Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
5:1 | Then Moses & Aaron went & told Pharao, thus saieth the Lorde God of Israel. Let my people go, that they maye kepe holye day vnto me in the wildernes. |
5:2 | And Pharao answered: what felowe is the Lorde, that I should heare hys voyce for to let Israell go? |
5:3 | I knowe not the Lord, neyther wyll let Israell go. And they sayed: the God of the Hebrues hath mett wyth vs: lett vs go (we praye the) thre dayes iourney into the deserte, that we may sacrifice vnto the Lord our God: lest he smyte vs eyther with pestilence, or wyth sworde. |
5:4 | Then sayed the kynge of Egypte vnto them: wherefor do ye Moses and Aaron let the people from their worke, get you vnto your labour. |
5:5 | And Pharao sayd furthermore: behold, there is much peaple in the lande, and ye make them playe and let theyr worcke stand. |
5:6 | And Pharao commaunded the same day vnto the taskemasters ouer the people, & vnto the officers saying: |
5:7 | se that ye giue the people no more strawe to make brycke withall, as ye dyd in time passed: let them go and gather them strawe them selues, |
5:8 | and the numbre of brycke whyche they were wonte to make in tymes passed, laye vnto their charges also, & minish nothing therof. For they be idle and therfore cry saying: let vs goo and do sacrifyce vnto our God. |
5:9 | They muste haue more worcke layed vpon them, that they maye laboure therein, and then wyll they not turne them selues to false wordes. |
5:10 | Then wente the taskemasters of the people and the officers oute and told the people sayinge: Thus sayth Pharao: |
5:11 | I wyll gyue you no more strawe, but go your selues and gather you strawe wher you can fynd it, yet shall none of your labour be minished. |
5:12 | Then the people scatered abrode thoroweout all the land of Egypt for ta gather them stubble to be in stede of strawe. |
5:13 | And the taskemasters hasted them forwarde saying: fulfyl your worcke day by day, euen as when strawe was geuen you. |
5:14 | And the officers of the children of Israel whych Pharaos taskemasters had set ouer theym, were beaten. And it was sayd vnto them: wherfore haue you not fulfilled your taske in making brycke both yesterdaye and to daye, as well as in tymes past. |
5:15 | Then went the offycers of the chyldren of Israel & complayned vnto Pharao saynge: wherfore dealest thou thus with thy seruantes? |
5:16 | there is no strawe geuen vnto thy seruauntes, and yet they say vnto vs make bryke. And loo, thy seruauntes are beaten, and thy people is fowle intreated. |
5:17 | And he aunswered: idle are ye idle, and therefore ye say: let vs goo and do Sacrifice vnto the Lorde. |
5:18 | Go therefore and worcke, for there shall no strawe be geuen you, & yet se that ye delyuer the whole tale of brycke. |
5:19 | When the officers of the children of Israel sawe them selues in shrode case (in that he said ye shall minysh nothyng of your dayly makyng of brycke) |
5:20 | then they mette Moses and Aaron standinge in theyr way as they came out from Pharao, |
5:21 | and sayd vnto them. The Lorde loke vnto you and iudge, for ye haue made the fauour of vs stynke in the syght of Pharao, and of his seruauntes, and haue put a swerd into their handes to slea vs. |
5:22 | Moyses returned vnto the Lord & sayed: Lorde wherefore dealest thou cruellye wyth this people: and wherfore hast thou sent me? |
5:23 | For sence I came to Pharao to speke in thy name, he hath fared foule with thys folke, & yet thou hast not deliuered thy people at al. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.