
Interlinear Textus Receptus Bibles shown verse by verse.

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Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537



2:1And there went a man of the house of Leui. And toke a daughter of Leuy.
2:2And the wyfe conceaued and bare a sonne. And when she saw that it was a propre chylde, she hydde hym three monethes longe.
2:3And when she could no longer hyde him she toke a basket of bulryshes, & dawbed it wyth slyme & pytch, & laied the child therin, & put it in the flagges by the ryuers brinke.
2:4And his sister stode a farre of, to wete what wold come out of it.
2:5And the daughter of Pharao came downe to the riuer to wash hir selfe & hir maidens walked a long by the riuers side. And when she saw the basket among the flagges, she sent one of hir maydes & caused it to be fet.
2:6And when she had opened it she sawe the chyld, & behold, the babe wept. And she had compassion on it: & sayed it is one of the Ebrues chyldren.
2:7Then sayd his sister vnto Pharaos daughter: shall I go and call vnto the a nurse of the Ebrues women, to nurse the child?
2:8And the mayd ranne & called the childs mother.
2:9Then Pharaos daughter saied vnto hyr take thys chylde awaye and nurse it for me, & I wil reward the for thy laboure. And the womanne toke the chylde, and nursed it vp.
2:10And when the chylde was growen, she broughte it vnto Pharaos daughter, and it was made hyr son, & she called it Moses, bicause (said she) I toke hym oute of the water.
2:11And it happened in those daies when Moses was waxte great, that he went out vnto hys brethren and loked on theyr burdens, & spyed an Egiptian smytynge one of his brethren an Ebrue.
2:12And he loked round aboute and when he sawe that there was no man by, he slewe the Egyptian and hyd him in the sond.
2:13And he went oute an other daye: & behold, two Hebrues strowe togyther. And he sayd vnto hym that did the wrong: wherfore smytest thou thyne neyghbour?
2:14And he answered: who hathe made the a ruler or a iudge ouer vs? intendest thou to kyll me, as thou kylledst the Egyptian? Then Moyses feared and sayed: of a suretye the thynge is knowen.
2:15And Pharao hearde of it and went about to slea Moyses: but he fled from Pharao and dwelte in the Lande of Madian, & he sate downe by a wells syde.
2:16The priest of Madian had .vij. doughters which came and drewe water and filled the troughes, for to water theyr fathers shepe.
2:17And the shepherdes came & droue them away: but Moyses stode vp & helped them, & watred their shepe.
2:18And when they came to Raguel their father he saied: howe happeneth it that ye are come so sone to daye?
2:19And they answered: there was an Egiptian that deliuered vs from the shepeherds, & so drew vs water, & watered the shepe.
2:20And he sayed vnto hys doughters: wher is he? why haue ye left the man? Go call him that he may eate breade.
2:21And Moyses was content to dwel with the manne. And he gaue Moyses Zelphora his daughter,
2:22which bare a sonne, & he called him Gerson: for he said: I haue bene a straunger in a straunge lande.
2:23And she bare yet an other sonne, whom he called Elieser, sayinge: the God of my father is myne helper, and hath ryd me out of the handes of Pharao. And it chaunced in processe of tyme, that the kynge of Egypt dyed, and the chyldren of Israel syghed by the reason of labour and cried.
2:24And their complaint came vp vnto God from the labour. And God remembred hys promise wyth Abraham, Isaac, & Iacob.
2:25And God loked vpon the children of Israel, and knewe them.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.