
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


19:1Iob answered, and sayde:
19:2howe longe wil ye vexe my mynde, & trouble me wyth wordes?
19:3Lo, ten tymes haue ye reproued me: are ye not ashamed, for to laugh me so to scorne?
19:4yf I go wronge, I go wronge to my selfe.
19:5But yf ye will enhaunce your selues againste me, & accuse me to be a wicked persone, because of the shame that is come vpon me:
19:6knowe thys then, that it is God, whiche hath handled me so violently & hath compased me aboute with his scourges.
19:7Beholde, though I crye, yet violence is done vnto me, I can not be herde: Though I complane, there is none to geue sentence with me.
19:8He had hedged vp my payth, I can not get awaye, he hath set darckenesse in my gate.
19:9He hath spoyled my of myne honoure, and taken the croune awaye from my head.
19:10He hath destroyed my on euery syde, & I am vndone: My hope hath he taken awaye from me, as it were a tre plucte vp by the rote.
19:11Hys wrath is kyndled agaynste me, he taketh me, as though I were hys enemy.
19:12His men of warre came together, whyche made their waye ouer me, and beseged my dwellinge roundeaboute.
19:13He hath put my brethren farre awaye from me, and suche as were of myne acquauntaunce, are become straungers vnto me.
19:14Mine owne kynsfolkes haue forsaken me, and my frendes haue put me out of remembraunce.
19:15The seruauntes & maydens of myne owne house take me for a straunger, and I am be come as an aleaunt in theyr syght.
19:16When I call vpon my seruaunt, he geueth me no answere: no though I praye him wyth my mouth.
19:17Myne owne wyfe may not abide my breth, I am faynt to speake fayre vnto the childeen of myne owne body.
19:18Ye the very deserte fooles despyse me, and when I am gone from them, they speake euell vpon me.
19:19Al suche as were my most familiers, abhorre me: and they whom I loued best, are turned against me.
19:20My bone hangeth to my skynne, & my flesh is awaye, only there is left me the skynne aboute my teth.
19:21Haue pyte vpon me, haue pite vpon me (O ye my frendes) for the hande of the Lorde hath touched me.
19:22Why do ye persecute me as God, and are not satisfied of my fleshe?
19:23O that my wordes were written, O that they were put in a boke:
19:24woulde God they were grauen with an yron penne in leade or in stone.
19:25For I am sure, that my redemer liueth & that I shal ryse out of the earth in the latter day:
19:26that I shal be clothed againe wyth thys skynne, & se God in my fleshe.
19:27Ye I my selfe shal beholde hym, not wyth other but wyth these same eyes. My reynes are consumed within me,
19:28when ye saye: Why do not we persecute him? we haue founde an occasyon against hym.
19:29But beware of the swearde, for the swearde wylbe auenged of wickednesse, and be sure, that there is a iudgement.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.