
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


36:1Eliu proceaded forth in his talking & sayde:
36:2Hold the styl a lytle, & I shal shew the, what I haue yet to speake on Godes behalfe.
36:3I wil open vnto the yet more of myne vnderstandynge, and proue my maker righteous.
36:4True are my wordes, & no lye: & the knowledge where with al I argue against the, is perfect.
36:5Behold, God casteth not away the myghtye, for he hym selfe is myghtye in power and wysdome.
36:6As for the vngodly, he preserueth them not, but helpeth the poore to their ryght.
36:7He turneth not his eyes awaye from the ryghteous, he setteth vp kynges in theyr trone, and confyrmeth them, so that they alway sit there in.
36:8But yf they be layed in preson & cheynes, or bounde with the bondes of pouertye:
36:9then sheweth he them theyr worckes & dedes & the synnes where with they haue vsed cruell vyolence.
36:10He wyth punyshynge and outtryng of them, roundeth them in the eares, warneth them to leaue of from theyr wyckednesse, and to amende.
36:11If tney nowe wyll take hede, and be obedyente, they shall were oute theyr dayes in prosperyte, and theyr yeares in pleasure & ioye.
36:12But yf they wyl not obeye, they shal go thorowe the swearde, and perysh or euer they be a warre.
36:13As for suche as be fayned, dissemblers and ypocrytes, they heape vp wrath for them selues: for they call not vpon him, though they be hys presoners.
36:14Thus theyr soule perysheth in folishnesse, and theyr lyfe wyth the condemned.
36:15The poore delyuereth he oute of hys straytnesse, and comforteth suche as be in necessyte and trouble.
36:16Euen so shall he kepe the (yf thou wylte be contente) from the bottomlesse pytte that is beneth: and yf thou wilt holde the quyete, he shall fyll thy table with plenteousnesse.
36:17Neuerthelesse thou haste condemned the iudgemente of the vngodly, yea euen suche a iudgement and sentence shalt thou suffre.
36:18For then shall not thy cause be stylled wyth crueltie, nor pacyfyed wyth manye gyftes.
36:19Hath God ordeyned then, that the gloryous lyfe of the, & all suche myghtye men shuld not be put doune?
36:20Prolonge not thou the tyme, tyl there come a nyght for the, to se other people in thy stead.
36:21But bewarre that thou turne not a syde to wyckednesse and synne, whiche hyther to thou hast chosen more then mekenesse.
36:22Behold God is of a myghtye hye power: Where is there soche a gyde and lawe geuer as he?
36:23Who wyll reproue hym of his waye? who will saye vnto him: thou hast done wronge?
36:24O consydre how greate and excellent his worckes be, whom all men loue and prayse:
36:25yee wondre at hym, and yet they se hym but a farre of.
36:26Beholde, so great is God, that he passeth oure knowledge, nether are we able to come to the experience of hys yeares.
36:27He turneth the water to small droppes, he dryueth hys cloudes
36:28to gether for to raygne, so that they poure downe and droppe vpon men.
36:29He can sprede out the cloudes (a couerynge of hys tabernacle)
36:30and cause hys lyght to shyne vpon them: and to couer the botome of the sea.
36:31By these thinges gouerneth he hys people, and geueth them aboundaunce of meate.
36:32In the turnynge of a hande he hydeth the lyght, & at hys commaundement it commeth agayne.
36:33The rysinge vp therof sheweth he to his frendes and to the cattell.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.