
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


38:1And he made the burntoffryng alter of Sethim wood .v. cubytes long & .v. cubytes brode: euen .iiij. square, and .iij. cubytes hye.
38:2And he made hornes in the .iiij. corners of it procedyng out of it, and ouerlayde it wyth brasse.
38:3And he made al the vessels of the alter: the cauldrons, shouels, basyns, fleshokes & colepanues al of brasse.
38:4And he made a brasen gredyren of networke vnto the alter rounde about alowe beneth vnder the compasse of the alter: so that it reached vnto halfe the altare,
38:5& cast .iiij. rynges of brasse for the .iiij. endes of the gredyren to put staues in.
38:6And he made staues of sethym wodd & couered them with brasse,
38:7& put the staues in the rynges alonge by the alter side to bere it with al, and made the alter holowe with bordes.
38:8And he made the lauer of brasse & the fote of it also of brasse in the syghte of them that dyd watch before the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse.
38:9And he made the courte with hangynges of twyned bysse of an hundred cubytes long vpon the southsyde,
38:10& .xx. pillers with .xx. sockettes of brasse: but the knoppes of the pyllers & the whopes were syluer.
38:11And on the northsyde the hanginges were an hundred cubytes long wyth .xx. pyllers and .xx. sockettes of brasse, but the knoppes & the whopes of the pylers were of syluer.
38:12And on the west syde, were hangynges of .l. cubytes long, & .x. pyllers wyth their .x. sockettes, & the knopes & the whopes of the pillers were siluer.
38:13And on the east syde towarde the sonne risyng, were hangynges of .l. cubytes:
38:14the hangynges of the one syde of the gate were fiftene cubytes longe, and their pylers .iij. with their .iij. sockettes.
38:15And of the other side of the court gate were hangynges also of .xv. cubytes longe, and their pillers .iij. with .iii. sockettes.
38:16Now al the hangynges of the court round about, were of twyned bysse,
38:17& the sockettes of the pyllers were brasse: but the knoppes and the whoopes of the pyllers were syluer, and the herdes were ouerlayde with syluer, & all the pillers of the courte were whoped about wt syluer.
38:18And the hangynge of the gate of the courte was nedleworke, of iacyncte, scarlet, purple, & twyned bysse .xx. cubytes long and fyue in the bredth, accordyng to the hangynges of the court.
38:19And the pyllers were .iiij. wyth .iiij. sockettes of brasse, & the knoppes of syluer, & the heedes ouerlayde wyth siluer and whoped aboute with syluer,
38:20& al the pynnes of the tabernacle and of the courte rounde about were brasse.
38:21Thys is the summe of the habitacion of wytnesse, whych was counted at the commaundement of Moses: and was the offyce of the Leuytes by the hand of Ithamar sonne to Aaron the preast.
38:22And Bezaleel sonne of Vri sonne to Hur of the tribe of Iuda, made all that the Lord commaunded Moses,
38:23and wyth hym Ahaliab sonne of Ahisamach of the tribe of Dan, a connynge grauer and a worker of nedle worke in iacincte, scarlet, purple & bysse.
38:24All the golde that was occupyed vpon all the worke of the holy place (whiche was the golde of the waueofferynge) was .xxix. hundred weyght and seuen hundred and .xxx. sycles, accordynge to the holy sycle.
38:25And the summe of syluer that came of the multitude was .v. score hundred weyght & a thousande seuen hundred & .lxxv. sycles of the holy sycle.
38:26Euery man offrynge halfe a sycle after the weyght of the holy sycle among them that went to be nombred from .xx. yere olde & aboue, among .vi. hundred thousande and .iij. thousande and .v. hundred and .l. men.
38:27And the .v. score hundred weight of siluer went to the castynge of the sockettes of the sanctuary & the sockettes of the vayle: an hundred sockettes of the .v. score hundred weight an hundred weyght to euery sockette.
38:28And the thousande seuen hundred & .lxxv. sycles, made knoppes to the pyllers, & ouerlayd the heedes and whoped them.
38:29And the brasse of the waueofferyng was .lxx. hundred weyght and two thousand, and .iiij. hundred sicles.
38:30And therwith he made the sockettes to the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse, and the brasen altare, and the brasen gredyren that longeth therto, and all the vessels of the alter,
38:31and the sockettes of the courte round about, and the sockettes of the court gate, and all the pynnes of the habitacion, and all the pynnes of the courte round aboute.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.