
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


16:1And then the Lorde sayde vnto Samuel: How longe wilt thou mourne for Saul, seing I haue cast him away from raygning ouer Israel? fyll an horne with oyntment, and come: I wil sende the to Isay the Bethlehemite, for I haue spyed me a king amonge his sonnes.
16:2But Samuel answered: how shall I go? For Saul shall heare it and wyll kyll me. And the Lorde sayde: Take an heyfer with the, and saye thou goest to offer to the Lorde.
16:3And call Isai to the offerynge, and I wil shew the what thou shalt do. And thou shalt anoynt hym whom I saye vnto the.
16:4And Samuel dyd as the Lorde bad him. And when he came to Bethlehem, the elders of the towne were astonyed at hys coming, and sayde: Betokeneth thy comynge peace?
16:5and he sayde, ye, for I am come to offer vnto the Lorde. Clense your selues and come wyth me to the offerynge. And he puryfyed Isai and his sonnes, and bad them to the offerynge.
16:6And when they were come, he loked on Eliab and sayde: the Lordes anoynted is before hym.
16:7But the Lorde sayde vnto Samuel: loke not on his fashion nor on the height of hys stature, for I haue refused hym. Because it is not as man seyth. For man loketh on the outward apperaunce, but the Lorde beholdeth the harte.
16:8Then Isai called Abinadab and made hym come before Samuel. And he sayd: nether yet hath the Lord chosen thys.
16:9Then Isai made Samah come, and he sayde: nether yet hath the Lord chosen hym.
16:10Then made Isai seuen of hys sonnes come before Samuel. And Samuel sayd, the Lord hath chosen none of these.
16:11Then sayde Samuel to Isai: are here all thy chyldren, and he saide: the youngest is yet behynde: Beholde, he kepeth the shepe. Then Samuel sayd vnto Isai: sende and fet hym for we wyl not sytte doune, til he be come hyther.
16:12And he sent and brought hym in. And he was browne wyth goodly eyes, and welfauored in syght. And then the Lord said vp and anoynt hym: for this is he.
16:13And Samuel toke the horne with the oyntment and annoynted him in the presens of hys brethren. And the spryte of the Lord came vpon Dauid, from that daye forwarde. And Samuel rose vp and went to Ramath.
16:14But the spyryte of the Lord departed from Saul, and an euill spyryt sent of the lord vexed hym.
16:15Then sayde his seruauntes vnto hym. Beholde, an euyll spyryt sent of god vexeth the,
16:16let oure Lord therfore commaund hys seruauntes to seke a man that is a connynge player wyth an harpe. And then when the euyll sprete sent of God, cometh vpon the that he may plaie wyth hys hande, and thou shalt be eased.
16:17And Saul sayde vnto his seruauntes: seke me a man that can well playe, and brynge hym to me.
16:18Then answered one of hys seruauntes, and saide. Beholde, I haue sene a sonne of Isai the Bethlehemyte, that can playe vpon instrumentes, and is an actyue felowe and a man of warre and prudent and well made, and the Lorde is with hym,
16:19whervpon Saul sent messengers vnto Isai, and saide, sende me Dauid thy sonne which is with the shepe.
16:20And Isai toke an asse laden with bread, and a flacked of wyne, & a kidde and sent them by Dauyd hys sonne vnto Saul.
16:21And Dauid went to Saul, and came before hym, and he loued hym very well, so that he was made hys harnesbearer.
16:22And Saul sent to Isai saying, let Dauid remaine wyth me, for he hath founde fauour in my syght.
16:23And when the spyryte of God came vpon Saul, Dauid toke an harpe and plaied with hys hand, and so Saul was refresshed, and dyd amend and the euyll spyryt departed from hym.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.