Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
16:1 | And they toke theyr iourney from Elim, & all the hole company of the chyldren of Israel came to the wyldernesse of Sin, which lyeth betwene Elim and Sinay: the .xv. day of the .ij. moneth after that they were come out of the lande of Egypte. |
16:2 | And the hole multitude of the chyldren of Israel murmured agaynst Moses & Aaron in the wyldernesse, |
16:3 | & sayd vnto them: wolde to God we had dyed by the hand of the Lorde in the lande of Egypte, when we sat by the fleshpottes, & eate bred our belyes ful, for ye haue brought vs out into this wyldernesse to kyl thys holy multitude for honger. |
16:4 | Than sayd the Lord vnto Moses: behold I wyl rayne bred from heauen doune to you, & let the people go out, & gather day by daye that I maye proue them whether they wyll walke in my lawe or no. |
16:5 | The .vi. day let them prepare that which they wyll brynge in, and let it be twyse as moche as they gather in dayly. |
16:6 | And Moses & Aaron sayd vnto al the chyldren of Israel: at euen ye shal know that it is the Lorde, whych broughte you oute of the lande of Egypte, |
16:7 | and in the mornyng ye shal se the glorye of the Lorde: because he hath hearde youre grudgynges agaynst the Lorde: for what are we that ye shuld murmure agaynst vs. |
16:8 | And moreouer spake Moses. At euen the Lord wil geue you flesh to eate, and in the mornynge bread ynough, because the Lord hath hearde youre murmure which ye murmur against him: for what are we? your murmuryng is not agaynst vs, but agaynst the Lorde. |
16:9 | And Moses spake vnto Aaron: Saye vnto al the company of the children of Israel, come forth before the Lord: for he hath hearde your grudgynges. |
16:10 | And as Aaron spake vnto the hole multitude of the chyldren of Israel, they loked toward the wyldernesse: & behold, the glorye of the Lord apeared in a clowde. |
16:11 | And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saying: |
16:12 | I haue heard the murmuring of the chyldren of Israel, tel them therfore & say that at euen they shall eate flesh, & in the mornyng they shall be fylled wyth bred, & ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde youre God. |
16:13 | And at euen the quayles came and couered the grounde where they laye. And in the mornyng the dewe lay round about the hoste. |
16:14 | And when the dewe was fallen: behold it laye vpon the grounde in the wyldernesse, small and round and thynne as the hore frost on the grounde. |
16:15 | When the children of Israel sawe it they sayde one to another: what is this? For they wyst not what it was. And Moses sayd: this is the bread which the Lord hath geuen you to eate. |
16:16 | Thys is the thyng whych the Lord hath commaunded, that ye gather euery man ynough for hym to eate: a gomer full for a man accordynge to the uombre of you, and gather euery man for them whyche are in hys tente. |
16:17 | And the children of Israel dyd euen so, and gathered some more some lesse, |
16:18 | & dyd mete it with a gomer. And vnto him that had gathered moche remayned no thynge ouer, & vnto hym that had gathered lytle was ther no lacke: but euery man had gathered sufficient for his eating. |
16:19 | And Moses sayde vnto them: Se that no man let oughte remayne of it tyl the mornyng. |
16:20 | Not withstandyng they harkened not vnto Moses: but some of them lefte of it vntyl the mornyng, & it waxte ful of wormes & stancke, & Moses was angry with them. |
16:21 | And they gathered it al morninges: euery man as moche as suffysed for his eating, for as soone as the hete of the sonne came it moulte. |
16:22 | And the .vi. daye they gathered twise so moch bred .ij. gomers for one man: & the ruelars of the multitude came & tolde Moses. |
16:23 | And he sayde vnto them: this is that whych the Lorde hath sayde: to morowe is the Saboth of the holy rest of the Lord: bake that which ye wyl bake & sethe that ye wyll sethe, & that whych remayneth laye vp for you, & kepe it tyl the mornynge. |
16:24 | And they layde it vp tyll the mornyng as Moses bade, and it stancke not, nether was there any wormes therin. |
16:25 | And Moses sayd: that eate thys daye: for to day it is the Lordes Saboth: to day ye shall fynde none in the feld. |
16:26 | Sixe dayes ye shal gather it, for the .vij. is the Saboth: there shalbe none therin. |
16:27 | Notwithstanding there went out of the people in the seuenth day for to gather: but they founde none. |
16:28 | Then the Lorde said vnto Moses: how long shall it be yer ye wyl kepe my commaundementes & lawes? |
16:29 | Se because the Lord hath geuen you a Saboth, therfore he geueth you the syxte daye bred for twoo dayes. Byde therfore euery man at home, & let no man go out of hys place the seuenth day. |
16:30 | And the people rested the seuenth daye. |
16:31 | And the housse of Israel called it Man. And it was lyke vnto Coriander seede, & whyte, & the taste of it was lyke vnto wafers made wyth hony. |
16:32 | And Moses sayde: thys is that which the Lord commaundeth: fyll a Gomor of it, that it may be kept for youre chyldren after you: that they may se the bred wherwyth he fedd you in wildernesse, when he had brought you out of the land of Egypt. |
16:33 | And Moses spake vnto Aaron: take a cruse & put a Gomer full of Man therin, and laye it vp before the Lorde to be kept for youre chyldren after you, |
16:34 | as the Lorde commaunded Moses. And Aaron layde it vp before the testymonye there to be kept. |
16:35 | And the chyldren of Israell ate man .xl. yere vntyll they came vnto a lande inhabited. And so they ate Man, euen vntyl they came vnto the borders of the lande of Canaan. |
16:36 | And a Gomor is the tenth parte of an Epha. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.