
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


15:1Then answered Eliphas the Themanite, and sayde:
15:2Shulde a wyse man answer as the scyence of the winde, and fyll hys bely wyth the wynde of the easte?
15:3Thou reprouest with wordes, that are nothinge worth: & speakest the thinges, whiche can do no good.
15:4As for shame, thou hast set it a syde, els woldest thou not make so many words before God:
15:5but thy wyckednesse teacheth thy mouth, and so thou hast chosen the a craftie tonge.
15:6Thyne owne mouth condemneth the, and not I: ye thyne owne lyppes shape the an answere.
15:7Art thou the first man, that euer was borne? Or, wast thou made befoore the hilles?
15:8hast thou hearde the secrete councel of God, that all wysdome is to lytle for the?
15:9What knowest thou, that we knowe not? What vnderstandest thou, but we can the same?
15:10Wyth vs are olde and aged men, ye suche as haue lyued longer then thy forfathers.
15:11Thynkest thou it a small thynge of the consolacions of God? and are they wyth the lyinge worde.
15:12Why doeth thyne herte make the so proude? Why standeste thou so greatly in thyne owne conceate? Where vnto loke thyne eyes,
15:13that thy mynde is so puft vp against God & lettest such wordes go out of thy mouth?
15:14What is man, that he shoulde be cleane? what hath he (whiche is borne of a woman) wherby he myght be knowne to be ryghtuous?
15:15Beholde there is no trust to hys sanctes: ye the very heauens are not cleane in hys syght.
15:16How much more then an abhominalbe and vyle man, which drincketh wickednesse lyke water?
15:17I will tell the, heare me: I wyll shewe the a thinge, that I know,
15:18which wyse men haue tolde, & hath not bene hyd from their fathers:
15:19vnto whom only the lande was geuen, that no straunger shoulde come amonge them.
15:20The vngodly despayreth all the dayes of his lyfe, & the nombre of a tyrauntes yeares is vnknowne.
15:21A fearfull sounde is euer in hys eares, and when it is peace: yet feareth he destruccion:
15:22He beleueth neuer to be delyuered out of darcknesse, the swearde is alwaye before his eyes.
15:23When he goeth forth to get his lyuing, he thincketh planely, that the daye of darcknesse is at hande.
15:24Sorowe and carefulnesse make hym afrayed, and compasse hym roundeaboute, lyke as it were a kynge with hys hoost redy to the battayl.
15:25For he hath stretched out hys hande agaynste God, and armed him selfe agaynst the Almyghtye.
15:26He rounneth proudly vpon him, and with a stiff necke fyghteth he agaynst him:
15:27where as he couereth his face wyth fatnesse, and maketh his body well lykynge.
15:28Therfore shall hys dwellynge be in desolate cytyes, and in houses which no man inhabiteth, but are become heapes of stones.
15:29He shal not be ryche, nether shall hys substaunce contynue, ner encrease vpon earth.
15:30He shall neuer come oute of darcknesse, the flame shall drye vp hys braunches, wyth the blast of the mouth of God shall he be taken awaye.
15:31He wyll nether applye hym selfe to faythfulnes ner trueth, so sore is he disceiued wyth vanyte.
15:32He shall perysh, afore his tyme be worne out, and his hand shal not be greene.
15:33He shall be pluckte of as an vntymely grape from the vyne, and shal let his floure fal, as the olyue doeth.
15:34For the congregacyon of ypocrites is vnfrutefull, and the fyre shall consume the houses of suche, as are gredy to receyue gyftes.
15:35He conceyueth trauayle, he beareth myschefe, and hys bodye bryngeth forth disceate.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.