Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
10:1 | Verelye verelye I saye vnto you: he that entreth not in by the dore, into the shepe folde: but climmeth vp some other waye, the same is a thefe and a robber. |
10:2 | He that goeth in by the dore, is the shepeherde of the shepe, |
10:3 | to him the porter openeth, and the shepe heare hys voyce, and he calleth hys owne shepe by name, and leadeth them oute. |
10:4 | And when he hath sente forth hys owne shepe, he goeth before them, and the shepe folowe hym, for they knowe hys voyce. |
10:5 | A straunger they wyll not folowe, but wyll flye from hym, for they know not the voyce of straungers. |
10:6 | Thys similitude spake Iesus vnto them: But they vnderstode not what thynges they were whiche he spake vnto them. |
10:7 | Then Iesus sayed vnto them agayne Verelye I saye vnto you: I am the dore of the shepe. |
10:8 | Al, euen as manye as came before me, are theues and robbers: but the shepe dyd not heare them. |
10:9 | I am the dore: by me yf any man enter in, he shalbe safe, and shall go in & oute, and fynde pasture. |
10:10 | The thefe cometh not, but for to steale, kyll, and destroye. I am come, that they might haue lyfe, and haue it more aboundauntlye. |
10:11 | I am the good shepeherde. The good shepe herde geueth hys lyfe for the shepe. |
10:12 | An hyred, seruaunte, which is not the shepeherde, neyther the shepe are hys own, seeth the wolfe commynge, and leaueth the shepe, and fleeth, and the wolfe catcheth them, & scatiereth the shepe. |
10:13 | The hyred seruaunte fleeth, because he is an hyred seruaunte, and careth not for the shepe. |
10:14 | I am that good shepeherde, and knowe myne and am knowen of myne. |
10:15 | As my father knoweth me, euen so knowe I my father. And I geue my lyfe for the shepe: |
10:16 | and other shepe I haue whiche are not of thys folde. Them also muste I brynge that they maye heare my voyce, and that there maye be one flocke, and one shepeherde. |
10:17 | Therfore doth my father loue me, because I put my lyfe from me, that I myght take it agayne. |
10:18 | Noman taketh it from me, but I put it awaye of my selfe. I haue power to put it from me, and haue power to take it agayne. Thys commaundemente haue I receyued of my father. |
10:19 | And there was a dissencyon agayne among the Iewes for these saiynges, |
10:20 | & many of them sayd: he hath the deuil, and is madde: why heare ye hym? |
10:21 | Other sayd: these are not the wordes of hym that hath the deuyll. Can the deuyll open the eyes of the blynde? |
10:22 | And it was at Hierusalem the feaste of the dedicacion of the temple, and it was wynter, |
10:23 | & Iesus walked in Solomons porche. |
10:24 | Then came the Iewes rounde about hym, & sayed vnto hym: Howe longe dost thou make vs doubte? Yf thou be Christe, tell vs playnely. |
10:25 | Iesus aunswered them: I tolde you, and ye beleue not. The workes that I do in my fathers name, then beare witnes of me. |
10:26 | But ye beleue not because ye are not of my shepe. As I said vnto you: |
10:27 | my shepe heare my voice, & I know them, and they folowe me, |
10:28 | and I geue vnto them eternall lyfe, and they shall neuer perish neyther shall any man plucke them out of my hande. |
10:29 | My father whiche gaue them me, is greater then all, and no man is able to take them out of my fathers hande. |
10:30 | And I and my father are one. |
10:31 | Then the Iewes agayne toke vp stones to stone hym with all. |
10:32 | Iesus aunswered them: manye good workes haue I shewed you from my father: for whiche of them wyll ye stone me? |
10:33 | The Iewes aunswered him, saiynge: For thy good workes sake we stone the not, but for thy blasphemye, and because that thou beynge a man, makest thy selfe God. |
10:34 | Iesus aunswered them: is it not wrytten in youre lawe. I saye: ye are Goddes? |
10:35 | Yf he called them Goddes vnto whom the worde of God was spoken (& the scripture can not be broken) |
10:36 | saye ye then to hym, whom the father hath sanctifyed, & sent into the worlde, thou blasphemest, because I sayed. I am the sonne of God? |
10:37 | yf I do not the workes of my father, beleue me not. |
10:38 | But yf I do: then thoughe ye beleue not me, yet beleue the workes, that ye maye knowe and beleue, that the father is in me, and I in hym. |
10:39 | Agayne they went about to take hym: but he escaped out of theyr handes, |
10:40 | and went awaye agayne beyonde Iordan, into the place where Iohn before had baptysed, and there abode. |
10:41 | And manye resorted vnto hym, & sayed: Iohn dyd no myracle, but all thynges that Iohn spake of thys man, are true. |
10:42 | And manye beleued on hym there. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.