
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


22:1If a man steale an oxe or shepe & kylle it or selle it, he shall restore .v. oxen for an oxe, & .iiij. shepe for a shepe.
22:2If a thefe be founde breakynge vp & be smytten that he dye, there shal no bloude be shed for hym:
22:3excepte the sunne be vp when he is founde, then there shalbe bloude shed for hym. A thefe shall make restitucion: If he haue not wherwith, he shalbe solde for hys thefte.
22:4If the theft be founde in his hande alyue (whether it be oxe, asse or shepe) he shall restore double.
22:5If a man do hurt felde or vyneyarde so that he put in his beast to fede in another mans felde: of the beste of hys owne felde, & of the best of his owne vyneyarde, shall he make restitucion.
22:6If fyre breake out & catch in the thornes, so that the stakes of corne or the standynge corne or felde be consumed therwith: he that kyndled the fyre shall make restitucion.
22:7If a man deliuer his neyghboure money or stuffe to kepe, & it be stolen out of his house: If the thefe be founde, he shal pay double.
22:8If the thefe be not founde, then the goodman of the house shalbe broughte vnto the goddes & swere, whether he haue put hys hande vnto hys neyghboures good.
22:9And in al maner of trespace, whether it be oxe, asse, shepe, raymente or any maner loste thyng whiche another chalengeth to be hys, the cause of bothe parties shall come before the goddes. And whom the goddes condemne: the same shall paye double vnto his neyghbour.
22:10If a man delyuer vnto his neighbour to kepe, asse, oxe, shepe or what so euer beaste it be and it dye or be hurte or dryuen awaie and no man se it;
22:11then shall an othe of the Lord goo betwene them, whether he haue put hys hand vnto his neyghbours good: & the owner of it shall take the othe, and the other shal not make it good:
22:12If it be stollen from him, then he shall make restitution vnto the owner:
22:13If it be torne with wylde beastes, then let hym brynge recorde of the terynge: & he shall not make it good.
22:14When a man boroweth ought of his neighbour if it be hurte or els dye, and if the owner thereof be not by, he shall make it good:
22:15If the owner thereof be by, he shall not make it good namelye if it be an hyred thyng and came for hyre.
22:16If a man begyle a mayde that is not betrouthed and lie with her, he shall endote her and take her to his wyfe:
22:17If hir father refuse to geue her vnto hym, he shall paye moneye accordynge to the dowrye of virgyns.
22:18Thou shalte not suffer a wytche to lyue.
22:19Whosoeuer lyeth with a beast, shalbe slayne for it.
22:20He that offereth vnto any goddes saue vnto the Lord only, let him die without redemption
22:21Vexe not a straunger nether opresse hym for ye were strangers in the land of Egipt
22:22Ye shal trouble no widdowe nor fatherlesse chylde:
22:23If ye shall trouble them: they shall crye vnto me, and I wyll surelye heare their crye
22:24and then wyl my wrath waxe hote and I wyl kil you with the sweard, and your wiues shalbe widdowes and your chyldren fatherlesse.
22:25If thou lende money to any of my people that is poore by the, thou shalte not be as an vsurer vnto him, nether shalt oppresse him wt vsurye.
22:26If thou take thy neyghboures rayment to pledge, that thou delyuer it vnto him agayne by that the sunne go downe.
22:27For that is hys couerlet onely: euen the raymente for his skynne wherein he slepeth: or els he wyll crye vnto me and I wyl heare him, for I am mercyfull.
22:28Thou shalt not rayle vpon the goddes, nether cursse the ruler of thy people.
22:29Thy frutyes (whether they be drye or moyste) se thou kepe not backe. Thy firste borne sonne thou shalte geue me:
22:30lykewyse shalte thou do of thyne oxen and of thy shepe Seuen dayes it shall be wyth the dame, and the .viij. daye thou shalte geue it me.
22:31Ye shall be holye people vnto me, and therefore shall ye eate no fleshe that is torne of beastes in the felde. But shall caste it to dogges.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.