Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
3:1 | And the child Samuel ministred vnto the Lord Eli: & the word of the Lorde was precious in those dayes, for there was none open vision. |
3:2 | And it chaunsed at that tyme, that Eli laye in his place, & his eyes began to waxe dimme, that he could not se. |
3:3 | And yer the lamp of God went out. Samuel layd him doune to slepe, in the temple of the Lord, where the arcke of God was. |
3:4 | And the Lorde called Samuel: & he sayd: here am I, |
3:5 | & he ran vnto Eli, & said: here am I, for thou calledest me. And he sayde I called the not: go agayne, & slepe. And he went and layde hym doune to slepe. |
3:6 | And the Lord called once againe: Samuel, and Samuel arose & went to Eli, and sayd: I am here, thou dyddest call me. And he aunswered: I called the not my sonne. Go agayne & take thy rest: |
3:7 | but it was yer Samuel knewe the Lord, & yer the worde of the Lorde was opened vnto hym. |
3:8 | And the Lorde wente to & called Samuel the thyrde tyme. And he arose and wente to Eli, and sayde: I am here: for thou hast called me. Then Eli perceyued that the Lord had called the ladde. |
3:9 | And said vnto him: go & lye doune: & yf he call the agayne, then say: speake on Lord, for thy seruaunt heareth. And Samuel went & layed him doune in hys place. |
3:10 | And the Lord came & stode & called as before, Samuel, Samuel. And Samuel said speake on, for thy seruaunt heareth the. |
3:11 | And the Lord said to Samuel: beholde I wyl do a thing in Israel, that the eares of as many as heareth it, shall tingle. |
3:12 | In that day I wyll performe to Eli, al that I haue spoken concernyng hys house: I wil begynne it & ende it. |
3:13 | For I haue tolde him that I wyl iudge his house for euer. For the wyckednesse which he knoweth, how hys sonnes are vngracyouse, and he was not wroth therewyth. |
3:14 | And therfor I haue sworne vnto the house of Eli, that the wickednesse of Elies house, shal not be purged with sacrifice nor offeryng, whyle the world standeth. |
3:15 | And Samuell lay tyll the mornyng, & then opened the dores of the house of the Lorde. But Samuel feared, to shewe Eli the vysion. |
3:16 | Then Eli called Samuel and sayd: Samuel my sonne. And he aunswered here I am. |
3:17 | And he saide: what is that he sayde vnto the? Se thou hyde it not from me. The Lord do so & so to the, yf thou hyde any thyng from me, of all that he said vnto the. |
3:18 | And Samuell tolde him euery whit, & hyd it not from him. And he answered: it is the Lord, let him do what semeth him best. |
3:19 | And Samuel grewe, and the Lorde was with hym, and left none of hys wordes vnparformed. |
3:20 | And all Israel from Dan to Bersabe wist that Samuel was trulye made the Lordes Prophete. |
3:21 | And the Lorde apeared agayne in Siloh: for the Lorde opened hym selfe to Samuel in Siloh, thorow the worde of the Lorde. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.