
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


11:1A false balance is an abhomynation vnto the Lord, but a true weight pleaseth him.
11:2Wher pryde is, ther is shame also and confusion: but where as is lowlynes, there is wysdome.
11:3The innocente dealyng of the iust shal leade them, but the vnfaithfulnesse of the despisers shalbe their owne destruccion
11:4Riches helpe not in the day of vengeaunce, but rightuousnes deliuereth from death.
11:5The rightuousnes of the innocent ordereth his way, but the vngodly shall fall in his owne wyckednesse.
11:6The rightuousnes of the iuste shall delyuer them, but the despisers shalbe taken in their owne vngodlynesse.
11:7When an vngodlie man dieth, his hope is gone, the confydence of ryches shal perish
11:8The rightuous shalbe delyuered out of trouble, and the vngodly shal come in his steade.
11:9Thorow the mouth of the dyssembler is hys neyghboure destroyed, but thorowe knowledge shall the iust be deliuered.
11:10When it goeth well with the righteous, the cytye is mery: and when the vngodly perish, there is gladnesse.
11:11When the iust are in wealth, the citie prospereth: but when the vngodly haue the rule, it decayeth.
11:12A foole bringeth vp a sclaunder of his neyghbour, but a wyse man wil kepe it secrete.
11:13A dissembling person will discouer preuy thinges, but he that is of a faythful hert, wil kepe counsayl.
11:14Where no good counsail is there the people decaye: but where as many are that can geue counsayll, there is wealth.
11:15He that is suerty for a straunger, hurteth him self: but he that medleth not with suertiship, is sure.
11:16A gracious woman manteyneth honesty, as for the mighty, they manteyne ryches.
11:17He that hath a gentle liberall stomack is merciful: but who so hurteth hys neyghbour, is a tyraunt.
11:18The labour of the vngodly prospereth not, but he that soweth righteousnes, shal receyue a sure rewarde.
11:19Like as righteousnes bringeth lyfe: euen so to cleue vnto euel, bringeth death.
11:20The Lord abhorreth a fayned hert, but he hath pleasur in them that are vndefiled.
11:21It shal not helpe the wicked, though they laye all their handes together, but the sede of the righteous shalbe preserued.
11:22A fayre woman without discrete maners, is like a ringe of golde in a swynes snoute.
11:23The iust labour for peace and tranquyllite, but the vngodly for disquietnesse.
11:24Some man geueth out hys goodes, & is the rycher, but the nygard (hauyng ynough) will departe from nothynge, and yet is euer in pouerty.
11:25He that is liberal in geuyng, shal haue plentye: and he that watereth, shalbe watered also him self.
11:26Who so hoordeth vp hys corne, shalbe cursed amonge the people: but blessing shall light vppon hys head that selleth it.
11:27He that laboureth for honesty findeth hys desire: but who so seketh after mischiefe, shall happen vnto hym.
11:28He that trusteth in hys ryches shall haue a fall, but the righteous shall florish as the grene leaf.
11:29Who so maketh disquyetnes is his owne house, he shall haue wynde for hys heritage, and the foole shalbe seruant to the wyse.
11:30The frute of the righteous is as the tree of lyfe, a wyse man also wynneth mens soules.
11:31If the righteous be recompensed vppon earth, how much more then the vngodly and the sinner?
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.