Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
35:1 | And Moses gathered al the company of the chyldren of Israell together, and sayd vnto them: these are the thynges whiche the Lord hath commaunded to do: |
35:2 | Syxe dayes ye shall worke, but the seuenth day shal be vnto you the holy Sabboth of the Lordes rest: so that whosoeuer doth any worke therin, shal dye. |
35:3 | Moreouer ye shal kyndle no fyre thorowe out all your habitacions vpon the Sabboth day. |
35:4 | And Moses spake vnto al the multytude of the chyldren of Israel sayinge this is the thynge which the Lord commaunded saying: |
35:5 | Geue from amonge you an heue offeynge, vnto the Lorde. Al that are wyllynge in their hartes, shall brynge heue offeynges vnto the Lord: gold, syluer, brasse, |
35:6 | Iacyncte, scarlet, purpull, bysse and gootes heare: |
35:7 | rams skinnes red and tarus skynnes and Sethim wood: |
35:8 | and oyle for lyghtes & spices for the anoyntynge oyle and for the swete cens: |
35:9 | And Onixstones and stones to be sett for the Ephod and for the brestlappe. |
35:10 | And let al them that are wyseherted among you, come and make all that the Lorde hath commaunded: |
35:11 | the habitacion & the tent therof with his couerynge and his rynges, bordes, barres, pyllers & sockettes: |
35:12 | the arke and the staues therof with the mercyseate & the vayle that couereth it: |
35:13 | the table & hys staues wyth all that pertayneth therto & the shewebred: |
35:14 | the candelstycke of lyghte wyth his apparel and his lampes and the oyle for the lyghtes: |
35:15 | the cens alter & hys staues, the anoyntynge oyle and the swete cens and the hangynge before the tabernacle dore: |
35:16 | the alter of burntsacryfices and his brasen gredyren that longeth therto wyth his staues & all hys ordinaunce and the lauer and his fote: |
35:17 | the hangynges of the courte with his pyllers & their sockettes, and the hangynge to the dore of the courte: |
35:18 | the pynnes of the habitacion and the pynnes of the courte with their boordes: |
35:19 | the mynystrynge garmentes to mynystre wyth in holynesse, and the holy vestymentes of Aaron the preast and the vestimentes of his sonnes to mynystre in. |
35:20 | And all the companye of the chyldren of Israel departed from the presence of Moses. |
35:21 | And they went (as many as their hartes coraged them & as many as their spirites made them wyllynge) and brought heue offringes vnto the Lorde, to the makyng of the tabernacle of wytnesse & for all hys vses & for the holy vestimentes. |
35:22 | And the men came with the wemen (euen as many as were wyllyng harted) and brought bracelettes, earynges, rynges & gyrdels & all maner Iewels of golde. And al the men that waued waue offrynges of golde vnto the Lorde |
35:23 | and euery man wyth whom was found iacincte, scarlet, purpull, bysse or gootes heare or red skynnes of rammes or taxus skynnes, brought it. |
35:24 | And all that haue vp golde or brasse, broughte an heueoffrynge vnto the Lord. And all men wt whom was found sethim wood mete for any maner worke or seruyce, brought it. |
35:25 | And al the wemen that were wyse herted to worke wt their handes, spanne, & brought the sponne worke, both of Iacyncte, scarlet, purpul and bysse. |
35:26 | And all the wemen that excelled in wysdome of herte, spanne the gotes hayre. |
35:27 | And the Lordes brought Onix stones and set stones for the Epod, and for the brest lappe, |
35:28 | and spyce & oyle: both for the lyghtes and for the anoyntynge oyle & for the swete cens. |
35:29 | And the chyldren of Israel brought willynge offrynges vnto the Lorde, both men & wemen: as many as their hartes made them wyllynge to brynge, for all maner workes whych the Lorde had commaunded to make by the hande of Moses. |
35:30 | And Moses sayd vnto the chyldren of Israel: behold the Lorde hath called by name Bezaleel the sonne of Dry the sonne of Hur of the tribe of Iuda, |
35:31 | and hath fylled him wyth the spirite of God wyth wysedome, vnderstandyng and knoweledge, euen in al maner worcke, |
35:32 | & to fynde oute curious worckes, to worcke in gold, siluer, and brasse: |
35:33 | and wyth grauynge of stones to sett, & with keruynge in wodd, and to worcke in al maner of sottle workes. |
35:34 | And he hath put in his hert the grace to teach: both him & Ahaliab the sonne of Ahisamach of the tribe of Dan |
35:35 | hathe he fylled with wisdome of hert, to worke al maner of grauen worke: they are also brotherers and worckers wyth nedle. And Iacyncte, scarlet, purple, and bysse, and are weauers that can make all maner worcke, and can deuise sottle worckes. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.