Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
1:1 | There was a man of Ramathaim Zophim, of mount Ephraim named Elkanah, the sonne of Ieroham, the sonne of Elihu, the sonne of Thohu, the sonne of zuph an Ephratite: |
1:2 | which had two wiues, the one called Hannah, & the other Phenennah. And Phenennah had children but Hannah had none. |
1:3 | And the sayde man went out of his citie euery festful day, to praye & to offer vnto the Lord of hostes: where the two sonnes of Eli (Hophni and Phinehes) were the Lordes priestes. |
1:4 | And it fel on a day as Elkanah had offered that he gaue to Phenennah his wife & to al her sonnes & doughters porcions. |
1:5 | But vnto Hannah he gaue a porcion with a heuye chere, for he loued her, neuerthelesse the Lorde had made her barren. |
1:6 | And therto her enemye Phenennah vexed her a good in castinge her in the thete, howe the Lorde had made her barren. |
1:7 | And so did she yere by yere as oft as she went vp to the house of the Lord. And so chafed her, wherfore Hannah wepte and ate not. |
1:8 | Then sayde Elkanah her husband to her: Hannah why wypeste thou? And why eatest thou not? & why is thyne herte so troubled? am not I better to the, then ten sonnes? |
1:9 | Then Hannah rose vp after that they had eaten and droncke in Siloh. And Eli the prieste sate vpon a stole by one of the syde postes of the temple of the Lord. |
1:10 | And she was troubled in her spretes, and prayed vnto the Lorde, and wepte sore, |
1:11 | and vowed a vowe and said: Lord of hostes, yf thou wylt loke on the wretchednesse of thyne handmayde, and shalt remembre me, and not forget thyne handmayde, & shalte geue vnto thyne handmayde a manchylde I wyll geue him vnto the Lord, all the dayes of hys lyfe, & there shal neyther raser or sheres come vpon hys heade. |
1:12 | And as she continued prayinge before the Lorde, Eli marked her mouth. |
1:13 | For Hannah she spake in her hert, and her lippes dyd but moue onely, but her voyce was not heard. And therfore Eli toke her for droncken |
1:14 | & sayd vnto her: how long wilt thou be droncken? put away from the, the wine that thou hast |
1:15 | Hannah answered & sayd: not so my Lorde, I am a woman sorowfull in myne hert, & haue droncke nether wyne nor any stronge drinck, but I haue poured out my soule before the Lorde. |
1:16 | Counte not thyne handemayde to be lyke a doughter of vnthriftynes: for out of the aboundaunce of my meditacyon, and greafe haue I spoken hytherto. |
1:17 | Eli aunswered and sayde: Go in peace the God of Israel shall graunt the thy petycyon that thou haste asked of hym. |
1:18 | Then she sayd: let thyne handmayde fynd grace in thy sight. And so the woman wente her waye, and dyd eate, and loked no more so sadde. |
1:19 | And they rose vp erlye, and bowed them selues before the Lorde, & then returned & went to theyr house to Ramath. And Elkenah laye by hys wyfe Hannah, and the Lorde remembred her. |
1:20 | And in processe of tyme she couceyued and bare a sonne, & called hys name Samuel: because she had asked hym of the Lord. |
1:21 | And Elkanah and all hys house went vp to offer vnto the Lorde, bothe the offerynges due for the feaste and also his vowes: |
1:22 | but Hannah went not vp for she sayde vnto her husbande: I wyl tarye vntyll the ladde be wened, & then I wil bring hym, that he maye apeare before the Lorde, & there abide for euer. |
1:23 | And Elkanah her husband sayde to her: do what semith the best: tary vntyll thou hast wened hym, onelye the Lorde make good his saying. And so the woman abode, and gaue her sonne sucke, vntyll she wened hym. |
1:24 | And then she toke hym wyth her, when she had wened hym, with thre bullockes & an Epha of floure, & a bottel of wyne, & brought him vnto the house of the Lorde in Siloh how be it the chylde was yet young. |
1:25 | And they slew the bullockes, & brought in the ladde to Eli, |
1:26 | & then she sayde: Oh my Lorde: as truly as thy soule lyueth my Lorde: I am the woman that stode by the here, praying vnto the Lorde, |
1:27 | and for thys ladde I praied, & the Lorde hath geuen me my desyre which I asked of him: |
1:28 | & therfor I also lend him the Lord, as long as he may be lent the Lorde. And so they prayed there vnto the Lord. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.