Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
18:1 | When Iesus had spoken these wordes, he wente forth with his disciples ouer the broke Cedron, where was a garden into the whiche he entred with his discyples. |
18:2 | Iudas also which betrayed hym, knewe the place: for Iesus oftetymes resorted thither with hys disciples. |
18:3 | Iudas then after he had receyued a bande of men, and ministers of the hye priestes and Phariseis, came thyther wt lanternes and fyrebrandes, and weapens. |
18:4 | Then Iesus knowing all thynges that should come on hym, wente forth, and sayed vnto them: whom seke ye? |
18:5 | They aunswered hym: Iesus of Nazareth. Iesus sayed vnto them: I am he. Iudas also which betrayed hym, stode wt them. |
18:6 | But assone as he had sayd vnto them: I am he, they went backwardes, and fell to the grounde. |
18:7 | And he asked them agayne: whome seke ye? They aunswered: Iesus of Nazareth. |
18:8 | Iesus aunswered: I sayde vnto you: I am he. Yf ye seke me, let these go theyr waye. |
18:9 | That the saiynge myght be fulfylled which he spake: of them which thou gauest me, haue I not loste one. |
18:10 | Simon Peter hadde a swerde, & drue it, and smote the hye Pryestes seruaunte, and cut of hys ryght eare. The seruauntes name was Malchus. |
18:11 | Then sayed Iesus vnto Peter: put vp thy swerde into the sheath: shall I not drinke of the cup whiche my father hathe geuen me? |
18:12 | Then the company and the captaine and the ministers of the Iewes, toke Iesus & bounde hym, |
18:13 | and led hym awaye to Anna fyrste: For he was fatherinlawe vnto Cayphas, whiche was the hye prieste that same yeare. |
18:14 | Cayphas was he that gaue counsell to the Iewes, that it was expedient, that one man shoulde dye for the people. |
18:15 | And Simon Peter folowed Iesus, & another disciple: that disciple was knowne of the hye prieste, and went in with Iesus into the palayce of the hye prieste. |
18:16 | But Peter stode at the dore without. Then went oute that other disciple whiche was knowne vnto the hye prieste, and spake to the damsell that kepte the dore, & brought in Peter. |
18:17 | Then sayed the damsel that kepte the dore, vnto Peter: Arte not thou one of thys mans disciples? He sayed: I am not. |
18:18 | The seruauntes and the ministers stode there and had made a fyre of coles, for it was colde, and they warmed them selues. Peter also stode amonge them, and warmed hym selfe. |
18:19 | The hye Prieste axed Iesus of hys disciples and of hys doctryne. |
18:20 | Iesus aunswered him: I spake openly in the world. I euer taught in the synagoge, and in the temple whyther all the Iewes resorted, and in secrete haue I sayde nothynge. |
18:21 | Why axest thou me? Axe them whiche hearde me, what I sayde vnto them. Beholde, they can tell what I sayde. |
18:22 | When he had thus spoken, one of the ministers which stode by, smote Iesus on the face, saiyng: aunswerest thou the hye prieste so? |
18:23 | Iesus aunswered hym: Yf I haue euyll spoken, beare wytnes of the euyll, yf I haue well spoken, why smytest thou me? |
18:24 | And Annas sent him bounde vnto Cayphas the hye priest. |
18:25 | Symon Peter stode and warmed him self and they sayed vnto hym: arte not thou also one of hys discyples? He denyed it, and sayde: I am not. |
18:26 | One of the hye priestes seruauntes (hys cosin whose eare Peter smote of) sayde vnto him: dyd not I se the in the garden with him? |
18:27 | Peter denyed agayne, and immediatlye the cocke crewe. |
18:28 | Then led they Iesus from Cayphas into the hall of iudgement. It was in the morning and they themselues went not into the iudgement hall leaste they shoulde be defyled, but that they might eate the paschall lambe. |
18:29 | Pylate then wente oute vnto them, and sayde: what accusacion bringe ye agaynste this man? |
18:30 | They aunswered, and sayed vnto him. If he were not an euyli doer, we woulde not haue delyuered him vnto the. |
18:31 | Then sayed Pilate vnto them: take ye him, and iudge hym after your owne lawe. Then the Iewes sayed vnto hym: It is not laufull for vs to put any man to deat |
18:32 | That the wordes of Iesus might be fulfylled, whiche he spake, signifiynge what death he shoulde dye. |
18:33 | Then Pilate entred into the iudgemente hall agayne, and called Iesus, and sayd vnto hym: arte thou the kynge of the Iewes? |
18:34 | Iesus aunswered: saiyest thou that of thy self, or dyd other tell it the of me? |
18:35 | Pylate aunswered Am I a Iewe? Thyne owne nacyon and hye priestes haue delyuered the vnto me, What hast thou done? |
18:36 | Iesus aunswered my kingdome is not of thys worlde. If my kingdome were of thys worlde, then woulde my mynisters surely fyght, that I shoulde not be delyuered to the Iewes, but now is my kyngdom not from hence. |
18:37 | Pilate sayed to him: Arte thou a kynge then? Iesus aunswered: Thou sayest that I am a kynge. For thys cause was I borne, and for thys cause came I into the worlde, that I shoulde beare wytnes vnto the trueth. And al that are of the trueth heare my voyce. |
18:38 | Pylate sayde vnto hym: what thynge is trueth? And when he had sayd that, he wente oute agayne to the Iewes, and sayd vnto them: I fynd in him no cause at al. |
18:39 | Ye haue a custome that I shoulde deliuer you one lose at Easter. Wyll ye that I lose vnto you the kyng of the Iewes. |
18:40 | Then cryed they all agayne, sayinge: Not hym, but Barrabas, that Barrabas was a robber. |
Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.