Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
10:1 | And then Samuel toke a boxe of oyle, & poured it vpon his head & kissed him & sayd: the Lord hath annoynted the to be a captaine ouer his enheritaunce. |
10:2 | And now when thou art departed from me, thou shalte mete two men by Rahels sepulchre in the borders of Beniamin euen at Zalezah. And they wyl say vnto the: the asses which thou wenteste to seke, are founde se, thy father hath lefte the care of the asses, and soroweth for you saying what shal I do for my sonne? |
10:3 | Then thou shalt go forth from thence, & shalt come to the ocke of Thabor. And there shalt thou mete thre men goynge to God to Bethel: one cariyng thre kyddes: and another caryenge thre loues of bread: and the thyrd caryeng a botell of wine. |
10:4 | And they wyll salute the and geue the two loues of bread: which thou shalt receyue of theyr handes. |
10:5 | After that thou shalt come to the hyll of God, where the Philistines kepe theyr watche. And when thou art come thyther to that cytye, thou shalt mete a companye of Prophetes comyng doune from the hyll, with a psalter, a tymbrell, a pype, and an harp before them & they prophesying. |
10:6 | And the spyryte of the Lord wyll come vpon the, and thou shalt prophesye with them, and shalt be turned into another man. |
10:7 | And when these sygnes are chaunced the, then do what thou hast to do, for God is wyth the. |
10:8 | And thou shalt also go before me to Galgall. And beholde I wyl come vnto the, to sacrifye burnt sacrifice & peace offerynges. Tary for me seuen dayes, tyll I come to the, & shew the what thou shalt do. |
10:9 | And assone as he had turned his shoulder to go from Samuel, god gaue hym another maner of herte, and all those tokens came to passe that same day. |
10:10 | When thei came to the hyll, beholde, the company of prophetes met him, & the sprite of God came vpon him, & he prophesyed among them. |
10:11 | And all that knewe him before when they sawe that he prophesied among the Prophetes, they sayd eche to other: what is happened vnto the sonne of Cis? Is Saule also among the Prophetes? |
10:12 | And one of the same place answered & sayde? who is theyr father? And thereof sprang a prouerbe: what is Saul also amonge the Prophetes: |
10:13 | And when he had made an end of prophesieng, he came to the hyll. |
10:14 | Saules fathers brother sayde vnto him & his lad: whether wente ye? And he answered: to seke the asses, & when we saw that they were no where, we went to Samuel. |
10:15 | Then sayd Sauls vncle: tel me what Samuel sayde vnto you? |
10:16 | And Saul answered his vncle: he tolde vs that the asses were found. But of the kyngdome wherof Samuel spake, tolde he hym not. |
10:17 | After that Samuel called the people together vnto the Lorde to Mazphah |
10:18 | & sayde vnto the chyldren of Israel: thus saith the Lord God of Israel, I brought you out of Egypt, & deliuered you out of the hand of the Egipcians, & out of the handes of al kingedomes that oppressed you. |
10:19 | And ye haue this day cast awaye youre God that holpe you oute of al youre aduersities & trybulacyons. And ye haue sayde vnto him, make a kyng ouer vs. Now therfore stande before the Lord by your trybes & youre thousandes. |
10:20 | And when Samuel had brought al the trybes of Israel the trybe of Beniamin was caught. |
10:21 | When he had broughte the trybe of Beniamin by theyr kinredes the kynrede of Metri was caught, and Saul the sonne of Cys was caughte. And they sought him: but he coulde not be founde. |
10:22 | Then they asked the Lorde further: whither the man shuld come thyther. And the Lorde aunswered: beholde he hath hydde hym selfe among the stuffe. |
10:23 | And they ran, and fet hym thence. And when he stode among the people, he was hyer then anye of the people, from the shoulders vpwarde. |
10:24 | And Samuel sayde to al the people there se ye whom the Lord hath chosen & how there is none lyke hym amonge all the companye. And al the people shouted and sayd: God lend the Kyng lyfe. |
10:25 | Then Samuel tolde the people the dutye of the kyngedome, & wrote it in a boke, and layde it vp before the Lorde, & so sente all the people awaye, euery man to hys house. |
10:26 | And Saule also went home to Gabaah. And there went wt hym an hoste, suche as God had touched theyr hartes. |
10:27 | But the children of vnthryftynesse sayde: how shall he saue vs? and despysed him & brought hym not presentes. And he made as though he had not hearde it. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.