
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


7:1Is not the lyfe of man vpon earth a verye batayl? Are not hys daies lyke the daies of an hired seruaunte?
7:2For lyke as a bonde seruaunt desyreth the shadowe, and as an hyrelynge woulde fayne haue an ende of hys worcke:
7:3Euen so haue I laboured whole monethes longe (but in vayne) and manye a carefull nyght haue I tolde.
7:4When I layed me downe to slepe, I sayde: O when shall I ryse? Agayne, I longed sore for the night. Thus am I full of sorowe, tyll it be darcke.
7:5My fleshe is clothed wyth wormes, fylthynesse and dust: my skynne is wythered, and crompled together:
7:6my dayes passe ouer more spedelye, then a weeuer can weeue out his webbe: and are gone, or I am a warre.
7:7O remembre, that my lyfe is but a wynde, and that myne eye shall nomore se the pleasures
7:8therof, ye & that none other mans eye shall se me eny more. For yf thou fasten thyne eyes vpon me, I come to naught lyke
7:9as a cloude is consumed & vanisshed a waye euen so he that goeth downe to hell, commeth nomore vp,
7:10ner turneth agayne into hys house, nether shall hys place knowe him eny more.
7:11Therfore I wyll not spare my mouth, but will speake in the trouble of my sprete, in the bytternesse of my mynde wyll I talke.
7:12Am I a see or a whalfysh, that thou kepest me so in preson?
7:13When I thynke: my bed shall comforte me. I shall haue some refresshynge by talckinge by my self vpon my couche:
7:14Then troublest thou me with dreames, and makest me so afrayed thorowe visions,
7:15that my soule wyssheth rather to be strangled, and my bones to be deed.
7:16I can se no remedy, I shall loue nomore: O spare me then, for my dayes are but vayne
7:17What is man, that thou hast hym in soch reputacyon, and settest somoch by hym?
7:18Thou takest diligent care for hym, & sodenly doest thou trye hym.
7:19Why goest thou not from me, ner lettest me alone, so longe tyll I swalowe doune my spetle?
7:20I haue offended, what shall I do vnto the, O thou preseruer of men? Why hast thou made me to stande in thy way, and am so heuy a burden vnto my selfe?
7:21Why doest thou not forgeue me my synne? Wherfore takeste thou not awaye my wyckednesse. Beholde, now must I slepe in the dust: & yf thou sekest me to morow in the morning, I shalbe gone.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.