
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


10:1It greueth my soule to lyue. I wyl make my complaynte, and wyll speake out of the very heuynesse of my soule.
10:2I wyll saye vnto God: O do not condempne me, but shewe me the cause, wherfore thou contendest so with me?
10:3Thinckest thou it well done, to oppresse me, to cast me of (beynge the worckes of thy handes) and to mainteyne the councel of the vngodly?
10:4Hast thou fleshy eyes: or doest thou loke as a man loketh?
10:5Or are thy dayes as the dayes of man, and thy yeares as mans yeares?
10:6that thou makest soch inquisicyon for my wickednes, & searchest out my synne?
10:7where as (not withstandinge) thou knowest that I am no wycked person, and that there is no man able to delyuer me out of thyne hande.
10:8Thy handes haue made me, and fasshioned me all together rounde aboute, wilt thou then destroye me sodenly?
10:9O remembre (I beseke the) how that thou madest me of the moulde of the erth, & shalt bringe me into dust agayne.
10:10Hast thou not turned me, as it were mylck, and turned me to cruddes lyke chese?
10:11Thou hast couered me with skynne and fleshe, and ioyned me together with bones and synnewes.
10:12Thou hast graunted my life, and done me good: and the diligent hede that thou tokest vpon me, hath preserued my sprete.
10:13Thou hast hyd these thynges in thyne hert. I am sure, that thou remembrest thys thynge.
10:14If I dyd synne, thou haddest an eye vnto me, and shalt not declare me innocent because of myne offence.
10:15Yf I haue done wickedly, wo is me therfore. Yf I haue done righteously, yet darre I not lift vp my hede: so full am I of confusion, and se myne awne misery.
10:16Thou huntest me out (being in heuynes) as it were a lyon, & troublest me out of measure.
10:17Thou bryngest fresh wytnesse agaynst me, and thy wrath increasest thou vpon me, very many are the plages that I am in.
10:18Wherfore hast thou brought me oute of my mothers wombe? O that I had perisshed, and that no eye had sene me.
10:19Yf they had caryed me to my graue assone as I was borne, then shuld I be now, as though I had neuer bene
10:20Are not my dayes feawe? Lett hym then leaue of fro me and let me alone, that I may ease my selfe a lytle
10:21afore I go thyther, from whence I shall not turne agayne: euen to the lande of darcknesse and shadowe of death:
10:22yee, into that darck clowdy land and deadly shadowe, where as is no ordre, but terrible feare as in the darcknesse.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."