
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


10:1it greueth my soule to lyue. Neuerthelesse, nowe wyll I put forth my wordes: I will speake out of the very heuinesse of my soule,
10:2and wyl saye vnto God: O do not condempne me, but shewe me the cause, wherfore thou iudgeste me on thys maner.
10:3Thynkeste thou it well done, to oppresse me, to caste me of (beinge a worke of thy handes) and to manteyne the councell of the vngodly?
10:4Hast thou fleshye eyes then, or doest thou loke as man loketh?
10:5Are thy dayes as the dayes of man, and thy yeares as mans yeares?
10:6that thou makest suche inquisicion for my wyckednesse, and searchest out my synne?
10:7where as (notwithstandynge) thou knowest that I am no wycked person, and that there is no man able to delyuer me out of thyne hande.
10:8Thy handes haue made me, and fashoned me altogether roundabout wilt thou then destroye my sodenlye?
10:9O remembre (I beseke the) how that thou madest me of the mould of the earth, and shalt bring me to earth agayne.
10:10Hast thou not milked me, as it were milck: and turned me to cruddes lyke chese?
10:11Thou hast couered me wyth skynne and fleshe, and ioyned me together wyth bones & synowes.
10:12Thou hast graunted me life, & done me good and the diligent hede that thou tokeste vpon me, hath preserued my sprite.
10:13Though thou hidest these thinges in thine hert, yet am I sure, that thou remembrest them all.
10:14Wherfore dydest thou kepe me, when I synned, and haste not clensed me from myne offence?
10:15Yf I do wickedlye, wo is me therfore: Yf I be righteous, yet darre I not lyfte vp my heade: so full am I of confusion, and se myne owne mysery.
10:16Thou huntest me out (being in heuynesse) as it were a Lyon, and troubleste me oute of measure.
10:17Thou bringeste fresh wytnesses against me, thy wrath increaseste thou vpon me, very many are the plages that I am in.
10:18Wherfore hast thou broughte me oute of my mothers wombe? O that I had peryshed, and that no eye had sene me.
10:19Yf they had caryed me to my graue, as sone as I was borne, then shoulde I be nowe, as though I had neuer bene.
10:20Shall not my shorte lyfe come sone to an ende? O holde the from, let me alone, that I maye ease my self a lytle
10:21afore I go thether, from whence I shall not turne agayne. Namely, to that lande of darcknesse & shadowe of death:
10:22ye into that darck clowdy lande & deadly shadow, where as is no ordre, but terrible feare as in the darcknesse.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.