
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


24:1Be not thou gelous ouer wycked men, and desyre not thou to be among them.
24:2For their herte imagineth to do hurte, and their lippes talke of mischiefe.
24:3Thorow wysdome an house shalbe builded, & wt vnderstandyng shalbe set vp.
24:4Thorow discrecion shal the chambers he fylled wyth al costly & plesant ryches.
24:5A wise man is strong, yea a man of vnderstanding is better then he that is myghti of strength
24:6For wt discrecion must warres be taken in hand, & wher as are many thou can geue councell, there is the victorye.
24:7Wisdome is an hye thyng, yea euen to the foole for he dar not open his mouth in the gate.
24:8He that Imagyneth myschefe, maye welbe called an vngracious personne.
24:9The thoughte of the folysh is synne, & the scorneful is an abhominacion vnto men.
24:10If thou be ouersene & negligent in tyme of nede, then is thy strength but smale
24:11Delyuer them that go into death, and are led away to be slayne, & be not negligent therin.
24:12If thou wylt saye: I knewe not of it. Thinkest thou that he which made the herts, doth not consider it? & that he which regardeth thy soule, seyth it not? Shall not he recompence euerye man accordynge to his workes?
24:13My sonne, thou eatest hony & the swete hony combe. because it is good & swete in thy mouthe.
24:14Euen so shall the knowledge of wysedome be vnto thy soule, as soone as thou hast gotten it. And there is good hope, yea thy hope shall not be in vanyte.
24:15Laye no preuy waite wyckedly vpon the house of the rightuous, and disquiete not his resting place.
24:16For a iust man falleth seuen tymes, and riseth vp againe, but the vngodly fal into wickednes.
24:17Reioyce not thou at the fall of thyne enemye, and let not thyne herte be glad when he stombleth.
24:18Lest the Lord (when he seyth it) be angrie, & turne hys wrath from him vnto the.
24:19Let not thy wrath and gelosy moue the, to folowe the wycked and vngodlye.
24:20And why? the wycked hath nothyng to hope for, and the candle of the vngodly shal be put oute.
24:21My sonne, feare thou the Lord and the kyng, and kepe no company with the sclaunderous:
24:22for their destruccion shal come sodenly, and who knoweth the far of them both?
24:23These are also the sayenges of the wyse. it is not good, to haue respect ofe any person in iudgment.
24:24He that saieth to the vngodly: thou art rightuous, him shal the people curse yea the comenty shal abhorre hym.
24:25But they that rebuke the vngodly shalbe commended and a ryche blessynge shall come vpon them.
24:26He maketh him selfe to be well loued, that geueth a good answere.
24:27Fyrste make vp thy worke that is wythout, & loke wel vnto that which thou hast in the felde, & then buyld thyne house.
24:28Be no false witnesse against thy neighbour hurte hym not with thy lyppes.
24:29Saye not I wil handle him, euen as he hath delte wt me and wil reward euery man according to his dedes.
24:30I went by the felde of the slouthful, and by the vineiarde of the feld of the slouthful and by the vyneyeardes of the folish man.
24:31And lo, it was all couered wyth nettels, and stode ful of thistles. and the stone wall was broken doune.
24:32Thys I saw, and consydered it well I loked vpon it, and toke it for a warnyng.
24:33Yea slepe on styl a lytle, slomber a lytle, fold thyne handes together yet a lytle,
24:34so shal pouertye come vnto the as one that trauayleth by the way, and necessite like a weapened man.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.