Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
13:1 | And the lord spake vnto Moses saying: |
13:2 | Sanctifie vnto me all the fyrst borne that open al maner matrices amonge the chyldren of Israel as wel of men as of beestes: for they are myne. |
13:3 | And Moses sayd vnto the people: thyncke on thys day in whych ye came out of Egypt & out of the house of bondage: for wt a mighty hand the Lord brought you out from thence. Se therfore that ye eate no leuended bread. |
13:4 | This day come ye out of Egypt in the moneth of Abid. |
13:5 | When the Lord hath brought the into the lande of the Cananytes, Hethites, Amorites Heuytes & Iebusites, whiche he sware vnto thy fathers that he wolde geue the a lande where in mylcke & hony floweth, then se that thou kepe this seruice in thys same moneth. |
13:6 | Seuen dayes thou shalt eate swete brede: & the .vij. day shal be feastfull vnto the Lorde. |
13:7 | Therfore thou shalt eate swete bread seuen dayes, & se that there be no leuended bread sene nor yet leuen among you in al your quarters. |
13:8 | And thou shalt shewe thy sonne at the tyme saying: this is done, because of that whiche the Lord did vnto me when I came out of Egypt. |
13:9 | Therfore it shall be a sygne vnto the vpon thyne hande a remembraunce betwene thyne eyes, that the Lordes lawe maye be in thy mouth. For with a stronge hande the Lord brought the out of Egypt, |
13:10 | se thou kepe therfore this ordynaunce in his season from yere to yere. |
13:11 | Moreouer when the Lord hath broughte the in to the lande of the Cananytes, as he hath sworne vnto the & to thy fathers, & hath geuen it the, |
13:12 | then thou shalt apoynt vnto the Lorde all that openeth the matryce, all the fyrst borne amonge the bestes which thou hast yf they be males. |
13:13 | And al the fyrst borne of the asses, thou shalt redeme wt a shepe: yf thou redeme hym not, then breake his necke. But al the fyrstborne amonge thy chyldren shalt thou bye out. |
13:14 | And when thy sonne axeth the in tyme to come saying: what is this? thou shalt say vnto him: with a myghty hand the Lord brought vs out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. |
13:15 | And when Pharao was loth to let vs go, the Lord slewe all the fyrstborne in the lande of Egypte: as well the fyrst borne of men as of beastes. And therfore I sacrifice vnto the Lord al the males that open the matrice, but al the fyrst borne of my chyldren I must redeme. |
13:16 | And thys shalbe as a token in thyne hande, & as a thing hanged vp betwene thyne eyes: because the Lorde brought vs out of Egypte wyth a myghtye hande. |
13:17 | When Pharao had let the people go, God caried them not thorow the lande of the Philistines, though it were a nye waye. For God ayd: the people might happely repent when they se warre, & so turne agayne to Egypte: |
13:18 | therfore God led them aboute thorow the wildernesse that bordeth on the red sea. The children of Israel went harnessed out of the lande of Egypte. |
13:19 | And Moses toke the bones of Ioseph with him for he made the chyldren of Israel swere sayinge: God wyll surely vyset you, take my bones therfore awaye hence wt you. |
13:20 | And they toke their iourney from Sucoth: & pitched their tentes in Etham in the edge of the wyldernesse. |
13:21 | And the Lord went before them by daye in a pyler of a clowde to leade them the waye: and by nyghte in a pyler of fyre to geue them lyght: that they myght goo both by day and nyght. |
13:22 | And the pyler the cloude neuer departed by daye nor the pyler of fyre by nyght out of the peoples syght. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.