
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


16:1A man may wel purpose a thinge in his herte, but the answere of the tong commeth of the Lord,
16:2A man thynketh al his waies to be cleane, but it is the Lord that fashyoneth the mindes
16:3Commit thy workes the Lord, and loke what thou deuisest, it shal prospere.
16:4The Lorde doth al thynges for hys owne sake, yea when he kepeth the vngodly for the day of wrath.
16:5The Lorde abhorreth all presumptuous & proude hertes, ther may neyther strength ner powere scape.
16:6With louyng mercye and fayethfulnesse synnes be forgeuen, and who so feareth the Lorde, he eschueth euell.
16:7When a mans ways please the Lord, he maketh his very enemies to be hys frendes.
16:8Better is it to haue a lyttle thinge with rightuousnes, then greate rentes wrngeously gotten.
16:9A man deuyseth awaye in his herte, but it is the Lorde that ordreth hys goynges.
16:10When the prophecye is in the lyppes of the kynge, hys mouth shal not go wronge in iudgment.
16:11A true measure and a true balaunce are the Lordes, he maketh all weightes.
16:12It is a great abhominatyon when kynges are wycked, for a kinges seat should be holden vp wyth ryghtuousnesse
16:13Ryghtuous lyppes are pleasaunte vnto kynges, and they loue hym that speaketh the trueth.
16:14The kynges dyspleasure is a messaunger of deathe, but a wyse man wyll pacyfye hym.
16:15The chearefull conntenaunce of the kynge is lyfe, and hys louynge fauoure is as the euenynge dewe.
16:16To haue wysdome in possesstion is better then gold, & to get vnderstanding is more worth then siluer.
16:17The path of the rightuous eschueth euel, & who so loketh wel to his waies, kepeth hys owne soule.
16:18Presumptuousnes goth before destruction, & after aproud stomake ther foloweth a fall.
16:19Better is it to be of humble mynde with the lowly, then to deuyde the spoyles wyth the proud.
16:20He that handleth a matter wisely, opteineth good: and blessed is he, that putteth his trust in the Lord
16:21Who so hath a wyse vnderstanding, is called to councel but he that canne speake faire getteth more riches.
16:22Vnderstanding is a wel of lyfe vnto him that hath it, as for the chastenyng of foles, it is but folishnesse.
16:23The hert of the wyse enfourm his moueth, and amendeth the doctryne in his lyps.
16:24Fayre wordes are an hony combe, a refreshynge of the mynde, and helth of the bones.
16:25Ther is away that men thinke to be right but the ende thereof leadeth vnto death.
16:26A troublous soule dysquyeteth her selfe, for her owne mouth hath brought her therto.
16:27An vngodly personne styreth vp euell, and in hys lipps he is as an whote burnyng fyre.
16:28A frowarde bodye causeth stryfe, and he that is a blabbe of his tonge, maketh deuisyon amonge princes.
16:29A wycked man begyleth hys neyghbour, and leadeth hym the waye that is not good.
16:30He that wyncketh wyth his eyes, ymagineth mischife: and he that byteth his lyppes wyll do some harme.
16:31Age is a crowne of worshippe, if it be founde in the waye of ryghtuousnes.
16:32A pacyente man is better then one stronge: and he that can rule him selfe, is more worth then he that winneth a city.
16:33The lotts are caste into the lappe, but there fal standeth in the Lorde.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.