
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


1:1The Prouerbes of Salomon the sonne of Dauid king of Israell:
1:2too lerne wisdome instruccion, vnderstanding prudence,
1:3righteousnesse, iudgement & equite.
1:4That the very babes might haue wit, and that yongmen might haue knowlege & vnderstanding.
1:5By hearing, the wyse man shall come by more wysedome: & by experience
1:6he shalbe more apte to vnderstande a parable, & the interpretacion therof, the wordes of the wise, & the darke speaches of the same.
1:7The feare of the Lord is the begynnynge of wysdome. But fooles despise wysdome & destruccion.
1:8My sonne, heare thy fathers doctryne, & forsake not the lawe of thy mother:
1:9for that shall bryng grace vnto thy head, & shall be a cheyne about thy necke.
1:10My sonne, consent not vnto sinners,
1:11if they entise the, & say: come with vs, let vs leye wayte for bloud, and lurke preuely for the innocent without a cause:
1:12let vs swalow them vp like the hel, let vs deuour them quicke & whole, as those that go doune into the pyt.
1:13So shal we finde al maner of costely riches, & fil our houses wt spoiles.
1:14Cast in thy lot among vs, we shall haue all one purse.
1:15My sonne, walke not thou with them, refrayn thy fote from their ways.
1:16For their fete runne to euel, & are hasty to shed bloud.
1:17But in vayn is the net laied forth before the byrdes eyes.
1:18Yea, they themselfes laye wayte one for anothers bloud, & one of them wolde sley another.
1:19These are the ways of all suche as be couetous, that one wolde rauish anothers life.
1:20Wisdome crieth without, & putteth forth her voyce in the stretes.
1:21She calleth before the congregacion in the open gates, & sheweth her wordes thorow the citie, saying:
1:22O ye chyldren, how longe will ye loue chyldyshnesse? how long wil the, scorners delite in scorning & the vnwise be enemies vnto knowlege?
1:23O turne you vnto my correccion: lo. I wil expres my mynde vnto you, & make you vnderstande my wordes.
1:24Seing then that I haue called & ye refused it: I haue stretched out my hand, & no man regarded it,
1:25but all my counsayls haue ye despysed, & set my corrections at naught.
1:26Therfore shall I also laugh in your destruccion, & mocke you, when the thyng that ye feare cometh vpon you:
1:27euen when the thing that ye be afrayed of, falleth in sodenly lyke a storme, & your miseri like a tempest: yea, when trouble & heuinesse commeth vpon you.
1:28Then shal they call vpon me, but I will not heare: they shal seke me early, but thei shal not find me:
1:29And that because thei hated knowlege, & receyued not the feare of the Lord,
1:30but abhorred my counsail, & despised my correction.
1:31Therfore shal they eate the frutes of their owne way, & be filled with their oune counsayls:
1:32for the turning away of the vnwyse shal sley them, & the prosperitie of foles shalbe their owne destruccion.
1:33But who so harkeneth vnto me shal dwel safely, and haue ynough without any feare of euell.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.