
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


10:1The Parables of Salomon. A wyse sonne maketh a glad father, but an vndiscrete sonne is the heuinesse of hys mother.
10:2Treasures that are wyckedlye gotten, profit nothing, but rightuousnesse deliuereth from death,
10:3The lorde wyll not let the soule of the ryghtuous suffer honger, but he putteth the vngodly from his desire.
10:4An ydle hand maketh pore, but a quicke laboryng hand maketh ryche.
10:5Who so gathereth in Sommer, is wyse: but he that is slougysh in haruest, bryngeth him selfe to confusyon.
10:6Louynge and fauourable is the face of the rightuous, but the forehead of the vngodly is past shame and presumptuous.
10:7The memoryall of the iust shall haue a good reporte but the name of the vngodly shal styncke.
10:8A wyse man wyll receyue warnyng, but a fole wyll soner be smytten in the face.
10:9He that leadeth an innocente lyfe, walketh surelye: but who so goeth a wrong way, shalbe knowne,
10:10He that wyncketh wyth hys eye, wyl do some harme: but he that hath a folysh mouth shalbe beaten.
10:11The mouth of a ryghtuos man is a wele of lyfe, but the mouth of the vngodly is past shame, and presumptuous.
10:12Euyll wyll stereth vp strife, but loue couereth the multytude of synnes.
10:13In the lyppes of hym that hath vnderstandynge a man shall fynde wysdome, but the rod belongeth to the backe of the folysh.
10:14Wyse men laie vp knowledge, but the mouth of the folysh is nye destruction.
10:15The rich mans goodes are his strong hold, but pouerte oppresseth the poore.
10:16The ryghtwyse laboureth to do good, but the vngodly vseth his encrease vnto sinne.
10:17To take hede vnto the chastenyng of nurtoure, is the way of lyfe: but he that refuseth to be refourmed, goeth wrong.
10:18Dissembling lippes kepe hatred secretly, and he that speaketh any sclander, is a foole.
10:19Where much babling is, ther must nedes be offence: he that refraineth his lippes is wisest of all.
10:20An innocent tong is a noble treasure, but the hert of the vngodly is nothynge worthe.
10:21The lyppes of the rightuous fed a whole multitude, but foles shal die in their owne folye.
10:22The blessing of the Lord maketh rich men, as for carefull trauayle, it doth nothynge therto.
10:23A fole doth wyckedly and maketh but a sport of it: neuerthelesse it is wysdome for a man to beware of suche.
10:24The thinge that the vngodly are afrayed of, shall come vpon them, but the rightuous shall haue their desyre.
10:25The vngodly is lyke a tempest that passeth ouer, and is no more sene but the rightuous remayneth sure for eue
10:26As vyneger is to the tethe, and as smoke is vnto the eyes, euen so sa slougysh person to them that send him forth.
10:27The feare of the Lorde maketh a long lyfe but the yeares of the vngodly shalbe shortened.
10:28The paciente abydynge of the rightuous shalbe turned to gladness, but the hope of the vngodli shal perish.
10:29The waye of the Lorde geueth a corage vnto the godly, but it is a fear for wicked doers
10:30The righteuous shall neuer be ouerthrowen but the vngodly shal remaine in the land.
10:31The mouth of the iust wilbe talkyng of wisdome, but the tonge of the frowarde shall perysh.
10:32The lyppes of the ryghtuous are occupied in acceptable thinges, but the mouth of the vngodly take them to the worst.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.