
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


30:1Bvt now they that are myne inferiours and younger then I, haue me in derision: yea euen they, whose fathers I woulde haue thought scorne to haue set with the dogges of my cattell.
30:2The power and strength of their handes might do me no good, and as for their age, it is spent and past away: wythout any profit.
30:3For very misery & honger, they went about in the wildernesse lyke wretches and beggers,
30:4plucking vp herbes from amonge the busshes, and the Iunipers rote was their meat.
30:5And when they were dryuen forth, men cried after them, as it had bene after a thefe.
30:6Their dwellyng was besyde foule brokes, yea in the caues and dennes of the earth.
30:7Vpon the drye heeth wente they aboute crying, and in the brome hilles they gathered them together.
30:8They were the chyldren of fooles and vilaynes, which are deade away from the world.
30:9Now am I their songe and am become their yestinge stocke:
30:10they abhorre me, they fle far from me, and stayne my face with spetle.
30:11For the Lorde hath opened his quyuer, he had hyt me, and put a brydle in my mouthe.
30:12Vpon my ryght hand they rose together against me, they haue hurte my fete, made a waye to destroye me,
30:13and my path haue they cleane marred. It was so easy for them to do me harme, that they neded no man to helpe them.
30:14They fell vpon me, as it had bene the breakinge in of waters, and came in by heapes to destroy me.
30:15Fearfulnesse is turned against me. Myne honoure vanysheth awaye more swyftly then winde, & my prosperite departeth hence lyke as it were a cloude.
30:16Therfore is my minde poured full of heauynesse, & the dayes of trouble haue taken holde vpon me.
30:17My bones are pearsed thorow in the nyghte season, & my sinewes take no rest.
30:18Wyth all their power haue they chaunged my garment & gyrded me therwith, as it were wt a cote.
30:19I am euen as it were claie, & am become like asshes and dust.
30:20When I crye vnto the, thou doest not heare me: & though I stande before the, yet thou regardest me not.
30:21Thou art become mine enemy, & wyth thy violent hande thou takest part agaynst me.
30:22In tymes past thou didest set vp me on hie, as it were aboue the wynde, but now hast thou geuen me a very sore fall.
30:23Sure I am, that thou wilt delyuer me vnto death: where as a lodgynge is prepared for all men lyuinge.
30:24Now vse not men to do violence vnto them, that are destroyed all ready: but where hurte is done, there vse they to helpe.
30:25Dyd I not wype in the tyme of trouble? Had not my soule compassion vpon the poore?
30:26Yet neuerthelesse where as I loked for good, euyl happened vnto me: and where as I wayted for lyghte, there came darkenesse.
30:27My bowels seeth within me, and take no reste, for the dayes of my trouble are come vpon me.
30:28Mekely & lowly came I in yea and without any displeasure: I stode vp in the congregacion, and communed with them.
30:29But now, I am a companion of dragons, & a felowe of Estriches.
30:30My skinne vpon me is turned to blacke, and my bones are brent with heate,
30:31my harpe is turned to sorow and my pype to wepynge.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.