
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


13:1Saul was as a chyld of a yeare old, when he began to raigne. And when he had raygned .ij. yeares ouer Israel,
13:2he chose him thre thousand men out of Israel. Two thousand were wyth Saul in Machmas & mount Bethel, & a thousande wyth Ionathas in Gabaah Beniamin. And the rest of the people he sent, euery man to hys owne house.
13:3And Ionathas slue the Philistines in an holde they had in Gabaah, & it came to the Philistines eares. And Saul caused the trompet to be blowen thorow out all the lande, saying: let the Ebrewes heare.
13:4And all Israel hearde say, how that Saul had destroyed an holde of the Philistines, and howe that Israel stancke vnto the Philistines. And all the people cryed after Saule to Galgal.
13:5Then the Philistines gathered them selues together to fyghte wyth Israel, thyrtie thousand charettes and sixe thousande horse men with the other people lyke the sande by the sea side is in multitude and came vp & pytched in Machmas eastward from Bethauen.
13:6And when the men of Israel sawe them selues in a strayte, and that the people were accombred, they hyd themselues in caues, in preuy holes, in rockes dennes & pyttes.
13:7And the Ebrues wente ouer Iordan vnto the land of Gad & Galaad. But Saul was yet in Galgal, and al the people that folowed hym, were astonyed.
13:8And he taryed seuen dayes, as Samuel had appoynted. But Samuell came not to Galgal, & the people scatered from hym.
13:9Wherfore Saule sayde: bryng burnt sacryfyce to me & peace offerynges. And he offered burnt sacrifice.
13:10And as sone as he had made an ende of offeryng burnte offerynges, behold, Samuel came. And Saul went agaynste him to salute him.
13:11Then sayde Samuel to Saul: what hast thou done? And Saule sayd: because I saw that the people skatered from me, & that thou camest not within the dayes apoynted & that the Philistines gathered them selues together to Machmas:
13:12then sayd I: the Philistines shall come doune vpon me to Galgal, yer I haue made supplicacyon vnto the Lorde. And therfore I toke a courage wyth me, and offered burnt offerynges.
13:13Then sayde Samuel to Saul, thou hast done folyshly & hast not kept the commaundement of the Lorde thy God whiche he commaunded the. For at thys tyme wolde the Lord haue stablished thy kyngdom vpon Israel for euer.
13:14But nowe thy kyngedome shall not continue. The Lord hath sought him a man after his own hert, & hath commaunded hym to be a captayne ouer hys people: because thou hast not kepte that which the Lorde commaunded the.
13:15And Samuel arose, & gat him from Galgal to Gabaah Beniamin. And Saul nombred the people that were found with hym, aboute a syxe hundred men.
13:16And Saul & Ionathas his sonne & the people that were founde with them, had theyr abydyng in Gabaah Beniamin. But the Philistines had pytched in Machmas.
13:17And ther came out of the host of the Philistines thre companyes to destroye: one companye turned vnto the waye that leadeth to Ephrah vnto the land of Sual.
13:18And another companye turned the way to Bethoron. And the thyrd company turned to the waye of the cost that turneth to the valeye of Zeboim toward the wildernesse.
13:19But there was no smyth thorowout al the lande of Israel. For the Philistines thought that then the Ebrues myght make them swerdes or speres.
13:20And therfor must al Israel go doune to the Philistines, to mende euery man his share, hys mattok, his axe, or hys cyckle:
13:21as ofte as the edges of the cyckles mattockes, doung forckes, & axes were blunte, and also to mende theyr goodes.
13:22And so in tyme of battell there was nether swerde nor spere founde in the handes of any of the people that were wyth Saule & Ionathas: saue for Saule and Ionathas hys sonne was there som what founde.
13:23And the Garison of the Philistines came oute, & stode on the other syde before Machmas.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.