downe into Egypt, & we haue dwelt in Egypt a long tyme: and the Egyptians vexed vs and our fathers |
20:16 | And when we cryed vnto the Lorde, he hearde our voyce, and sent an angell, and hath set vs vp out of Egypt: And beholde, we are in Cades, euen in the vttermost citie of thy border |
20:17 | Let vs passe I pray thee through thy countrey: but we wyll not go through the fieldes or vineyardes, neither wyll we drynke of the water of the fountaynes: we wyll go by the kynges hye way, and neither turne vnto the ryght hande nor to the left, vntyll we be past thy borders |
20:18 | And Edom aunswered hym: Thou shalt not go by me, lest I come out agaynst thee with the sworde |
20:19 | The children of Israel sayd vnto him, we wyll go by the beaten way: and if I and my cattell drynke of thy water, I wyll pay for it: I wyll but only (without any harme) go through on my feete |
20:20 | He aunswered: Thou shalt not go through. And Edom came out agaynst hym with much people, and with a mightie power |
20:21 | And thus Edom denied to geue Israel passage through his countrey: wherfore Israel turned away from hym |
20:22 | And the children of Israel departed from Cades, and came vnto mount Hor, with all the congregation |
20:23 | And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses and Aaron in mount Hor, harde by the coast of the lande of Edom, saying |
20:24 | Aaron shalbe gathered vnto his people: for he shall not come into the lande which I haue geuen vnto the children of Israel, because ye disobeyed my mouth at the water of strife |
20:25 | Take Aaron and Eleazar his sonne, and bryng them vp into mount Hor |
20:26 | And cause Aaron to put of his garmentes, and put them vpon Eleazar his sonne: and Aaron shalbe gathered vnto his people, and shall dye there |
20:27 | And Moyses dyd as the Lorde commaunded: and they went vp into mount Hor, in the sight of all the multitude |
20:28 | And Moyses toke of Aarons clothes, and put them vpon Eleazar his sonne, and Aaron dyed there in the toppe of the mount: And Moyses and Eleazar came downe out of the mount |
20:29 | When all ye multitude sawe that Aaron was dead, they mourned for Aaro thirtie dayes, all the housholde of Israel |

Bishops Bible 1568
The Bishops' Bible was produced under the authority of the established Church of England in 1568. It was substantially revised in 1572, and the 1602 edition was prescribed as the base text for the King James Bible completed in 1611. The thorough Calvinism of the Geneva Bible offended the Church of England, to which almost all of its bishops subscribed. They associated Calvinism with Presbyterianism, which sought to replace government of the church by bishops with government by lay elders. However, they were aware that the Great Bible of 1539 , which was the only version then legally authorized for use in Anglican worship, was severely deficient, in that much of the Old Testament and Apocrypha was translated from the Latin Vulgate, rather than from the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. In an attempt to replace the objectionable Geneva translation, they circulated one of their own, which became known as the Bishops' Bible.