Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
6:1 | After these thynges Iesus went his way ouer the sea of Galyle, nye to a cytye called Tyberias. |
6:2 | And a great multitude folowed hym, because they had sene his miracles which he did on them that were diseased. |
6:3 | And Iesus went vp into a mountayne, and there he sate with his disciples. |
6:4 | And easter a feast of the Iewes was nye. |
6:5 | Then Iesus lift vp his eyes, and sawe a company come vnto him, and sayd vnto Phylip: whence shalt we bye bread that these might eate? |
6:6 | This he sayde to proue hym, for he him selfe knewe what he would do. |
6:7 | Philip aunswered him, two hondred peny worth of bread are not sufficient for them, that euerye man haue a litel. |
6:8 | Then sayde vnto hym one of his disciples, Andrew Simon Peters brother. |
6:9 | Ther is a lad here, which hath fyue barly loues and two fyshes: but what is that among so many? |
6:10 | And Iesus sayde: make the people sytte downe. There was much grasse in the place. And the men sate doune, in numbre, about fyue thousande. |
6:11 | And Iesus toke the bread and gaue thankes, and gaue to the disciples, and his disciples to them that were set doune. And likewise of the fyshes as much as they would. |
6:12 | When they had eaten ynough, he said vnto his disciples: gather vp the broken meate that remayneth: that nothinge be lost: |
6:13 | And they gathered it together and fylled twelue baskettes with the broken meate, of the fyue barly loues and two fyshes which broken meate remained vnto them that had eaten. |
6:14 | Then the men when they had sene the miracle that Iesus did, saide: this is of a truthe the prophete that shoulde come into the worlde. |
6:15 | When Iesus perceiued that they woulde come, & take him vp to make him king, he departed againe into a mountaine him selfe alone. |
6:16 | And when euen was come his disciples went vnto the sea |
6:17 | and entred into a shyppe and went ouer the sea vnto Capernaum. And anone it was darke, and Iesus was not come to them. |
6:18 | And the sea arose wt a great winde that blewe. |
6:19 | And when they had rowen about a .xxv. or a .xxx. furlonges, they sawe Iesus walke on the sea, and drawe nye vnto the shippe and they were afrayed. |
6:20 | And he sayde to them. It is I: be not afrayed. |
6:21 | Then would they haue receyued him into the shyppe, and the shyppe was by and by at the lande whither they wente. |
6:22 | The daye folowinge, the people which stode on the other syde of the sea, sawe that ther was none other shyp ther saue that one wherinto his disciples were entred and that Iesus went not in with his discyples into the shyp but that his disciples were gone awaye alone. |
6:23 | How be it ther came other shyppes from Tiberias nye vnto the place wher they eate bread when the Lorde hath blessed. |
6:24 | Then when the people sawe that Iesus was not there neyther his disciples, they also toke shyppinge and came to Capernaum sekinge for Iesus. |
6:25 | And when they had found him on the other syde of the sea, they sayde vnto hym: Rabbi when camest thou hither? |
6:26 | Iesus aunswered them and sayde verelye, verelye I say vnto you ye seke me, not because ye sawe the miracles, but because ye eate of the loues, and were fylled. |
6:27 | Laboure not for the meate which perysheth, but for the meate that endureth vnto euerlasting lyfe, which meate the sonne of man shall geue vnto you. For hym hath God the father sealed. |
6:28 | Then sayde they vnto him: what shall we do that we might worke the workes of God? |
6:29 | Iesus aunswered and saide vnto them: This is the worke of God, that ye beleue on him: whom he hath sent. |
6:30 | They said vnto him: what sygne shewest thou them that we may se and beleue the? What doest thou worke? |
6:31 | Our father did eate manna in the desert as it is written. He gaue them bread from heauen to eate. |
6:32 | Iesus sayde vnto them: verelye, verelye I say vnto you: Moyses gaue you not breade from heauen: but my father geueth you the true breade from heauen. |
6:33 | For the bread of God is he which commeth doune from heauen, and geueth lyfe vnto the worlde. |
6:34 | Then sayde they vnto hym: Lord, euermore geue vs this breade. |
6:35 | And Iesus sayde vnto them: I am that breade of lyfe. He that commeth to me, shall not honger: and he that beleueth on me shall not thurste. |
6:36 | But I saye vnto you: that ye haue sene me, and yet beleue not. |
6:37 | All that the father geueth me shall come to me, and him that cometh to me, I cast not awaye. |
6:38 | For I came doune from heauen: not to do myne owne wyll, but his wyll which hath sent me. |
6:39 | And this is the fathers wyll which hath sent me, that of all whiche hath geuen me, I shoulde loose nothinge: but shoulde rayse it vp agayne at the laste daye. |
6:40 | And this is the wyll of him that sent me: that euerye man which seeth the sonne and beleueth on him haue euerlasting lyfe. And I wyll rayse him vp at the laste daye. |
6:41 | The Iewes then murmured at him, because he sayd: I am that bread which is come doune from heauen. |
6:42 | And they sayde: Is not this Iesus the sonne of Ioseph, whose father and mother we knowe? Howe is it then that he saieth: I came doune from heauen? |
6:43 | Iesus aunswered and saide vnto them. Murmure not amonge your selues. |
6:44 | No man can come to me: except the father which hath sent me drawe him. And I wyll rayse him vp at the laste day. |
6:45 | It is written in the prophetes: that they shalbe al taught of God. Euery man therfore thath hath heard and hath learned of the father commeth vnto me. |
6:46 | Not that anye man hath sene the father, saue which is of God, the same hath sene the father. |
6:47 | Verely, verelye, I say vnto you, he that beleueth on me, hath euerlasting lyfe |
6:48 | I am that bread of lyfe. |
6:49 | Youre fathers did eate Manna in the wyldernes and are dead. |
6:50 | This is that bread which commeth from heauen that he which eateth of it, shoulde also not dye. |
6:51 | I am that lyuinge bread: which came doune from heauen. If any man eate of this bread, he shall lyue for euer. And the bread that I wyll geue is my flesh, which I will geue for the life of the worlde. |
6:52 | And the Iewes stroue amonge them selues saiynge: How can this felowe geue vs his flesh to eate? |
6:53 | Then Iesus saide to them. Verely, verely, I say vnto you: excepte ye eate the fleshe of the sonne of man and drinke his bloude, ye shall not haue lyue in you. |
6:54 | Whosoeuer eateth my flesh, and drinketh my bloude, hath eternal lyfe: and I wyll rayse him vp at the laste day. |
6:55 | For my flesh is meate in dede, and my bloude is drinke in dede. |
6:56 | He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my bloude, dwelt in me and I in him. |
6:57 | As the liuinge father hath sent me, euen so lyue I by my father, and he that eateth me shall lyue by me. |
6:58 | This is the bread which came from heauen: not as your fathers haue eaten Manna and are dead. He that eateth of this breade, shall lyue euer. |
6:59 | These thinges sayed he in the synagoge as he taught in Capernaum. |
6:60 | Many therfore of his disciples, when they had hearde this, sayd this is anhearde saiynge: who can abide the hearinge of it? |
6:61 | Iesus knewe in him selfe, that his disciples murmured at it, and sayde vnto them: Doth this offende you? |
6:62 | What and if ye shall se the sonne of man ascende vp wher he was before? |
6:63 | It is the spirite that quickeneth, the flesh proffetteth nothing. The wordes that I speake vnto you, are spirite and lyfe. |
6:64 | But there are some of you that beleue not. For Iesus knewe from the beginninge, which they were that beleued not, and wo should betraye him. |
6:65 | And he sayde: therfore said I vnto you that no man cometh vnto me, except it were geuen vnto him of my father. |
6:66 | From that tyme manye of his discyples wente backe, and walked no more with him. |
6:67 | Then sayde Iesus to the twelue: will ye also go awaye? |
6:68 | Then Symon Peter aunswered: Maister to whom shall we go? Thou hast the wordes of eternall lyfe, |
6:69 | and we beleue and knowe thou arte Christe the sonne of the lyuinge God. |
6:70 | Iesus aunswered them: Haue not I chosen you twelue, and yet one of you is the deuyll? |
6:71 | He spake it of Iudas Iscarioth the sonne of Simon: For he it was that shoulde betraye him, and was one of the twelue. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.